Fundamentals of Biotechnical Systems Modelling

Major: Biomedical Engineering (Internet of Things)
Code of subject: 6.163.03.O.021
Credits: 5.00
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: Hlinenko Larysa
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The aim of the discipline is to acquire knowledge of methods and tools for modelling technical, biological and biotechnical systems, and to be able to create models of these systems using computer-assisted engineering calculation programmes.
Завдання: Integral competence: - INT. Ability to solve advanced specialised tasks and practical problems in biomedical engineering and the Internet of Things or in the process of learning, which implies the application of certain theories and methods of chemical, biological and medical engineering, and is characterised by complexity and uncertainty of conditions General competencies : -GC1. Ability to apply knowledge in practice -GC2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activities -GK5. Ability to conduct research at an appropriate level -GC6. Ability to search, process and analyse information from various sources -GC8. Ability to make reasoned decisions. Professional competences: - PC1. Ability to use engineering software packages for research, analysis, processing and presentation of results, as well as for computer-aided design of medical devices and systems. - PC2. Ability to provide engineering and technical expertise in the planning, development, evaluation and specification of medical equipment - PC3. Ability to master and use new methods and tools of analysis, simulation, design and optimization of medical devices and systems. - PC4. Capability to provide technical and functional characteristics of systems and devices used in medicine and biology (in prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation). - PC5. Ability to use physical, chemical, biological and mathematical methods in analysis and modelling of living organisms and biotechnical systems functioning - PC6. Ability to effectively use tools and methods for analysis, design, calculation and testing in the development of biomedical products and services. - PC7. Ability to plan, design, develop, install, operate, maintain, service, control and coordinate the repair of devices, equipment and systems for prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as Internet of Things devices used in hospitals and research institutes - PC8. Ability to carry out investigations and observations on the interaction of biological, natural and device systems (prostheses, devices, etc.). - PC9. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems related to the interaction between living and non-living systems
Learning outcomes: By the end of the study, learners are expected to: – know fundamentals of methodology of modelling the engineering systems as well as biological and bioengineering ones, apply the system approach to the bioengineering systems modelling ; – be able to create and investigate the mathematical models of the of the engineering and biological constituents of bioengineering systems considering their mutual impact; – be able to plan and realize computer experiments with models applying modern information technologies; – be able to apply the acquired modelling skills in the process of analysis and synthesis of the of bioengineering systems and their constituents; – be able to present modelling results and to substantiate the conclusions while discussing them with other students Learning outcomes 1. PO1. Apply knowledge of the fundamentals of mathematics, physics and biophysics, bioengineering, chemistry, engineering graphics, mechanics, material resistance and strength, properties of gases and liquids, electronics, computer science, signal and image acquisition and analysis, automatic control, system analysis and decision-making methods at the level required to solve biomedical engineering problems. 2. PO 2. To formulate logical conclusions and reasonable recommendations for the evaluation, operation and implementation of biotechnical, medical and bioengineering tools and methods. 3. PO 3. Manage complex activities or projects, and take responsibility for making engineering decisions in unpredictable conditions. 4. PO 5. Be able to use databases, mathematical and software applications for data processing and computer modelling of biotechnological systems, including telemedicine and Internet of solutions devices. 5. PO8. Understand theoretical and practical approaches to the creation and management of medical equipment, medical technology and IoT devices 6. PO9. Understand theoretical and practical approaches to the creation and application of artificial biological and biotechnical objects and materials for medical purposes. 7. PO10. Be able to plan, organise, manage and control medical and bioengineering systems and processes. 8. PO17. Be able to use computer-aided design systems for developing technological and hardware schemes of medical devices and systems. 9. PO18. Apply knowledge in chemistry and bioengineering to the creation, synthesis and application of artificial biotechnical and biological objects. 10. COM1. Communicating information, ideas, problems, solutions and own experience in the field of professional activity to specialists and non-specialists. 11. COM2. Ability to build an effective communication strategy 12. A&R1. Managing complex activities or projects, taking responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable conditions. 13. A&R2. Responsibility for the professional development of individuals and/or groups. 14. A&R3. Ability to keep learning at a high level of autonomy Teaching and training methods Lectures, laboratory work - informative-receptive method, reproductive method, heuristic method, the method of problem-based learning, Individual work - reproductive method, research method)
Required prior and related subjects: СК1. 14. Biophysics – СК1.11, СК1.12. Informatics in biomedical engineering , p.1 & 2 – СК1.13. Fundamentals of Biochemistry – СК2.8. Fundamentals of Biomedical Equipment Design
Summary of the subject: The course introduces the basics of modeling of biotechnological systems including characteristics, stages and tools of mathematical models creation. The basics of graph theory and the representation of mathematical models in the form of a graph are studied; principles and tools for modeling of technical and biological components of biotechnological systems are considered. Models of individual isolated and interconnected physiological systems are studied, as well as the basics of the theory of similarity and dimensionality and their application in the modeling of biotechnological systems. The knowledge gained is supposed to be implemented in practical problems solving using computer-aided engineering programs.
Опис: 1. Biotechnical systems as an object of modelling 2. Concept and main principles of system modelling. 3. Mathematical models and modelling. Basic requirements to mathematical models and their characteristics. Peculiarities of mathematical modelling of biotechnical systems. 4. Statistical modelling of biotechnical systems. Identification of objects and parameters of mathematical models on the basis of experimental dependencies 5. Fundamentals of graph theory and graph presentation of mathematical models. 6.Equivalent circuits of physical subsystems of the technical subsystems of the BTS 7. Macrolevel modelling of the technical subsystems of the BTS on the basis of analogies with processes in electric circuits. 8. Mathematical models of technical constituents at macrolevel: methods of construction. 9. Modelling of biologic components of biotechnological systems 10. Modelling of physiological systems: basic principles and approaches to modelling 11. Modelling of certain isolated physiological systems (modelling the circulatory system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system etc.). 12. Interaction of organism physiological systems. Principles of modelling and models of interconnected physiological systems. 13. Structural computer modelling of physiological systems. 14. BTS modelling on the basis of the theory of similarity 15. Modelling of BTS with the method of dimensionality
Assessment methods and criteria: Oral and written tests during the execution and defense of laboratory works and individual tasks, control and in-point tests at the VSM, examination tests, performance of control tasks, and oral testing during final examinations.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: – Current control: laboratory reports, individual exercises, oral interviewing, written and computer tests – 40 points (40 %): execution and defence of laboratory works and individual exercises - 20 points; tests - 20 points – Final control: control procedure - written and verbal examination (60 %): written examination (test) - 54 points; oral interviewing (verbal examination) - 6 points Laboratory work is graded on the basis of the accuracy, completeness and self-efficacy of the solutions obtained for each of the tasks: - the results obtained are correct, complete and self-determined - 100% of the maximum score; - correct, complete and obtained with significant help and corroboration from the teacher - 90% of the maximum mark; - the solutions obtained in the work are correct, but incomplete and obtained with significant assistance and corroboration from the teacher - 75% of the maximum grade; - the results obtained contain mistakes, but the approach to obtaining a solution and the use of tools for obtaining a solution is correct - 50% of the maximum score. Preliminary and control tests are conducted in a virtual learning environment and the score is given automatically for all test tasks. For the task type "essay" 100% of the maximum score is given in manual mode for a fully correct and complete performance, 85% - overall correct performance with minor errors in calculations; 75% for failure to solve the problem with some mistakes in the solution; 50% - for significant mistakes and incomplete solution based on the correct approach; 30% - for formulation of the correct approach without implementation of the solution.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100-88 points - ("excellent") is assigned for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literature sources, the ability to analyse the phenomena studied in their interconnection and development, clearly, concisely, logically, consistently answer the questions posed, the ability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 87-71 points - ("good") is given for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 70 - 50 points - ("satisfactory") is assigned for poor knowledge of the educational material of the component, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for poor application of theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is assigned for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is assigned for ignorance of a significant part of the component's educational material, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1. Гліненко Л.К. Основи біотехнічних систем та їх моделювання: навчальний посібник / Л.К.Гліненко, В.А.Павлиш, В.М.Фаст, Є.І.Яковенко. - Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. – 380 c. 2. Павлиш В.А. Основи інформаційних технологій і систем: навч. посібник / В.А.Павлиш, Л.К. Гліненко. - Львів: Видавництво львівської політехніки, 2013. - 500 с. 3. Khoo M.C.K. Mathematical Modeling. In: Khoo M.C.K. Physiological Control Systems. AnaLysis, Simulation and Estimation. – John Wiley & Son, Inc., 2015. – 467 p. - P. 23-37. 4. Khoo M.C.K. Identification of Physiological ControlSystems. In: Khoo M.C.K. Physiological Control Systems. AnaLysis, Simulation and Estimation. – John Wiley & Son, Inc., 2015. – 467 p. - P. 159-202. 5. Enderle J. Compartmental Modeling / J.Enderle, J.Bronzino. In Enderle J. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering / J.Enderle, J.Bronzino. – Elsevier Inc., 2012. - P. 360 - 445. 6. Enderle J. Physiological Modeling / J.Enderle. In Enderle J. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering / J.Enderle, J.Bronzino. – Elsevier Inc., 2012. - P. 693 - 798.
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