Theory of Electronic Circuits

Major: Biomedical Engineering (Internet of Things)
Code of subject: 6.163.03.O.016
Credits: 5.00
Department: Theoretical Radio Engineering and Radio Measurement
Lecturer: Assoc. prof., PhD Ivan Maksymiv
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The course "Theory of Electronic Circuits" (TEC) covers the basic concepts of circuit theory, methods of analysis of linear circuits with constant parameters in steady-state and transient modes, calculation of their characteristics and parameters, basic information about nonlinear circuits, basics of the theory of quadrupoles and multipoles, basic concepts of circles with distributed parameters. The TEC course is based mainly on the knowledge of physics and mathematics in the scope of the secondary school program, in particular, on the knowledge of direct current circuits, Ohm's, Kirchhoff's, Faraday's and Joule-Lenz's laws, the law of conservation of energy, the concept of the derivative, the integral, the algebra of complex numbers. From the higher mathematics course, knowledge of the sections "Linear algebra", "Differential and integral calculus", "Ordinary differential equations", "Fourier series", "Operational calculus", "Fundamentals of the theory of functions of a complex variable" is required. The content of the technical engineering discipline is closely related to the disciplines in which the physical principles of operation of modern electronic devices and integrated microcircuits are taught, an introduction to their characteristics is given, and the methods of building their calculation models are taught. This knowledge is then used in the modeling and analysis of various functional nodes and devices. The knowledge gained by students while studying the discipline of TEC is used in further training courses.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: General competences: Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity. Professional competences: Knowledge of engineering methods of calculation and selection of the scope of application of classic and modern designs of machine parts, assemblies and mechanisms used in modern biotechnical and medical devices and systems, taking into account quality.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, a specialist should know: • basic methods of mathematical description of deterministic signals, their characteristics and parameters; • method of building schematic and mathematical models of radio engineering circles; • modern algorithmization methods for solving basic radio engineering problems; • the main properties of typical radio engineering circles under typical external actions; A trained specialist should be able to: • analytically and experimentally investigate the main processes occurring in electronic circuits; • use modern radio measuring equipment to determine the main parameters and characteristics of electronic circuits.
Required prior and related subjects: • Physics • Higher mathematics • Component base of biomedical equipment
Summary of the subject: The program of the study discipline "Theory of Electronic Circuits" is designed for students of the Institute of Telecommunications, Radio Electronics and Electronic Engineering who are studying Biomedical Engineering. The theory of electronic circuits is a discipline that studies various ways of analyzing electronic circuits. In particular, the analysis of the impact of one or a group of input signals on the processes occurring in the circuit; analysis of the properties of the circuit elements and their effect on the currents flowing through them; analysis of the topology of electronic circuits; analysis of various types of electronic circuits; analysis of electrical signals and their parameters.
Опис: Topic 1. Mathematical models and characteristics of deterministic signals as test actions on electronic circuits. Topic 2. Basic provisions and laws of the theory of circles. Topic 3. Simple electronic circuits in a stable mode of harmonic oscillations. Topic 4. Characteristics and functions of linear electric circuits in a steady state of harmonic oscillations. Topic 5. Methods of calculation of complex electronic circuits in a stable mode of harmonic oscillations. Topic 6. Fundamentals of the theory of multipoles and passing quadrupoles. Topic 7. Transient processes and pulse signals in linear electronic circuits. Topic 8. Nonlinear resistive circuits. Topic 9. Linear circles with distributed parameters.
Assessment methods and criteria: Student evaluation will be based on the sum of two grades - the grade for the current control and the grade for the exam. Current control involves assessing the success of the performance and protection of laboratory work, as well as the preparation of calculation works. The exam includes an assessment of the success of writing the exam paper and the oral component.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control (30 points): • laboratory work - 15 points; • calculation works - 15 points. Examination control (70 points): • written component - 55 points; • oral component - 15 points. TOTAL - 100 points.
Recommended books: 1. Бобало Ю.Я., Желяк Р.І., Кіселичник М.Д., Колодій З.О., Мандзій Б.А., Якубенко В.М. Математичні моделі та методи аналізу електронних кіл. Навч. посібник. Львів. Вид. Львівської політехніки, 2013, - 320 с. 2. Бобало Ю.Я., Желяк Р.І., Кіселичник М.Д., Мандзій Б.А., Якубенко В.М. Основи радіоелектроніки. Навч. посібник. Львів. Вид. Нац. Ун-ту “Львівська політехніка, 2002. 456 с. 3. Попов В.П. Основы теории цепей. Учебник для вузов спец. "Радиотехника". - М.: Высш.шк., 1985. - 496 с.