Biomedical Device Operation

Major: Biomedical Engineering (Internet of Things)
Code of subject: 6.163.03.O.038
Credits: 4.00
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: Bohdan Vus, Ph.D, docent, 12 years pedagogical length.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Obtaining knowledge about the purpose and features of construction of biotechnical and medical devices for their correct and optimal exploitation. Understanding of the principles of functioning of the basic units of biomedical equipment and on this basis to search and eliminate the failures of biomedical devices. Ability to measure and process the results of metrological assessment of biomedical devices, to ensure their proper operation, routine maintenance and repair work.
Required prior and related subjects: The element base of electronic devices"; "Designing electronic devices and tools", "The software package Matlab», “Programming
Summary of the subject: Systems of development and introduction into the production of medical equipment. Start-up and adjustment works, metrological support and bases of exploitation of biomedical devices. Observance of safety requirements. Functional features of construction of biomedical devices. Operational documentation. Diagnosis and troubleshooting, preventive and repair work. Standardization systems in metrology and biomedical engineering.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control learning (Evaluation of laboratory work and verbal questioning); control measure ( examination in the form of written answers to exam questions and verbal questioning to assess the general level of knowledge in the discipline)
Recommended books: 1. Яненко О. П. Метрологія медичної та біологічної апаратури.- Житомир:ЖІТІ, 1998.- 158 с. 2. Быкадоров А.К., Кульбак Л.И., Лавриненко В.Ю., Рысейкин И.Н., Тихомиров В.Л. Основы эксплуатации радиоэлектронной аппаратуры: Учебное пособие/Под ред. В.Ю. Лавриненко .-2-е изд., перераб. и дополн.-М.:Высшая школа,1978 .-320с. 5 екз. 3. Залужний А.М. Надійність та діагностика технічних систем: Навч. посібник. - Ж.: ЖІТІ, 2002. - 356с. 250 екз. 4. Толковый словарь по вычислительным системам/ Под ред. В. Иллингуорта и др. – М.: Машиностроение, 1991, 560 с. 2. Смердов А.А., Сторчун Є.В. Біомедичні вимірювальні перетворювачі.-Львів, Кальва¬рія.-1997. 3. Бриндли К. Измерительные преобразователи.-М., Энергоатом.-1991. 4. ДСТУ 2681-94. Метрологія. Терміни та визначення. 6. Улащик В.С. Физиотерапия.-Минск, Книжній дом.-2008. 8.Электронная аппаратура для стимуляции органов и тканей.// Под ред. Р.И.Утямыше¬ва и М.Враны. -М.:Энергоиздат, 1983. 10. Медицинская аппаратура \ Под.ред. Ю.Ю.Елисеева -М., Эксмо.-2007. 11. Information materials from on the Internet and other electronic resurses.