Databases in Environmental Technologies

Major: Environmental Protection Technology
Code of subject: 6.183.00.O.70
Credits: 3.00
Department: Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity
Lecturer: Ph.D, Assoc. Prof. Stasevych S.P.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Introduce students to the basic concepts of geoinformatic and GIS technologies in ecology, types of geo-data, including eco data and their sources, forming a system of knowledge about the basic analysis of environmental data and environmental modeling capabilities environmental analysis and processing of eco data by means of GIS development of software for viewing landscape-environmental information and making simple requests for geospatial databases and visualize environmental information.
Required prior and related subjects: Innovative Technologies in Environment Databases in ecology
Summary of the subject: Geographic information technology in modern society. The structure, components and functions of GIS. Hardware and software geographic information systems and technologies. Attribute information in the GIS. Methods of formalization of spatially distributed information. Technology introduction of spatial data. Analytical capabilities of modern GIS tools. Software GIS. Modern heoekoinformatsiyni system.
Assessment methods and criteria: - The current control (30%) are workshops, oral interviews and test; - The final control (70%) is a credit.
Recommended books: 1. Каркульовський В.І. Методи та засоби комп?ютерних інформаційних технологій. / Львів: Видавництво НУ "Львів. політехніка", 2007 – 62 с. 2. Лопандя А.В., Немтинов В.А. Основы ГИС и цифрового тематического картографирования / Тамбов: ТГТУ, Педагогический Интернет-клуб, 2011 – 75 с. 3. Геоінформатика: конспект лекцій. Ч.ІІ. / Укл. Цепенда М.В. – Чернівці: Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2010. – 48 с.