
Major: Biomedical Engineering (Internet of Things)
Code of subject: 6.163.03.O.028
Credits: 3.00
Department: Philosophy
Lecturer: PhD. in Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Maria Sinelnikova
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To develop in students the skills of independent identification and consideration of worldview problems of life, methodological problems of cognition and activity with the involvement of the conceptual apparatus of philosophy; to awaken students' interest in spiritual searches and broadening the horizon of personal worldview. One of the main tasks of the course is to clarify the reasons for the increase in the importance of humanitarian knowledge under the conditions of the complication of interpersonal relations in modern society.
Завдання: General competences: ZK2. The ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values ??and achievements of society based on understanding the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technologies, to use various types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and leading a healthy lifestyle. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis. ZK7. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge. ZK12.Ability to make decisions and act in accordance with the principle of inadmissibility of corruption and any other manifestations of dishonesty. ZK14. Ability to motivate people and move towards a common goal.
Learning outcomes: Studies Outcomes: The goals of study: the goals of the study this module is to acquaint students with ideas and original texts of famous representatives of philosophy; to orient the students regarding actual problems of contemporary philosophy; to teach students how to use philosophical analysis in order to resolve the problem of a human being and science; to demonstrate the deep similarity between philosophy, science and arts. As a result of studying the students must know: - Social and historical meaning of philosophy and particularities of world-view knowledge. - The main periods of philosophy’s development, the time and the conditions of emergences of different philosophical paradigms. - The main ideas of the famous philosophers and its values for European civilization. - The main problems of philosophy and its vital significance. - The meaning of basic philosophical terminology. - The basics of prevention of corruption, social and academic integrity at the level necessary for the formation of intolerance to corruption and manifestations of dishonest behavior among students and be able to apply them in professional activities Be able: - To correlate and analyze advantages and mistakes of main philosophical point of views. - To compare scientific and philosophical vision of certain problems. - To analyze well-known collected fragments of philosophical books. - To analyze the problems of life using the philosophical categories and concepts. - To formulate and articulate own philosophical position concerning world-view issues.
Required prior and related subjects: World history and Ukrainian Culture, Sociology
Summary of the subject: Content of Module: Philosophy as intellectual form of a human being’s activity, Ancient Philosophy (India, China, Greece), Medieval Philosophy and Philosophy of the Renaissance, Philosophy of Modern Times, German Classical Philosophy, the Transition from Classical to Non-Classical Philosophy, Philosophy of XX –XXI centuries, Ukrainian Philosophy, The Problem of Being in Philosophy, Consciousness as Philosophical Problem, Cognition: Its Structure and Dynamics, A Human Being as the Subject of Philosophical Reflection, Philosophy of History, Social Philosophy, The Philosophical Issues of Contemporary Culture and Civilization.
Опис: Section I: Introduction to the course Philosophy as an intellectual form of human understanding of the world Section II: Leading trends in the historical formation of philosophical thinking. Philosophy of the Ancient World Philosophy of the European Middle Ages and Renaissance Philosophy of the New Age Transition from classical to non-classical philosophy Philosophy of the 20th century Modern Western philosophy Section III: History of philosophy in the context of the development of Ukraine History of Ukrainian philosophy Chapter IV: Fundamental problems of philosophy The problem of being in philosophy Consciousness as a philosophical problem Cognition: its structure and dynamics Man and his existence as a subject of philosophical reflection Social philosophy Culture and civilization Philosophy of science and technology
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (40%): oral examination, tests, reports. - Final control (60%): exam
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Options Mark the answer Perfectly 88-100 points Good 71-87 points Satisfactory 50-70 points Unsatisfactory 26-49 points Unsatisfactory 0-25 points 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mastery of conceptual apparatus and categories Basic concepts and categories are mastered Concepts are mastered, but in some cases inaccurately Concepts and categories are inaccurately mastered Basic concepts and categories are not mastered Basic concepts and categories are not mastered Knowledge of scientific factual material Fluency in the necessary scientific material Inaccuracies are identified in the presentation of the material Inaccuracies are identified in the presentation of the material and factual data are not taken Lack of possession of factual material Lack of possession of factual material Ability to conduct analysis and generalization Independently a scientific analysis of the actual material is carried out Independent conduct of scientific analysis of actual material, but inaccuracies and inconsistencies are allowed Transfer of educational material with elements of analysis Transfer of educational material without analysis Transfer of educational material without analysis with inaccuracies Knowledge of educational literature from the course Fluency in textbook materials and basic literature Fluency in textbook materials and knowledge of basic literature Knowledge of textbook materials and knowledge of basic literature Knowledge of textbook materials, but ignorance of basic literature Ignorance of textbook materials, ignorance of basic literature Full mastery of the course Free mastery of the course materials, answers to all questions Fluency in course materials, deficiencies in substantiating answers Mastery in course materials, deficiencies in substantiation of answers Weak mastery of course materials, no substantiated answers Weak mastery of course materials, lack of substantiated answers
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Maximum score in points Current control (PC) Examination control Together for the discipline Oral survey at seminar classes - 25 points Tests - 5 points Completion of individual homework - 10 points Total per PC - 40 Written component 60 Exam 100 1. Students receive 5 points for fully disclosing the content of the questions, while demonstrating the ability to operate the educational material and support it with relevant examples; 2. Students receive 4 points for the correct presentation of not all, but the main provisions or questions of the topic and the ability to logically connect them; 3. Students receive 3 points for an incomplete but correct answer to the questions, having certain problems in learning the educational material and showing uncertainty in giving specific examples or explanations; 4. Students can also receive 3 points for appropriate and successful additions to the answers of other students or for correctly solving problematic questions and tasks; 5. Students receive 2 points for correctly supplementing the speeches of other students at the seminar and for successful questions and remarks that allow a better understanding of the discussed issues; 6. Students can get 1 point for explaining the meaning of certain terms, for knowledge of the main concepts of philosophy, basic concepts or definitions in the topic under consideration; 7. Students receive 0 points if they cannot give any answer to the given question.
Recommended books: 1. Petrushenko V.L. Filosofia: Kurs lektsij. Navchal’nyj posibnyk dla studentiv vyschych navchal’nych zakladiv III-IV rivniv akredetatsij. – L’viv, 2008. 2. Hysev V. I. Zakhidna filosofia Novoho chasu. XVII-XVIII. – Kyiv, 2000. 3. Hors’kyj V. S. Istoria ukrajins’koji filosofii. – Kyiv, 2001. 4. Skraton R. Korotka istoria novitn’oji filosopfii. – Kyiv, 1998. 5. Tatarkevych V. Istoria filosofii. T.1-3. – L’viv, 1998-1999. 6. Chyzevs’kyj D. Narysu istorii filosofii na Ukrajini. – Kyiv, 1991.