Fundamentals of Circuit Theory

Major: Hardware-software devices of information communication systems
Code of subject: 6.172.10.O.012
Credits: 4.00
Department: Theoretical Radio Engineering and Radio Measurement
Lecturer: Senior lect., PhD Mykhailo Zmysnyi
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The subject of study in this course is linear and nonlinear electric circuits of the first and second order, as well as methods and technologies of their analysis. The purpose of the course is to provide future specialists with knowledge and practical skills in the field of understanding the physical principles of the operation of various types of electric circuits, students' assimilation of the basic laws of the theory of electric circuits, mastering engineering methods of circuit analysis.
Завдання: The study of the educational discipline "Fundamentals of the theory of circles" involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general competences: 1) the ability to system thinking; 2) persistence in achieving the goal; 3) concern for the quality of the work performed; professional competences: the ability to use mathematical methods in the chosen profession.
Learning outcomes: PH1 Know the method of building schematic and mathematical models of electronic circuits PH2 Know the basic methods of mathematical analysis of electronic circuits, calculation of their functional characteristics and parameters PH3 Know the basic properties of typical electronic circuits under characteristic external actions PH4 To know modern methods of algorithmization of solving basic radio engineering problems РН5 Be able to analytically and with the help of modern simulation software to investigate the main processes that occur in radio-electronic devices РН6 Be able to use modern radio measuring equipment and computer tools to determine the main parameters and characteristics of radio electronic devices РН7 Be able to properly operate, maintain and repair radio-electronic devices.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous and related: mathematics, physics. Next: signals in information systems, analog circuitry.
Summary of the subject: In the course "Fundamentals of the circles theory" the basic concepts of the theory of circles, methods of analysis of linear circles with constant parameters in steady and transient modes, calculation of their characteristics and parameters, the basics of the theory of quadrupoles and multipoles, basic information about non-linear circles and the phenomenon of transformation of the spectrum of signals into non-linear ones are taught circles
Опис: Topic 1. Basic provisions and laws of the theory of circles. Topic 2. Linear electric circuits of direct current. Topic 3. Linear electric circuits in a stable mode of harmonic oscillations. Topic 4. Fundamentals of the theory of the pass-through quadrupole. Topic 5. Transient processes in linear electronic circuits. Topic 6. Non-linear circles.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current monitoring of student learning results is carried out with the help of a virtual educational system developed at the TRR department, as well as in practical and laboratory classes by checking the performance of individual tasks. Semester control is carried out by checking individual written control papers completed according to the semester control schedule.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control – 40 points Final control – 60 points
Recommended books: 1. Математичні моделі та методи аналізу електронних кіл: Навч. посібник/ Ю.Я. Бобало, Р.І. Желяк, М.Д. Кіселичник, З.О. Колодій, Б.А. Мандзій, В.М. Якубенко; за ред. д-ра техн. наук, проф. Ю.Я. Бобала та д-ра техн. наук, проф. Б.А. Мандзія.- Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013.- 320 с. 2. Основи радіоелектроніки: Навч. посібник/. Бобало Ю.Я., Желяк Р.І., Кіселичник М.Д., Мандзій Б.А., Якубенко В.М. За ред. проф. Мандзія Б. А. -Львів: Вид. Нац. ун-ту “Львівська політехніка“, 2008. - 456 с. 4. Основи теорії електронних кіл: Підручник / Ю.Я. Бобало, Б.А. Мандзій, П.Г. Стахів, Л.Д. Писаренко , Ю.І. Якименко; За ред. д-ра техн. наук, проф. Ю.Я. Бобала. - Львів: Вид. Нац. унту “Львівська політехніка“, 2008. – 322 с. 5. Основи теорії кіл: Підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів.Ч.1./Ю.О. Коваль, Л.В. Гринченко, І.О. Милютченко, О.І. Рибін/ За заг.редакцією В.М. Шокала та В.І. Правди.- Х.: Компанія СМІТ, 2008. – 432 с. 6. Основи теорії кіл: Підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів.Ч.2./Ю.О. Коваль, Л.В. Гринченко, І.О. Милютченко, О.І. Рибін/ За заг.редакцією В.М. Шокала та В.І. Правди.-Х.: Компанія СМІТ, 2008. – 560 с. 7. Попов В.П.Основы теории цепей: Учебник для вузов спец. «Радиотехника». - М.: Высш. шк., 1985. – 496 с.