Computer Science

Major: Environmental Protection Technology
Code of subject: 6.183.00.O.13
Credits: 6.00
Department: Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity
Lecturer: I. Y. Kazymyra, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Student should know: the theoretical foundations of computer science; principles of construction and operation of the computer; structure and destination of computer software;hardware for storage, processing and transmission of the information; principles of computer networks functioning; basics of information security; the destination and possibilities of word processors, spreadsheets, databases; bases of algorithms and stages of problem solving with the use of computer; modern software tools in the field of ecology and environmental protection; student must be able: to competently work on a personal computer running a particular operating system and to configure it; to perform data analysis and processing using word processors, spreadsheets, databases, systems for the automation of mathematical calculations (MathCAD); to develop algorithms for solving engineering problems of ecology and environmental protection and to implement them; to use modern information systems and technologies for solving scientific and engineering problems in the field of ecology and environmental protection; to analyze and to process information about the state of the environment, to represent it by means of modern applications; to be acquainted with new information technologies and software tools and to understand trends and prospects of these technologies development (particularly in the field of environmental protection).
Required prior and related subjects: Introduction to the speciality, mathematics (prerequisites).
Summary of the subject: Fundamentals of computer science. Information, data, knowledge. Information technology. Information system. Information as the object of computing system. The concept of the algorithm. The basic structures of the computing process. Architecture and functioning of the PC. Hardware and software. Types of software. The operating systems of personal computers. Application software for processing different types of information (word processors, spreadsheets, graphics editor). The principles of databases. Computer networks: topology, architecture and hardware. Information security. Computer viruses: classification and methods of detection. The types of antivirus software. The MathCAD system for automation of mathematical calculations: solving problems, handling of experimental data elements of programming. Tendencies and prospects of development of information systems and technologies and their application in the field of environmental protection.
Assessment methods and criteria: The current control (40%) - laboratory exercises, oral questioning. Final control (60%) - examination.
Recommended books: 1. Інформатика: Комп'ютерна техніка. Комп'ютерні технології: Підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів/ За ред. О.З.Пушкаря.-К.: Видавничий центр "Академія", 2002. -704 с. 2. Інформатика та комп'ютерна техніка: Посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. /Дибкова T.M. // - К.: "Академвидав", 2002.-320 с. 3. Литвин І.І. Інформатика: теоретичні основи і практикум : підручник. – [2-ге вид., стереотип.] / І.І. Литвин, О.М.Конопчук, Ю.Д.Дещинський. – Львів«Новий Світ – 2000», 2007. – 304 с. 4. Інформаційні технології: навч. посіб. /Р.О.Тарасенко, С.М.Гаріна, Т.П.Рабоча. – К.: ТОВ"Алефа", 2011. - 332 с. 5. Інформаційні системи та технології: навч. посіб. для студентів / О. В. Грицунов; Харк. нац.акад. міськ. госп-ва. – Х.: ХНАМГ, 2010. – 222 с.