Methods of Introscopy in Biomedical Systems

Major: Biomedical Engineering (Internet of Things)
Code of subject: 6.163.03.O.033
Credits: 5.00
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: PHD, prof/ Storchun Yevhen
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The course "Methods of introscopy in biomedical systems" (MIBS) teaches the basics of ultrasound echoscopy, optical, X-ray, single-photon, positron two-photon tomography, magnetic resonance tomography. The purpose of teaching the discipline: - to give students the basic concepts of the basics of the mentioned methods of medical introscopy; - to study the basics of modeling biophysical processes that occur in the process of object diagnosis
Завдання: 1.2. Tasks of the academic discipline As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student should be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes. - to know the basic principles of medical endoscopy methods; - to understand the main physical processes of the interaction of physical factors with a biological object; - to be able to analyze the qualitative characteristics of the technical means of medical endoscopy. The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: General: - knowledge of basic concepts regarding the methodology of medical introscopy, - basic knowledge of the basics of modeling the physical processes of the interaction of radiation with a biological object, - the ability to system thinking, - understanding the need for and compliance with life safety rules, - ability for written and oral communication in native language, - computer skills, - research skills. Specialists: - the ability to navigate the main problems and tasks of bioengineering and use this knowledge in experimental and theoretical activities, - knowledge of methods and means of studying and analyzing the effects of physical fields on the human body during the operation of biotechnical and medical devices and systems, - to know the basics of the methodology of medical endoscopy methods, - to be able to analyze the qualitative characteristics of technical means of medical endoscopy methods.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: ZN 4. Knowledge of basic sciences, to the extent necessary for the development of general professional disciplines. ZN 9. Knowledge of methods and means of studying and analyzing the effects of physical fields on the human body during the operation of biotechnical and medical devices and systems. UM 11. Ability to use methods and tools to study and analyze the effects of physical fields on the human body during the operation of biomedical devices. UM 13. Ability to develop and operate diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices, electronic means of information and computer technology, telemedicine devices and the Internet of Things.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines SC18 Human anatomy and physiology SK7-8 Higher Mathematics SK10-11 Physics Related and subsequent disciplines SK36-37 Methods of processing biomedical information WB11-12 Medical devices and systems
Summary of the subject: The subject of the discipline "Methods of introscopy in biomedical systems" is the study of the physical foundations of modern non-invasive methods of visualization of the internal environment of biological objects used in modern medicine. The program of the discipline covers knowledge of the methodological principles of medical diagnostic methods, modeling of physical processes in the elements of technical means of these methods and the interaction of radiation with biological tissues. One of the features of studying the discipline is the combination of fundamental knowledge about the biological object with the further specialization of students in the field of development, manufacture and operation of medical devices.
Опис: The program of the educational discipline includes knowledge of the methodological foundations of medical endoscopy methods, modeling of physical processes in the elements of the technical means of these methods, and the interaction of radiation with the biological environment. One of the features of studying the discipline is the combination of fundamental knowledge about the biological object with further specialization of students in the field of development, manufacture and operation of medical devices.
Assessment methods and criteria: - written reports, quizzes, tests (30%) - final tests; written/verbal form (70%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Performance of practical tasks - 15 points Control testing - 20 points Examination control: - written component - 60 points, - oral component - 5 points
Recommended books: Сторчун Є.В., Матвійчук Я.М. Біофізичні та математичні основи інструментальних методів медичної діагностики:Навчальний посібник.-Львів: Видавництво «Растр-7».-2009.-215с. Федьків С.В. Магнітно-резонансна томографія в кардіології: інформаційно-методичний посібник / С.В.Федьків; під ред.: В.М.Коваленка, В.М.Корнацького.— К., 2013.— 60 с.: табл., іл. Злепко С. М., Коваль Л. Г., Гаврілова Н. М., Тимчик І.С. Медична апаратура спеціального призначення. Навчальний посібник. Вінниця, ВНТУ, 2010. 158 с. Злепко С.М., Павлов С.В., Коваль Л.Г., Тимчик І.С. Основи біомедичного радіоелектронного апаратобудування. Вінниця : УНІВЕРСУМ-Вінниця, 2008. – 154 с. Стеценко Г.С., Пенішкевич Я.І та інш. «Медична техніка», -Луцьк: “Надстир’я , 2002, -320 с.