Research into Financial System Transformation (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Code of subject: 7.072.00.O.005
Credits: 3.00
Department: Finance
Lecturer: Prof. Ihor V. Alieksieiev, PhD. Oksana M. Urikova , PhD. Andriana V. Mazur
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of writing the course project is to study relations in the financial system in various branches of the economy of Ukraine.
Завдання: The tasks according to the content of the studied phenomena are to investigate transformational processes in the relevant industry or business entity, to give their assessment, to develop own recommendations for the further implementation of innovations in the researched field and to propose measures for their implementation. Writing a course project involves the formation of competencies in students: general: - ZK1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis. - ZK3. Ability to conduct research at an appropriate level, formulate new hypotheses and scientific problems in the field of finance, banking and insurance. - ZK6. Interpersonal skills. - ZK7. Ability to motivate people and move towards a common goal. - ZK9. The ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives). Professional (special): - SK4. The ability to evaluate the effectiveness of scientific, analytical and methodical tools for justifying management decisions in the field of finance, banking and insurance. - SK5. The ability to assess the limits of one's own professional competence and improve professional qualifications. - SK8. Ability to apply innovative approaches in the field of finance, banking and insurance. - SK9. Ability to develop technical tasks for the design of information systems in the field of finance, banking and insurance. - SK10. Ability to analyze financial and tax policy at the micro- and macro-level and justify directions for their improvement. Professional (professional direction): - SKS-1-2. Ability to apply mechanisms of anti-crisis financial management of corporations.
Learning outcomes: As a result of writing the course project, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: - PR01. To use the fundamental laws of the development of finance, banking and insurance in combination with research and management tools to carry out professional and scientific activities. - PR02. To know at the level of the latest achievements the main concepts and methodologies of scientific knowledge in the field of finance, banking and insurance. - PR06. It is accessible and reasoned to present the results of research orally and in writing, to participate in professional discussions. - PR08. Be able to apply and manage innovative approaches in the field of finance, banking and insurance. - PR10. Carry out diagnostics and modeling of financial activities of economic entities. - PR11. Apply in-depth knowledge in the field of financial, banking and insurance management for decision-making. - PR12. To substantiate the choice of options for management decisions in the field of finance, banking and insurance and to evaluate their effectiveness taking into account the goals, existing restrictions, legislative and ethical aspects. - PR13. Assess the degree of complexity of tasks when planning activities and processing their results. - PR15. To justify directions for improving the financial and tax policy of the state, financial and non-financial corporations. - PR17. Use tools and technologies of modern management in the management of financial and non-financial institutions (financial controlling, budgeting, tax monitoring, rehabilitation, optimization of business processes). - PR19. Use the information systems of state financial bodies and corporate information systems, electronic systems for transferring bank information, interbank and other information systems. As a result of writing the course project, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: skill: - UM1. Solving complex, unpredictable tasks and problems in specialized areas of professional activity and/or training, which involves the collection and interpretation of information (data), the selection of methods and tools, and the use of innovative approaches. Autonomy and responsibility: - AB1. Management of complex actions or projects, responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable conditions. - AB2. Responsibility for the professional development of individuals and/or groups of individuals.
Required prior and related subjects: Financial innovations. financial management, research methodology in finance, insurance management, tax management
Summary of the subject: The process of writing the course project involves the study of the concepts of "transformation" and "financial system", the study of transformations of the state budget and social insurance funds in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, the identification of changes in the tax system of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, the study of trends in the interaction of the state pension fund with non-state pension funds funds of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, research on the composition and financial condition of insurance companies of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, as well as research on transformations of the institutional structure of the banking system.
Опис: The topics of course projects are determined by individual tasks issued by the department (the teacher who manages the course design). The list of topics of course projects is open and can be supplemented at the request of the student of higher education upon prior agreement with the supervisor.
Assessment methods and criteria: Introductory lecture: information-receptive method; heuristic method; problem statement method. Independent work: reproductive method; research method.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current and settlement control. Knowledge assessment methods: checking sections of the course project, oral survey, presentation and defense of the course project.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks; 70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1. Guidelines to implement the course project "Research transformation of the financial system" for full-time students and distance learning second (master's) level of higher education (EEP) specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" " / Compiled by Prof. Ihor V. Alieksieiev, PhD. Andriana V. Mazur, PhD. Oksana M. Urikova . - Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2022. - 21 p. 2. Bondarchuk M.K. Theoretical aspects of the interaction of financial institutions and the real sector of the economy in the conditions of anti-crisis management: [Interaction of banks and other financial institutions with enterprises: theory, methodology and practical reality: monograph / by general. ed. L.I. Katan and N.I. Demchuk. — Dnipro: Porogy, 2018, p. 216-225. 3. Legal provision of the National Innovation System in modern conditions: monograph / [S. V. Hlibko, O. V. Rozgon, Yu. V. Georgievskii, etc.]; under the editorship S. V. Hlebka, O. V. Rozgon. - Kharkiv: Research Institute of Law. security innovator of development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020. – 360 p. 4. Finance in economy Ukraine: Teach. manual / Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine / Ed. Doctor of Economics, professor. E. Krupka. - Lviv: Publishing center of Lviv Ivan Franko University, 2017. - 614 p. 5. Financial regulation of the economy. Textbook / YB Ivanov, LY Avedyan, AG Kabanets. - Kharkiv: HNUE, 2018. - 232 p. (in Ukrainian) 6. Normative and institutional provision of promotion of economic activity in an innovative society: monograph / [E. M. Bilousov, I. V. Borisov, N. M. Vapnyarchuk and others] ; under the editorship A. P. Hetman, O. O. Dmytryk, K. O. Tokareva. – Kharkiv: Research Institute of Law. security innovator of development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020. – 312 p.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities “Without restrictions”, the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at the address: Karpinskyi str., 2/4, 1st Edu Build., room 112 E-mail: Websites:
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