Designing Financial Products and Services

Major: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Code of subject: 7.072.05.E.033
Credits: 5.00
Department: Finance
Lecturer: Professor Vitalii Rysin
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Formation of students' theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the functioning of the market of financial products and services, stages and specifics of designing financial products, bringing them to the market, and pricing financial products (services).
Завдання: GK4. Ability to identify, pose and solve problems. GK9. The ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives). SK4. The ability to evaluate the effectiveness of scientific, analytical, and methodical tools for justifying management decisions in the field of finance, banking, and insurance. SK8. Ability to apply innovative approaches in the field of finance, banking, and insurance. SK10. Ability to perform scientific research in the field of finance, banking, and insurance, taking into account the tasks and existing limitations. SK11. The ability to generate new ideas, to search for alternative innovative solutions in order to develop financial investments at the macro- and micro-level. SKS-3. The ability to transform the skills and abilities of scientific research into the management of strategic development of the financial market and its participants, improvement of banking state regulation, internal audit and controlling, management of banking risks, design of banking products and services, taking into account the peculiarities of using the European banker's certificate.
Learning outcomes: PLO 03. Adapt and modify existing scientific approaches and methods to specific situations of professional activity. PLO 07. To solve ethical dilemmas based on the norms of the law, ethical principles, and universal human values. PLO 08. Be able to apply and manage innovative approaches in the field of finance, banking, and insurance. PLO 11. Apply in-depth knowledge in the field of financial, banking, and insurance management for decision-making. PLO 14. To substantiate the relevance of research, the possibility of achieving the set goals taking into account the available resources, putting forward hypotheses, and arguing conclusions based on the results of research. PLO 20. Use the information systems of state financial bodies and corporate information systems, electronic systems for transferring banking information, interbank, and other payment systems. PLO 23. Develop bank strategies on financial markets, design banking products and services, and manage banking risks taking into account the requirements of the European banker's certificate. KN 1. Conceptual knowledge acquired in the process of study and professional activity, including certain knowledge of modern achievements. AB 1. Solving complex, unpredictable tasks and problems in specialized areas of professional activity and/or training, involves the collection and interpretation of information (data), the selection of methods and tools, and the use of innovative approaches. AR 2. Responsibility for the professional development of individuals and/or groups of individuals. Teaching and learning methods: Lectures, seminars, practical classes: heuristic method, problem presentation method, scientific research method Self-work: problem-search method, research method Methods of assessing the level of achievement of learning outcomes Current control: Testing; Oral frontal survey; Presentations at the seminar; Work on practical cases; Defense of an individual task Examination control: Testing; Oral survey.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: market of financial services, portfolio management
Summary of the subject: The course is aimed at forming a system of knowledge among students about the peculiarities of designing financial products and services, the specifics of developing the FI's product and price policies, approaches to choosing channels for selling products and services, and communication tools with potential consumers of financial services.
Опис: Modern trends in the market development of financial products and services. Market of financial products and services, its segmentation and analysis. Competitive environment of the bank. Design of banking products as a component of the bank's marketing strategy. Formation of the product policy. Pricing of financial products (services). Bringing financial products (services) to market. Сommunication policy as a factor in the effective promotion of financial products
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of controlling students' knowledge include: 1. Current control: • Test control; • Oral survey at seminar classes; • Discussion of practical cases on banking regulation and development of recommendations for their solution; • Execution of individual tasks (optional) and their protection; 2. Final control: Examination (written and oral component) Written component: • Tasks of the 1st level - tests (yes/no); • Tasks of the 2nd level - tests (choose the correct answer); • The task of the 3rd level is to reveal the meaning of the concept and give a definition.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: current control (the methods of oral control, practical cases, frontal questioning, the test questionnaire, written control, and self-control (40%) final control (exam): written-verbal form (60%)
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Students must demonstrate active educational activity during the semester and score from 21 to 40 points, based on the results of the current control. Mandatory types of current control: 1. Testing at the VLE on 7 topics of the course, which are evaluated at a maximum of 20 points: Test for topics 1-3 – 6 points; Test for topics 4-5 – 6 points; Test for topics 6-7 – 4 points. 2. Work at seminar classes, participation in the discussion of cases, and reports are estimated at a maximum of 8 points. 3. Individual tasks. The performance of individual task 1 involves the analysis of the offer of banking products and services in Ukraine. The individual task is evaluated in 6 points, of which 4 points are for the content and design and a maximum of 2 points for the defense. Individual task 2 involves determining the factors of the competitive environment of the bank, the degree of their influence on the activity, assessing the level of competitiveness of the bank in the financial market, and determining the products and services that have prospects for introduction and development. The individual task is evaluated in 10 points, of which 8 points are for the content and design of the task and a maximum of 2 points for the defense. A student who has not completed all 3 mandatory types of work on time (before the beginning of the examination session) or has not scored 21 points from the current control, will not be admitted to the examination. On the exam, the student can get a maximum of 60 points. The exam consists of a written and an oral component. The written component consists of tasks of three levels, which are evaluated on a separate scale: 1st level – 7 tests of 2 points each; 2nd level – 5 tests of 3 points each, 2 tests – 4 points each; 3rd level - 2 questions of a problematic nature, the answer to which the applicant provides during the oral component. Taking into account the answers to the examiner's additional questions, the maximum score is 20 points.
Recommended books: 1. ЕНМК «Проектування банківських продуктів та послуг», сертифікат Е41-231-791/2019 від 12.11.2019 р. №02986. 2. Рисін В.В. Перспективи розвитку цифрового банкінгу на фінансовому ринку України / В.В.Рисін, М.В.Рисін // // Соціально-економічні проблеми сучасного періоду України. – 2017. – Вип. 2 (124). – С. 123-127. 3. Рисін В.В., Борик І.Р. Переваги та ризики розвитку новітніх технологій у банківській діяльності. Науковий Вісник ХДУ. Серія «Економічні науки». 2020. №38. С. 69-73. DOI: \ 4. Гірняк В. В. Зарубіжний досвід організації маркетингової діяльності у процесі продажу банківських продуктів / В. В. Гірняк, Л. Б. Євтух // Інфраструктура ринку. - Випуск 23.- 2018. - С. 273-277. 5. Маркетинг у банках: навч.посібник Р.М. Безус, Л.М. Курбацька, І.Г. Кадирус, А.С. Донських, Д.В. Воловик. – Дніпро:Журфонд, 2019. – 320 с.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive education policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at the address: str. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Website:
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