Economy of Business

Major: Management
Code of subject: 7.073.04.E.036
Credits: 4.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor Maryana Hvozd
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the educational discipline "Business Economics" is to form a system of theoretical knowledge, as well as to acquire practical skills of managing an enterprise in market conditions.
Завдання: - The ability to solve complex tasks and problems in the field of management or in the learning process, which involve conducting research and/or implementing innovations under uncertain conditions and requirements - Ability to conduct research at the appropriate level; - Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis - Ability to effectively use and develop the organization's resources; - Ability to develop projects, manage them, show initiative and entrepreneurship; - Ability to manage the organization and its development. - The ability to forecast the level of economic indicators of the organization, to implement intra-company forecasting technologies for planning the potential of the organization, its marketing, sales, and budgets; - Ability to apply in-depth knowledge of business relations, their organizational, legal, exchange, tax, insurance support.
Learning outcomes: - Critically consider, choose and use the necessary scientific, methodical and analytical tools for management in unpredictable conditions; - Have the skills to make, justify and ensure the implementation of management decisions in unpredictable conditions, taking into account the requirements of current legislation, ethical considerations and social responsibility; - Apply specialized software and information systems to solve organizational management problems; - Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of classic and modern approaches to the management of organizations and administration (by types of economic activity), principles, laws, technology, methods of management of organizations, the process of making managerial decisions, leadership and management styles, features of conflict resolution in the resolution process tasks of professional activity; - Ability to use professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills in management, marketing, finance, logistics, economy for effective management of business entities in the conditions of a market economy; - Work in an e-commerce environment and form e-commerce supply chains; - Management of complex actions or projects, responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable conditions.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Systemic management assessment of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise. co-requisites: Internship According to the Master's Thesis; MasterThesis Completion.
Summary of the subject: Educational discipline "Business Economics" for students of the second (master's) level of education in the specialty 073 Management of the field of knowledge 07 Management and administration
Опис: The main task of the academic discipline is for students to master scientific concepts, theories and methods necessary for managing the activities of enterprises and successful business management; features of the enterprise's resource provision, pricing policy, enterprise income and expenses, and the ability to look for directions and reserves for improving the processes and methods of managing enterprise activities to increase business efficiency.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current and examination control. Knowledge assessment methods: selective oral survey; tests, discussion, assessment of activity, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, etc. Exam - written survey, test control.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The grade "excellent" (88-100 points) corresponds to a comprehensive systematic and deep knowledge of the program material; assimilation of information from the lecture course, basic and additional literature; clear mastery of the conceptual apparatus, methods and tools provided by the program; the ability to use them correctly to solve both typical and atypical problem situations; • The grade "good" (71-87 points) corresponds to the knowledge of the main program material; assimilation of information from the lecture course; possession of the basic conceptual apparatus, methods and tools provided by the program; the ability to use them without error to solve typical situations, making individual mistakes; • The rating "satisfactory" (50-70 points) corresponds to ignorance of the basic program material; mastery of certain concepts, methods and tools, making significant mistakes when using them. • The rating "unsatisfactory" (0-49 points) assumes that the student does not understand the essence of the questions and does not know the basic concepts of the course.
Recommended books: Рекомендована література: 1. Економіка і бізнес: підручник / за ред. д.е.н., проф. Л. Г. Мельника, д.е.н., проф. О. І. Карінцевої. Суми: Університетська книга, 2021. 316 с. 2. Проривні технології в економіці і бізнесі (досвід ЄС та практика України у світлі ІІІ, ІV і V промислових революцій): навч. посіб. / за ред. Л.Г. Мельника та Б.Л. Ковальова. Суми: СумДУ, 2020. 180 с. 3.Березівський П. С. Організація виробництва, прогнозування та планування в агропромисловому комплексі України : навч. посіб. / П. С. Березівський, Н. І. Михалюк. – К. : Ліра-К, 2015. – 440 с. 4. Грибик І. І. Економіка та управління підприємством: теорія і практика : навч. посіб. / І. І. Грибик. – К. : Ліра-К, 2014. – 428 с. Навчально-методичне забезпечення: 1. Гвоздь М.Я. «Прийняття управлінських рішень» Конспект лекцій для студентів спеціальності 6.030601 «Менеджмент». //. / Укл.: Р.О. Мірошник, М.Я. Гвоздь. – Львів.: 2016. – 90 с. 2. Управління діяльністю організаційно-виробничих систем. Методичні вказівки для практичних занять студентів-магістрів денної та заочної форми навчання спеціальності 8.03060101 «Менеджмент організацій та адміністрування» / Укл.: Й.М. Петрович, М.Я. Гвоздь. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2016. – 23 с. Інформаційні ресурси: 1.Дані Державної служби Статистики України - 2. Журнал “Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій”. – 3. Інтернет-портал для управлінців. –

Economy of Business (курсова робота)

Major: Management
Code of subject: 7.073.04.E.039
Credits: 2.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor Maryana Hvozd
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of the course project is to generalize and systematize the knowledge of master's students in the field of business economics, as well as project and financial management.
Завдання: - The ability to solve complex tasks and problems in the field of management or in the learning process, which involve conducting research and/or implementing innovations under uncertain conditions and requirements - Skills in using information and communication technologies; - Ability to use psychological technologies for working with personnel. - Ability to analyze and structure organizational problems, make effective management decisions and ensure their implementation; - Ability to research markets, carry out comparative and analytical monitoring of competitors, diagnose and increase the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations; -Ability to develop electronic business systems, integrate their tools into organizational and production structures, develop business processes of the organization.
Learning outcomes: - Have the skills to make, substantiate and ensure the implementation of management decisions in unpredictable conditions, taking into account the requirements of current legislation, ethical considerations and social responsibility; - Organize and carry out effective communications within the team, with representatives of various professional groups and in an international context; - Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of classical and modern approaches to the management of organizations and administration (by types of economic activity), principles, laws, technology, methods of management of organizations, the process of making managerial decisions, leadership and management styles, features of conflict resolution in the process of solving tasks professional activity; - The ability to use professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills in management, marketing, finance, logistics, economics for effective management of economic entities in the conditions of a market economy; - Conveying to specialists and non-specialists information, ideas, problems, solutions and own experience in the field of professional activity
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Systemic management assessment of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise. co-requisites: Internship According to the Master's Thesis; MasterThesis Completion.
Summary of the subject: The course project "Market Research" is developed for students of the second (master’s) level of education in the specialty 073 Management of the field of knowledge 07 Management and administration.
Опис: The main task of the course project is to determine the feasibility of implementing an investment decision for the enterprise based on the calculation of the main indicators of its efficiency (in particular, net present value, internal rate of return (payback), return on investment and the payback period of the project, etc.).
Assessment methods and criteria: report on the results of the course work, final control (level of task completion - 70% , presentation - 10%, defend-20%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The grade "excellent" (88-100 points) corresponds to a comprehensive systematic and deep knowledge of the program material; assimilation of information from the lecture course, basic and additional literature; clear mastery of the conceptual apparatus, methods and tools provided by the program; the ability to use them correctly to solve both typical and atypical problem situations; • The grade "good" (71-87 points) corresponds to the knowledge of the main program material; assimilation of information from the lecture course; possession of the basic conceptual apparatus, methods and tools provided by the program; the ability to use them without error to solve typical situations, making individual mistakes; • The rating "satisfactory" (50-70 points) corresponds to ignorance of the basic program material; mastery of certain concepts, methods and tools, making significant mistakes when using them. • The rating "unsatisfactory" (0-49 points) assumes that the student does not understand the essence of the questions and does not know the basic concepts of the course.
Recommended books: Рекомендована література: 1. Економіка і бізнес: підручник / за ред. д.е.н., проф. Л. Г. Мельника, д.е.н., проф. О. І. Карінцевої. Суми: Університетська книга, 2021. 316 с. 2. Проривні технології в економіці і бізнесі (досвід ЄС та практика України у світлі ІІІ, ІV і V промислових революцій): навч. посіб. / за ред. Л.Г. Мельника та Б.Л. Ковальова. Суми: СумДУ, 2020. 180 с. 3.Березівський П. С. Організація виробництва, прогнозування та планування в агропромисловому комплексі України : навч. посіб. / П. С. Березівський, Н. І. Михалюк. – К. : Ліра-К, 2015. – 440 с. 4. Грибик І. І. Економіка та управління підприємством: теорія і практика : навч. посіб. / І. І. Грибик. – К. : Ліра-К, 2014. – 428 с. Навчально-методичне забезпечення: 1. ЕКОНОМІКА БІЗНЕСУ: обґрунтування доцільності інвестиційного проєкту: Методичні вказівки до виконання курсового проєкту для студентів спеціальності 073 «Менеджмент» / Укл.: Чухрай Н.І., Новаківський І.І., Гавран В.Я., Дзюбіна А.В. – Львів, 2020. – 26 с. 2. Гвоздь М.Я. «Прийняття управлінських рішень» Конспект лекцій для студентів спеціальності 6.030601 «Менеджмент». //. / Укл.: Р.О. Мірошник, М.Я. Гвоздь. – Львів.: 2016. – 90 с. (Зареєстровано №6867 від 13.05.2016). Інформаційні ресурси: 1.Дані Державної служби Статистики України - 2. Журнал “Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій”. – 3. Інтернет-портал для управлінців. –