Data Bases in Biomedical Computer and Information Systems

Major: Biomedical Engineering (Internet of Things)
Code of subject: 6.163.03.O.037
Credits: 5.00
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: Hlinenko Larysa
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of the course is to acquire knowledge about contemporary approaches to the organization and modelling of data in modern information and computer systems, including mastering the basics of the relational approach to database design; mastering the basics of using SQL to define and manipulate data in databases as well as gaining skills in database design and management
Завдання: The study of the discipline envisages developing the following student competences: integral competence: - INT. Ability to solve advanced specialised tasks and practical problems in biomedical engineering and the Internet of Things or in the process of learning, which implies the application of certain theories and methods of chemical, biological and medical engineering, and is characterised by complexity and uncertainty of conditions general competences: -GC1. Ability to apply knowledge in practice - GC2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activities - GC4. Skills in using information and communication technologies - GC6. Ability to search, process and analyse information from various sources professional competences: - PC1. Ability to apply engineering software packages for research, analysis, processing and presentation of results, as well as for computer-aided design of medical devices and systems PC3. Ability to study and apply new methods and tools for analysis, modelling, design and optimisation of medical devices and systems. PC4. Ability to ensure the technical and functional characteristics of systems and tools used in medicine and biology (for prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation). PC6. Ability to effectively use tools and methods for analysis, design, calculation and testing in the development of biomedical products and services. PC7. Ability to plan, design, develop, install, operate, maintain, service, control and coordinate the repair of devices, equipment and systems for prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as Internet of Things devices used in hospitals and research institutes
Learning outcomes: By the end of the study, learners are expected to: – comprehend the fundamentals of database approach, database design and the use of database management systems for applications in bioengineering systems; – know fundamentals of relational database organization and means of manipulating the relational data; – demonstrate knowledge and skills of relational database schema design by employing the concepts of entity-relationship diagrams, normal forms and normalizing procedures; – declare, define, and access relational database schemas in relational database management systems using the data definition language subset of SQL and facilities of QBE; – demonstrate knowledge and skills of querying relational databases by using SQL and the ability to convert relational algebra queries to SQL; – be able to apply the acquired knowledge for the relational database development in DBMS Access and to support query and constraint realization with QBE and SQL; – demonstrate knowledge of recent advances in database systems by identifying the connection between traditional relational databases and other data models; – understand peculiar features of medical databases design and application; – be able to present results of DB design and to substantiate it while discussing them with other students As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following programme learning outcomes PLO 1. PO1. Apply knowledge of the fundamentals of mathematics, physics and biophysics, bioengineering, chemistry, engineering graphics, mechanics, material resistance and strength, properties of gases and liquids, electronics, computer science, signal and image acquisition and analysis, automatic control, system analysis and decision-making methods at the level required to solve biomedical engineering problems. PLO 2. PO5. Be able to use databases, maths and software for data processing and computer modelling of biotechnical systems, including those for telemedicine and the Internet of Things PLO 3. PO8. Understand theoretical and practical approaches to the creation and management of medical equipment, medical technology and IoT devices PLO 4. PO10. Be able to plan, organise, manage and control medical and bioengineering systems and processes. PLO 5. PO17. Be able to use computer-aided design systems for developing technological and hardware schemes of medical devices and systems. PLO 10. COM1. Communicating information, ideas, problems, solutions and own experience in the field of professional activity to specialists and non-specialists. PLO 11. COM2. Ability to build an effective communication strategy PLO 12. A&R1. Managing complex activities or projects, taking responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable conditions. PLO 13. A&R2. Responsibility for the professional development of individuals and/or groups. PLO 14. A&R3. Ability to keep learning at a high level of autonomy
Required prior and related subjects: - СК2.4. Fundamentals of information theory and information systems – СК2.6. Fundamentals of Biotechnical Systems Modelling – СК1.11, 1.12. Informatics in Biomedical Engineering
Summary of the subject: The course examines the essence of the database concept; stages and approaches to their design, architecture and functions of DBMS. The course provides for the study of modern approaches to data modelling and database organisation, the main stages and tools for designing relational databases, tools for building an infological and logical database model, and the specifics of building medical databases are considered in detail. The basics of the SQL database language and transaction management methods are studied; the knowledge gained will be implemented in the process of performing practical tasks on the use of CASE tools and the environment of modern DBMSs.
Опис: 1. Basics of the concept of databases. Data and information. Storing information in a computer. File systems. The approach of databases. Database systems. Database management systems (DBMS). Architecture and functions of DBMS. Classification of database management systems. 2. Fundamentals of database modelling and design. Data modelling in the process of creating databases. Classical (hierarchical, network, relational) and modern (multidimensional, object-oriented, object-relational, document-oriented) data models. The main stages of design. Database design as an iterative process of creating database models. Basic approaches to database design. 3. Modelling databases at the conceptual level of representation. Infological model "entity-relationship". Data representation using this model. Modelling using the entity-relationship model (ER diagram). Types of entities, sets of entities, attributes, keys. Relationships, types of relationships, sets of relationships, roles and characteristics of relationships. ER-diagram notation. Formalisation of entities, attributes and relationships in the transition to a logical model. 4. Fundamentals of the relational approach to database organisation. Basic concepts of relational data modelling. Basic (fundamental) properties of relationships in relational databases. The main characteristics and advantages of the relational data model. Basic tools for manipulating relational data. Fundamentals of relational algebra and relational calculus. Theoretical set and special operations of relational algebra, their interpretation. 5. Fundamentals of relational database design. Normalisation of relations in the design process. Quality criteria for logical database models. Functional dependencies. Normalisation of relations in the process of database design The concept of normal form of the database and normalisation. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd normal forms, the algorithm for converting the database model to them. Correctness of the normalisation procedure. Features of designing medical databases of medical and diagnostic type, EVA - database model. Normal forms of higher orders: BCNF, 4th and 5th normal forms. Multivalued dependence and conjunction dependence. Algorithm for decomposing relationships in the design of a relational database schema. 6. Relational database language SQL SQL basics. Definition of database objects and data types in SQL. Specification of constraints in SQL. Views (virtual tables) in SQL. Basic SQL queries for data selection: simple and cross queries, queries with calculations. Non-trivial queries. Formation of nested queries and their application. SQL queries for data modification: inserting, deleting and updating data. Adding constraints. Changing and updating tables 7 Database administration. Basics of transaction management. Requirements for transaction properties. Serialised transaction schedules. Methods of conflict management. The method of two-phase locking as a method of conflict management. Methods of database recovery. Databases and the Internet. Internet access to databases and publishing databases on the Internet. 8. Medical databases. Classification and features of different types of medical databases
Assessment methods and criteria: Oral and written surveys in the process of performing and defending laboratory work and individual tasks, control and current testing in the VLE, examination testing, completion of control tasks, oral survey during the exam.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Maximum mark in points 100 Current control (PC) 40 - Presentation of laboratory reports - 16 points - Individual tasks - 10 points - Control tests - 14 points Total for PC - 40 points Examination control - 60 points - written component - 54 points - oral component - 6 points Total for the course -100 points Laboratory work is graded on the basis of the accuracy, completeness and self-efficacy of the solutions obtained for each of the tasks: - the results obtained are correct, complete and self-determined - 100% of the maximum score; - correct, complete and obtained with significant help and corroboration from the teacher - 90% of the maximum mark; - the solutions obtained in the work are correct, but incomplete and obtained with significant assistance and corroboration from the teacher - 75% of the maximum grade; - the results obtained contain mistakes, but the approach to obtaining a solution and the use of tools for obtaining a solution is correct - 50% of the maximum score. Preliminary and control tests are conducted in a virtual learning environment and the score is given automatically for all test tasks. For the task type "essay" 100% of the maximum score is given in manual mode for a fully correct and complete performance, 85% - overall correct performance with minor errors in calculations; 75% for failure to solve the problem with some mistakes in the solution; 50% - for significant mistakes and incomplete solution based on the correct approach; 30% - for formulation of the correct approach without implementation of the solution.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100-88 points - ("excellent") is assigned for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literature sources, the ability to analyse the phenomena studied in their interconnection and development, clearly, concisely, logically, consistently answer the questions posed, the ability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 87-71 marks - ("good") is given for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 70 - 50 points - ("satisfactory") is assigned for poor knowledge of the educational material of the component, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for poor application of theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is assigned for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is assigned for ignorance of a significant part of the component's educational material, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions
Recommended books: 1. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Бази даних в біомедичних інформаційно-комп'ютерних системах». Сертифікат № 03137 Е-41-122-71/2020 від 05.02.2020 р. 2. Берко А.Ю., Верес О.М., Пасічник В.В. Системи баз даних та знань. Книга 1. Організація баз даних та знань: навч. посібник. _ Львів: «Магнолія 2006»б 2008. – 456 с 3. Павлиш В.А., Гліненко Л.К. Основи інформаційних технологій і систем: навч. посібник / В.А.Павлиш, Л.К. Гліненко. - Львів: Видавництво львівської політехніки, 2013. - 500 с. 4. Collen Morris F. Computer Medical Databases: The First Six Decades (1950-2010) (Health Informatics) / Morris F. Collen. - Springer; 2012. – 288 р. 5. База Національної медичної бібліотеки США 6. International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) 7. Державний Реєстр Клінічних Досліджень в Україні 8. Visio Stencil and Template for UML 2.5 9. 10. Веб-сайт PhysioNet з доступом до БД фізіологічних досліджень
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