General Ecology and Neoecology, part 1

Major: Environmental Protection Technology
Code of subject: 6.183.00.O.11
Credits: 8.00
Department: Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity
Lecturer: Associate Professor N. Khomko
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - studying the basic laws and patterns of living organisms in relation to each other and inanimate nature at different levels of the organization; - influence them the results of human activities.
Required prior and related subjects: Biology
Summary of the subject: Subject, definitions and task environment. Environmental phenomena, states and processes. Factorial ecology. Ecology populations. Ecology of ecosystems. Globule ecology.
Assessment methods and criteria: - The current control (40%) are workshops, laboratory works, oral interviews and test; - The final control (60%) is a credit.
Recommended books: 1. Kucheryaviy V.P. Ekolohiya, - Lviv: “Svit”, 2001, 500 p. 2. Bilyavskiy G.O., Butchenko L.I., Navrotskiy V.M. Osnovy ekolohiyi: teoriya i praktykum. – K.: “Libra”, 2002, 352 p. 3. Bobyl`ov Yu.P. and all. Ekolohiya. – Kharkiv, “Folio”, 2014. – 666 p.