Finance of Integrated Business Structures

Major: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Code of subject: 7.072.01.E.022
Credits: 5.00
Department: Finance
Lecturer: Skoropad I.S.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The goal of the discipline "Finance of integrated structures" is for students to acquire theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills in the organization of financial and economic activities of the corporation, solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems, including of an innovative nature, in the process of financial controlling, in particular, the methodology and method of forming the accounting and analytical support of the financial system.
Завдання: Knowledge of methods of optimizing the company's cash flows, taking into account changes in the value of money over time, the structure of assets, capital, expenses, a portfolio of real and financial investments, the level of financial risks, and the company's dividend and credit policy. Knowledge of the main methods of optimizing the resulting financial and economic indicators. Knowledge of ways and methods of control over centers of financial responsibility. Knowledge of forms of strategic analysis for the formation of information support and optimization of financial management.
Learning outcomes: Search, process, systematize and analyze information needed to solve professional and scientific problems in the field of TNC finance Carry out diagnostics and modeling of financial activity of business entities. Use the tools and technologies of modern management in the management of financial and non-financial institutions Apply management skills in the field of finance, banking and insurance. Use information systems of state financial bodies and corporate information systems, electronic systems for transferring banking information, interbank and other payment systems.
Required prior and related subjects: -Financial management
Summary of the subject: The academic discipline "Finance of integrated structures" is one of the elective academic disciplines of the block "International Finance" of the master's professional training cycle of the specialty 072 "Finance, banking and insurance", which ensures that students acquire professional theoretical knowledge and practical skills in research competencies
Опис: -Transnational corporation as a subject of the global economy. Regulation of multinational corporations. Mergers and acquisitions. Management of multinational corporations: competitive and corporate strategies. Finance of multinational corporations. Transnationalization of forms of economic life and economic development. Ukraine in the process of economic transnationalization.
Assessment methods and criteria: Lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes: verbal methods, demonstration of presentations, heuristic method, work in small groups, methods of statistical processing of information (including correlation and regression analysis) Independent work research method; inductive and deductive methods.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control of the acquirer's work: testing; oral survey, assessment of performance and defense of laboratory work and individual scientific research task. Examination control: evaluation of the examination (written and oral components). Written component: tasks of the 1st and 2nd level - tests; tasks of the 3rd level - tasks.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Current control of students' knowledge of the discipline "Finance of Transnational Corporations" is carried out in the following forms: a) based on the results of the discussion of lecture material: - survey or testing of students' knowledge of theoretical material; - evaluation of performance of situational exercises and tasks during class; b) based on the results of self-study tasks (individual tasks): - assessment of homework during class; - discussion of essay materials during practical classes; - discussion of report materials on the problematic issue, holding discussions, summarizing on this issue during a practical session; The maximum number of points (10 points) when assessing students' knowledge during a practical session is given according to the following criteria: - during surveys - for a full and thorough answer to a given question on the topic of the session; - during testing - for correct answers to all test questions on the lesson topic; - when performing situational exercises and tasks - for the proposed correct algorithm (sequence) of solving the task; for knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the problem posed in the task; for mastering the formulas and mathematical methods necessary to solve the task; for the correct result obtained. The maximum number of points (20 points) when evaluating students' knowledge during the writing of the current intermediate test papers is awarded for correct answers to all questions of the work.
Recommended books: Transnational corporations: training. manual / Under the editorship O.V. Shkurupii [O.V. Shkurupii, V.V. Honcharenko, T.A. Deineka, etc.] - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2016. - 240p. - Voitko S. V. Transnational corporations: teacher. manual / S. V. Voitko, O. A. Gavrish, O. O. Korogodova, T. E. Moiseyenko. - Kyiv: NTUU "KPI", 2016. - 208 c. - Sazonets I.L. The essence and main concepts of the activity of TNCs in the conditions of globalization: monogr. - Kozak Y.G. Transnational corporations: peculiarities of investment activity: training. guide./ Ed. Yakubovskyi S.O., Kozak Y.G., Logvinova N.S. 2nd edition processing and additional - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2011. - 472p. - Informational and analytical financial portal. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: - Tsyganov S. A., Zalisco O. I. Empirical analysis of the capital structure of modern transnational corporations // Finance of Ukraine. -2016.- No. 12. - P.105-123. -Filipenko A.S. Economic globalism. World-system of globalism / A.S.Filipenko // Finances of Ukraine. - 2017. - No. 1. - P. 127-128
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