Public Debt Management

Major: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Code of subject: 7.072.02.E.027
Credits: 5.00
Department: Finance
Lecturer: PhD, associate professor Vivchar OI
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the educational discipline "Public Debt Management" is to master the theoretical foundations of the essence of public debt and the practical experience of public debt management in Ukraine and the world.
Завдання: General competences ZK5 Ability to make informed decisions SK7 Ability to find, use and interpret information necessary for solving professional and scientific tasks in the field of finance, banking and insurance SK9 Ability to develop technical tasks for the design of information systems in the field of finance, banking and insurance
Learning outcomes: to conduct research at the appropriate level, to formulate new hypotheses and scientific problems in the field of public finance; use the fundamental laws of financial development in combination with research and management tools for professional and scientific activities; apply in-depth knowledge in the field of public debt management for decision-making. PRO1 Use the fundamental laws of the development of finance, banking and insurance in combination with research and management tools to carry out professional and scientific activities PRO7 Solve ethical dilemmas based on legal norms, ethical principles and universal human values PRO8 To be able to apply and manage innovative approaches in the field of finance, banking and insurance. PR11 Apply in-depth knowledge in the field of financial, banking and insurance management and decision-making. PR14 To substantiate the relevance of research, the possibility of achieving the set goals taking into account the available resources, to put forward hypotheses, to argue conclusions based on the results of research. PR17 To justify directions for improving the financial and tax policy of the state, financial and non-financial corporations. PR19 To carry out general, financial, tax, operational due diligence within the framework of the activities of financial and non-financial corporations. PR23 Develop strategies for banks and financial markets, design banking products and services, manage banking risks taking into account the requirements of the European banker's certificate. ЗН2 Critical understanding of the main theories, principles, methods and concepts in education and professional activity. УМ1 Solving complex, unpredictable tasks and problems in specialized areas of professional activity and training, which involves the collection and interpretation of information, the selection of methods and tools, the use of innovative approaches. AB1 Management of complex actions or projects, responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable conditions. PR23 Develop strategies for banks and financial markets, design banking products and services, manage banking risks taking into account the requirements of the European banker's certificate.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisite: state financial control, management of contractual activities in budget institutions prerequisite: pre-diploma practice
Summary of the subject: essence, classification and management of public debt. The organization of government borrowing in the domestic market. External public borrowing Ukraine. The mechanism of management and maintenance of state debt of Ukraine. Foreign experience of debt management. More efficient use of public borrowing.
Опис: Topic 1. Public debt and its role in the country's financial system Topic 2. Public debt as an element of macroeconomic analysis Topic 3. State debt management system Topic 4. Debt policy Topic 5. Organization and management of state borrowing on domestic market Topic 6. Management of external state borrowings Topic 7. Servicing, repayment and regulation of the state debt Topic 8. State debt risk management and debt security
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of monitoring the knowledge and skills of the student in the study of the discipline (implementation of the course project) include evaluation: the quality of the processing of literary sources and the completeness of the disclosure of the theoretical part according to the variant of the task, the correctness of the application of the SWOT-analysis method to determine the strategic factors affecting the financial and economic activity of the investigated corporation, as well as the effectiveness of the proposed measures to improve the indicators, the correctness of the method of forming operational and financial budgets and accuracy of implementationcalculations, the validity of conclusions based on the results of research during the course project, completeness of answers and the ability to present the results of research in an argumentative manner during the defense of the course project in the presence of other students of the group, the quality and timeliness of the work design.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Completeness of the disclosure of the theoretical part (20 points) - Precision calculations in the calculation of (20 points) - Correct evaluation of the results (20 points) - The effectiveness of the implementation of the proposed measures for improvement (10 points) - Completeness and justification in the protection of answers (20 points) - Quality and timely execution of work (10 points)
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: It is regulated by the Regulations of the Lviv Polytechnic National University: Regulations on the Organization and Conduct of Current and Semester Monitoring of Students' Study Results (SVO LP 03.09) and Regulations on Rating Assessment of Students' Achievements (SVO LP 03.10). In the process of training, the applicant must score more than 26 points based on the results of the current control. Mandatory types of control include: 1. Control of the completeness of the disclosure of the theoretical part (20 points); 2. Control of the correctness of the methodology and accuracy of calculations in the calculation part (20 points); 3. Control of the correctness of the assessment of the obtained results in the course project implementation process (20 points); 4. Monitoring the effectiveness of the measures proposed in the project to improve indicators (10 points); 5. Completeness and substantiation of answers when defending work (20%); Separately, with additional points (from 5 to 10 points), the recipient is encouraged to research work - participation in competitions for research works, publication of scientific theses and articles.
Recommended books: Baranovsky OI Financial security in Ukraine (valuation methodology and collateral): Monograph. - К: KNTEU, 2011.-759 p. 2. Bashko VY Government Loans in Ukraine% Needs Assessment and Structure Proposals // Economics and Forecasting. - 2022.- № 2.- p.75-87. 3. Moldovan O. Public Finances of Ukraine: Experience and Prospects for Reforms Monograph.-Kiev, 2012.-375p. 4. Vitlinsky VV Modeling Economics: A Study Guide. - To: KNEU, 2015. - 408 p. 5. Public Finances: Public Debt Management: Integrated Training and Certification Complex. In Vol. 5, Vol. 2 / NM. Ushakova, GV Kucher, V.T. Alexandrov, SM Nedbaeva; For the title. Ed. A.A. Mazaraki - K: AVT, 2004.-368 p. 6. Dlugopolskyy OV Theory of Public Sector Economics: Textbook .- To: Professional, 2007.-592 p. 7. Kucher G. Public Debt Management: Textbook / GV. Kucher- K: KNTEU, 2008.- 460p. 8. Management of the state bog: Tutorial - Prutskaya OO .. Semchenko OA. Prutskaya OO- K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2010.-367p. 9. Vivchar OY, Papirnyk * SE Prospects for the development of the IGLBs market in Ukraine as an alternative to external borrowing // International Scientific Journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences". - 2021. - № 3 (47), vol. 1. - P. 29–35. 10. Dobrochynska A. Pros and cons for investment: a review of legislation // "Legal newspaper" - a professional legal publication. 20019. № 20. URL: (access date: 20.02.2020) . 11. Markevich K. Who and how to invest in Ukraine / Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies. O. Razumkova. 2019. URL: (access date: 21.02.2020)
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