Introductory Specialty Course

Major: Environmental Protection Technology
Code of subject: 6.183.00.O.3
Credits: 5.00
Department: Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity
Lecturer: Associate Professor A. Shybanova
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Students must master the key concepts of ecology and know the major milestones of environmental knowledge, get acquainted with modern trends of the environment, possess structure of training, to have the initial skills of writing scientific papers, abstracts, to know the structure the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine and regional environmental services, job any of its divisions, the first steps to form skills and make independent decisions to address environmental issues and problems.
Required prior and related subjects: Chemistry with the basics of biogeochemistry, geology with the basics of geomorphology
Summary of the subject: Introduction to professional ecological and environmental protection. General ecological situation in the world and Ukraine and prospects for humanity. The strategy of sustainable (balanced) development. The history of the development of science and ecology. Higher education in Ukraine. The organization of educational process in higher educational institutions. Prospects and problems of Ukraine's entry into the European educational space. Comparative characteristics of world and national environmental education. The system of environmental education in Ukraine. Features of research in the field of ecology. The structure and functions of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine and its regional and branch services. Fundamentals of structural organization and main tasks of modern ecology. Environmental safety, basic concepts and definitions. Basics of environmental monitoring.
Assessment methods and criteria: - The current control (30%) are workshops, oral interviews and test; - The final control (70%) is a credit.
Recommended books: 1. Bilyavs'kyy H.O. Osnovy ekolohiyi: teoriya ta praktykum. (Fundamentals of Ecology: Theory and Practice.) Pidruchnyk / H.O. Bilyavs'kyy, L.I. Butchenko – K.: Libra, 2006. – 368 p. 2. Vyshcha osvita Ukrayiny i Bolons'kyy protses. (Ukrainian Higher Education and the Bologna Process) Pidruchnyk / za redaktsiyeyu V.H. Kremenya. Avtors'kyy kolektyv: M.F. Stepko, Ya.Ya. Bolyubash, V.D. Shynkaruk, V.V. Hrubinko, I.I. Babyn. –Ternopil': Navchal'na knyha. – Bohdan, 2004. – 384 p. 3. Zhuravs'kyy B.C., Zhurovs'kyy M.Z. Bolons'kyy protses: holovni pryntsypy vkhodzhennya v Yevropeys'kyy prostir vyshchoyi osvity. (Bologna Process: the main principles of joining the European Higher Education Area) – K.: IVTs "Politekhnika", 2003. –200 p.