Operational Environmental Monitoring

Major: Environmental Protection Technology
Code of subject: 6.183.02.E.89
Credits: 5.00
Department: Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity
Lecturer: Associate Professor O.Chayka
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - studying the human economic activity associated with the use of natural resources and a change of the environment; - the acquisition of skills by students solve engineering problems of conservation, protection and preservation of the environment.
Required prior and related subjects: General ecology and neoecology
Summary of the subject: The impact of human activities on the environment. Rationing and methods for determining the properties of the pollution. Protection of industrial air emissions. Wastewater treatment. Pollution and protection of the lithosphere.
Assessment methods and criteria: - The current control (40%) are workshops, oral interviews and test; - The final control (60%) is a credit.
Recommended books: 1. Bobyl`ov Yu.P. and all. Ekolohiya. – Kharkiv, “Folio”, 2014. – 666 p. 2. Zubik S.V. Tekhnoekolohiya. Dgerela zabrudnennya i zakhyst navkolyshn`oho seredovyshcha. Navch. pos. – Ivano-Frankivs`k, “Polum`ya”, 2004. – 452 p. 3. Bilyavskiy G.O., Butchenko L.I., Navrotskiy V.M. Osnovy ekolohiyi: teoriya i praktykum. – K.: “Libra”, 2002, 352 p.