Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Project Management

Major: Professional Education (Digital Technologies)
Code of subject: 6.015.39.E.097
Credits: 5.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Associate Professor Symak Anastasiya
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: - know and be able to use innovative approaches, principles and methods of teaching in the organization of mentoring, tutoring, coaching and project activities; - have practical skills of reflection and critical thinking of media products for further use; - be able to substantiate decisions on the management of financial and economic condition, financial and economic results of the enterprise, the financial and economic potential of the entrepreneur; - be able to justify the choice of sources and mechanisms of financing different types and areas of economic activity of the enterprise; - ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of project management philosophy; - ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic methods and tools of planning and control over project implementation; - be able to form and justify the choice of project and program for implementation and its concept; - be able to make project decisions based on the acquired knowledge and skills in the field of project management; - be able to use economic tools to manage resources, costs and project budget.
Required prior and related subjects: Project technologies and teamwork in educational activities Information systems for decision making
Summary of the subject: The nature and essence of entrepreneurship. Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship. Organization and development of own business. Financial support of entrepreneurship. Business plan. Taxation, accounting and reporting on enterprises, government regulation. Controlling and supervisory bodies. Introduction to project management. Design and software approaches in enterprise development management. Methods of substantiation and selection of projects. Tools for the formation and optimization of programs and portfolios. Tools for planning and control of projects and programs of enterprise development. Basic methods of time management. Economic tools for managing resources, costs and project budget. Economic tools of risk management. Economic tools for project quality management
Assessment methods and criteria: Teaching methods - verbal (explanation; story; conversation; instruction; work with a book or other information source); - visual (illustration; demonstration; show); - practical (training; experiment; experiment; exercise). Control methods - observation of educational and cognitive activities; - oral examination (individual and frontal) - written control of knowledge and skills is carried out by means of written works (written answers to questions, abstracts, the decision of problems and exercises); - presentations; - exhibition of literary sources; - practical verification of completed tasks; - thematic and test control, etc. Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes Distribution of points on a 100-point scale: current control: - preparation and defense of control work - 20 points; - preparation and defense of an individual task - 20 points; - business and simulation games in lectures - 5 points; credit control (written component) - 55 points.
Recommended books: 1.Мостенська Т. Л., Мостенська Т. Г., Ралко О. С. Управління проектами. К., 2018. 591 с. 2.Драган І. В. Управління інноваційною діяльністю суб'єктів господарювання при реалізації екологічних проектів. Інвестиції : практика та досвід. 2019. No 8. С. 23–28. 3. Катренко А. В. Управління ІТ-проектами. Кн. 1 : Стандарти, моделі та методи управління проектами. 2-ге вид. Львів, 2019. 552 с. 4. Практикум з управління проектами [Текст] : навч. посіб. / В. В. Козик, І. Є. Тимчишин ; Нац. ун-т «Львів. політехніка». — Л. : Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2012. — 179 с. 5. Бойчик І.М Економіка підприємства: підручник. / І.М.Бойчик. – К.: Кондор -Видавництво, 2016. – 378 с. 6. Гетьман О.О.Економіка підприємства: Навч. посіб. – 2-ге видання. / О.О.Гетьман, В.М. Шаповал. – К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2010. – 488 с. 7. Економіка підприємства : підручник / за заг. ред. С. Ф. Покропивного. - 3-є вид., перероб. та доп. - К. : КНЕУ, 2016. - 528 с. 8. Економіка підприємства: навч. Посібник / В.В. Козик, О.Ю. Ємельянов, О.Я. Загорецька, В.М. Мельник, О.І. Гудзь– Львів : Вид-во «Простір –М», 2017. – 406 с. 9. Зарицька О.Л., Симак А.В., Войцеховська В.В., Поліщук І.М., Мирощенко Н.Ю. Бізнес-план у підприємницькій діяльності: навч. посібник. Львів: НУЛП, 2020. –284 с.