Telemedical Systems

Major: Biomedical Engineering (Internet of Things)
Code of subject: 6.163.03.O.035
Credits: 4.00
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: Smerdova Tetyana
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: By the end of the study, learners are expected to be able to: -know the principles of building telemedical systems, especially the organization of medical teleconsultations; - To organize a medical teleconsultation, to form a telemedicine system in accordance with the requirements of the standard, to understand the issues of mathematical modeling in biology, medicine and telemedicine; - To carry out an analysis of the dynamics of the patient's condition and the results of his examination and to formulate the relevant medical documents on the basis of the results obtained; -apply telemedicine technologies in various fields of medicine (medical education, medical science, clinical medicine)
Required prior and related subjects: -The basis of biotechnical systems simulation; -Technical means of protection of biomedical information; - Information technology biomedical engineering
Summary of the subject: Medical information and standards for its transmission. Types of Medical Information Standards for the Transmission of Medical Information, Key Features of Satellite Radio Systems Used in Telemedicine. Global satellite radio-satellite systems. The system of automatic identification and telemonitoring of the individual. The composition of the system in comparison with the anti-types. Monitoring systems. Home telemedicine. Definition. Classification and designation of monitoring systems. Intra-hospital monitoring systems. Outside of hospital monitoring (home telemedicine).
Assessment methods and criteria: -written reports on practical work, oral questioning, control work (30%) -command control (offset); written oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Телемедицина. Новые информационные технологии на пороге ХХ века. Под редакцией профессора Р.И. Юсупова и профессора Р. И. Полонникова. –Санкт- Петербург.-2000. 2. Казаков В. Н., Климовицкий В. Г., Владзимирський А. В. Телемедицина.- Донецк: Типография ООО «Норд», 2002.-100с. 3. Азарев А. В., Владзимирский А. В. Компьютерная программа по автоматизации ведения историй болезни пациентов // Современные проблемы информатизации в непромышленной сфере и экономике.- Труды VI Международной открытой научной конференции.-Воронеж ВЭПИ, 2001.-С.64 4. Владзимирский А. В. Телемедицинская сеть TrarmaNet: концепция и особенности // Травма.-2000.-Т.1,№2.-С.214-220.