Ecology of Transport

Major: Environmental Protection Technology
Code of subject: 6.183.02.E.92
Credits: 6.00
Department: Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity
Lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Volodymyr Ivanovych Mokry
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program competencies: FCS2.2. Ability to apply professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills for the implementation of environmental protection technologies in the operation of all modes of transport and transport communications. ФК01. Ability to prevent environmental pollution and crisis phenomena and processes. FK02. Ability to substantiate, select, calculate, design, modify, prepare for work and use modern machinery and equipment for protection and rational use of air and water environments, land resources, waste management. FK03. Ability to conduct observations and instrumental and laboratory control of the environment, the impact of external factors, with sampling (sampling) of natural components. FK04. Ability to control pollution of the air basin, water bodies, soil cover and geological environment. Program results: PR01. Know modern theories, approaches, principles of environmental policy, fundamental principles of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, biotechnology and professional and applied engineering and technological disciplines for modeling and solving specific environmental problems in the industrial sphere. PR04. Substantiate environmental technologies based on an understanding of the mechanisms of human impact on the environment and the processes occurring in it. PR14. Be able to justify the degree of compliance of existing or projected environmental conditions with the objectives of protection, preservation and restoration of the environment.
Required prior and related subjects: Standardization of anthropogenic load on the environment Environmental legislation and environmental law Engineering methods of environmental protection Environmental monitoring Fundamentals of labor protection and life safety Ecology of urban systems Ecological inspection Environmental audit Automatic control and monitoring systems
Summary of the subject: During the course students determine the scope, mechanisms and consequences of environmental and human health impacts of transport enterprises, especially the use of natural resources by transport facilities, develop environmental regulations and technical means of nature protection, take care of waste disposal and reproduction of destroyed ecosystems, monitor the greening of transport enterprises and their compliance with environmental safety.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control, oral examination (30%); Final control (control measure, credit): written form (70%).
Recommended books: 1. Transport ecology: a textbook / OI Zaporozhets, SV Boychenko, OL Matveeva, SY Shamansky, TI Dmitrukha, SM Majd; for general edited by SV Boychenko. - К .: НАУ, 2017. - 507 с. 2. Mateychik VP Methods of assessment and methods of improving the environmental safety of road vehicles monograph / V.P. Mateychik - K .: NTU, 2006. - 216 p. 3. Radomskaya MM Aviation ecology: textbook. Manual. / MM Radomskaya, LM Chernyak, SV Boychenko, OV Ryabchevsky, LI Pavlyukh. - К .: НАУ, 2014.– 152 с.