Fundamentals of Economic Analysis and Forecasting

Major: Business, Trade and Exchange Activities
Code of subject: 6.076.00.O.017
Credits: 5.00
Department: Ecological Politics and Environment Protection Management
Lecturer: Associate professors of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Ecological Expertise of Goods
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. To be able to adapt and show initiative and independence in situations that arise in professional activity. 2. Identify and analyze the problems of entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity and develop measures to solve them. 3. Be able to develop measures of material and moral encouragement and use other tools to motivate staff and partners to achieve the set goal. 4. Apply business communications to support interaction with representatives of various professional groups. 5. To be able to perform tasks in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and/or exchange activity professionally, in full and with creative self-realization. 6. Be able to develop and implement measures to ensure the quality of the work performed and determine their effectiveness. 7. To determine and implement strategic plans for the development of economic entities in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and/or stock market activity. 8. Evaluate products, goods, services, as well as processes taking place in business, trade and/or exchange structures, and draw appropriate conclusions for management decisions. 9. Develop and make decisions aimed at ensuring the efficiency of business entities in the field of business, trade and/or stock exchange activities. 10. To be able to solve problematic issues that arise in the activities of business, trade and/or stock exchange structures under conditions of uncertainty and risks. 11. To implement innovative projects in order to create conditions for the effective functioning and development of business, trade and/or exchange structures. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: Knowledge: 1 Specialized conceptual knowledge acquired in the process of study and/or professional activity at the level of the latest achievements, which is the basis for original thinking and innovative activity, in particular in the context of research work 2 Critical understanding of problems in education and/or professional activity and at the border of subject areas Skills: 1 Solving complex tasks and problems that requires updating and integrating knowledge, often in conditions of incomplete/insufficient information and conflicting requirements 2 Conducting research and/or innovative activities
Required prior and related subjects: Рrerequisites Theoretical foundations of commodity science Со-requisites Organization of exchange activity Basics of economic analysis and forecasting Information systems of a trading enterprise
Summary of the subject: 1. Subject, types and methods of economic analysis 2. Sources of information in the process of economic analysis and forecasting 3. Analysis of production costs and production costs 4. Analysis of sales of products, income and financial results 5. Analysis of the use of material and labor resources 6. Analysis of the enterprise's investment activity 7. Comprehensive assessment of the financial condition and forecasting of the development of the enterprise
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students' knowledge of the academic discipline is carried out on the basis of the results: credit diff: Current control (30%): - written express control (10%) - the maximum number of points for each topic - 1 point; - performance of laboratory work (20%) - the maximum number of points for each report on laboratory work - 2 points. Final control (70%) - differential credit: - written component (60%); - oral component (10%).
Recommended books: 1. Slavyuk RA Enterprise Finance: Textbook. - К .: УБС НБУ: Знання, 2010. - 550 с 2. Kupalova GI Theory of economic analysis: Textbook. - К .: Знання, 2008. - 639 с. 3. Tsal-Tsalko YS Financial reporting of enterprises and its analysis: Textbook. manual. - 2nd type. , alterations and add. - Kyiv: CUL, 2002.- 360 p. 4. Kostyrko RO Financial Analysis: Textbook. manual. - H .: Factor, 2007. - 784 p 5. Karan Walsh Key financial indicators. Analysis and management of enterprise development: Per. from English - К .: Всеувито: Наукова думка, 2001.- 367 с. 6. The share of VT Economic analysis: theory and practical methods: Textbook.- K .: Condor, 2003.- 208 p. 7. Economic analysis / Ed. M.G. Chumachenko: Textbook. pos. - К .: КНЕУ, 2001. - 540с. 8. Slavyuk RA Finance of enterprises: Textbook. - К .: УБС НБУ: Знання, 2010. - 550 с 9. Monk EV Economic Analysis: Textbook. - Київ: ЦНЛ, 2003.- 412 с. 10. Theory of economic analysis: Textbook / T. M. Cheban, TA Kalinskaya, IO Dmitrienko: Ed. prof. V.Ye. Trusha. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2003. -214 p.

Fundamentals of Economic Analysis and Forecasting (курсова робота)

Major: Business, Trade and Exchange Activities
Code of subject: 6.076.00.O.018
Credits: 2.00
Department: Ecological Politics and Environment Protection Management
Lecturer: Professor Rostyslav Slav`yuk
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. To be able to adapt and show initiative and independence in situations that arise in professional activity. 2. Identify and analyze the problems of entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity and develop measures to solve them. 3. Be able to develop measures of material and moral encouragement and use other tools to motivate staff and partners to achieve the set goal. 4. Apply business communications to support interaction with representatives of various professional groups. 5. To be able to perform tasks in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and/or exchange activity professionally, in full and with creative self-realization. 6. Be able to develop and implement measures to ensure the quality of the work performed and determine their effectiveness. 7. To determine and implement strategic plans for the development of economic entities in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and/or stock market activity. 8. Evaluate products, goods, services, as well as processes taking place in business, trade and/or exchange structures, and draw appropriate conclusions for management decisions. 9. Develop and make decisions aimed at ensuring the efficiency of business entities in the field of business, trade and/or stock exchange activities. 10. To be able to solve problematic issues that arise in the activities of business, trade and/or stock exchange structures under conditions of uncertainty and risks. 11. To implement innovative projects in order to create conditions for the effective functioning and development of business, trade and/or exchange structures. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: Knowledge: 1 Specialized conceptual knowledge acquired in the process of study and/or professional activity at the level of the latest achievements, which is the basis for original thinking and innovative activity, in particular in the context of research work 2 Critical understanding of problems in education and/or professional activity and at the border of subject areas Skills: 1 Solving complex tasks and problems that requires updating and integrating knowledge, often in conditions of incomplete/insufficient information and conflicting requirements 2 Conducting research and/or innovative activities
Required prior and related subjects: Рrerequisites Theoretical foundations of commodity science Со-requisites Organization of exchange activity Basics of economic analysis and forecasting Information systems of a trading enterprise
Summary of the subject: 1. Subject, types and methods of economic analysis 2. Sources of information in the process of economic analysis and forecasting 3. Analysis of production costs and production costs 4. Analysis of sales of products, income and financial results 5. Analysis of the use of material and labor resources 6. Analysis of the enterprise's investment activity 7. Comprehensive assessment of the financial condition and forecasting of the development of the enterprise
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students' knowledge of the academic discipline is carried out on the basis of the results: credit diff: Current control (30%): - written express control (10%) - the maximum number of points for each topic - 1 point; - performance of laboratory work (20%) - the maximum number of points for each report on laboratory work - 2 points. Final control (70%) - differential credit: project presentation
Recommended books: 1. Основи економічного аналізу : навч.-метод. посібник / В. М. Микитюк, Т. М. Паламарчук, О. П. Русак [ та ін.]; за ред. В. М. Микитюка. – Житомир: Рута, 2018. – 440 с. 2. Ковальчук К.Ф Аналіз господарської діяльності: теорія, методика, розбір конкретних ситуацій.: навч. посіб./ К.Ф.Ковальчук - К.: Центр учбової літератури, - 2017. - 326с 3. Козак І. І. Економічний аналіз : навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / І. І. Козак; Львів. регіон. ін-т держ. упр. Нац. акад. держ. упр. при Президентові України. - 2-ге вид. - Л. : ЛРІДУ НАДУ, 2019. - 217 с.