Technology of Processing Grant Applications and Patents

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 8.075.00.M.018
Credits: 3.00
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Sc.D. Shpak Nestor, PhD Naychuk-Khrushch Marta
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the academic discipline is to form a system of knowledge and practical skills in analyzing, evaluating the effectiveness of projects and forming grant applications and patent rights regarding these projects, preparing for the defense of a dissertation.
Завдання: general: GC1. Acquisition of universal researcher skills, in particular, organization and conduct of training sessions, use of modern information technologies (VNS, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, etc.) GC2. Mastery of general scientific (philosophical) competences aimed at the formation of a systematic scientific outlook, professional ethics and general cultural outlook, application of modern information technologies in scientific activity GC3. The ability to abstract, critical thinking, analysis and synthesis into basic logical arguments and verified facts in conditions of limited time and resources, taking into account the principles of time management. GC6. Acquisition of universal researcher skills, in particular oral and written presentation of the results of one's own research in Ukrainian, management of scientific projects and/or formation of proposals for financing scientific research, registration of IP rights, application of modern information technologies. GC7. Acquisition of scientific competences sufficient to present and discuss the results of one's scientific work in a foreign language in oral and written form, as well as to fully understand foreign-language scientific texts in the relevant specialty, the use of information technologies.
Learning outcomes: 1) Mastering the concepts, mechanisms and forms of providing international technical assistance. 2) Mastering of methodological approaches in the field of grants. 3) Knowledge of the main stages of the project grant application. 4) Mastering the mechanisms for analyzing potential donors and donors. 5) Mastering the project's viability mechanisms. 6) Mastering the styles of writing a grant application. 7) Knowledge and abilityof IPR detection and protection. 8) Mastering the knowledge and skills of the mechanisms and stages of patent rights. Also, the discipline provide such program results: 1) Possessing of analytical thinking and methods of systematization of information processing of large data sets 2) Demonstrating of a systematic scientific worldview, the ability to think creatively, formulate conclusions and develop recommendations, offer extraordinary approaches to the use of 3) Carrying out public approbation of research results
Required prior and related subjects: - prerequisite: Management, Enterprise’s economics - corequisite: Intellectual property
Summary of the subject: The course provides for the study of the following main thematic issues: international technical assistance, partners of international technical assistance, donor organizations, the essence of the project and the structure of the project, methodical approaches to obtaining grants, analysis of interested parties, analysis of problems, selection of potential donors, donor organizations, the main stages of formation design application, writing style, classification of objects of intellectual property, objects of copyright and related rights and their legal protection, registration of patent rights for objects of patent law, forms of legal protection in patent law, stages of registration of patent rights.
Опис: The course includes the study of the following main issues: international technical assistance, partners of international technical assistance, donor organizations, project structure, methodological approaches to grants, stakeholder analysis, selection of potential donors, main stages project application, classification of intellectual property objects, copyright and related rights protection, registration of patents for objects of patent law, patent registration stages. Patent taxes.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Assessment of the student's knowledge is carried out in the following directions: the presence of specific skills, their depth, stability and flexibility; the degree of mastery of the main provisions of the discipline and their creative application when solving situational problems and cases. 2. Semester control is conducted in the form of credit; assessment of the performance of individual work and control work. Evaluation methods: selective oral survey; answers for admission and defense of laboratory work, evaluation and oral survey 3. Evaluation of the performance of current control and independent works 4. Writing a written assignment 5. Final theoretical survey
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The final semester grade on a 100-point scale is transformed into a state grade in accordance with the system adopted by the University: • 88-100 points - "excellent"; • 71-87 points - "good"; • 50-70 points - "satisfactory"; • 0-49 points - "unsatisfactory". • Grade "excellent" (88-100 points) is given for complete, systematic knowledge. The student must correctly answer the tasks and solve practical problems, minor mechanical errors are allowed, which do not significantly distort the overall result of practical tasks. • Grade "good" (71-87 points) implies that, in general, having the material, the student correctly answers most of the tasks and makes minor inaccuracies and individual errors in solving practical problems. • A grade of "satisfactory" (50-70 points) is given to a student who has significant shortcomings in solving the tasks and has gaps in practical knowledge, but tried to solve problems where he could make mistakes. • Grade "unsatisfactory" (less than 50 points) is given to a student who does not understand the essence of the questions, does not know the basic concepts of the subject and did not answer them correctly.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: – current control (30%): practical classes, paper work, discussions – final control (70%): final test (50%) and oral answer (20%)
Recommended books: 1. Shpak N., Doroshkevych K., Dzvonyk* R., Naichuk-khrushch M., Dvulit Z., Shpak Y. Evaluation of tactical approaches to the implementation of the strategy of innovative IT projects // Computer science and information technologies : proceedings of IEEE 16th International conference (Lviv, Ukraine, 22–25 September, 2021). – 2021. – C. 407–410. 0,18 ум.д.ар (Шпак Ю. Н.) (SciVerse SCOPUS). 2) Shpak, N., Naychuk-Khrushch, M., & Kulyk, O. (2020). Analiz ta tendentsiyi rozvytku tekhnolohichnykh innovatsiy v enerhetychniy haluzi Ukrayiny. Visnyk Natsional?noho tekhnichnoho universytetu "Kharkivs?kyy politekhnichnyy instytut" (ekonomichni nauky), (4), 125–132. 2) Naychuk-Khrushch M.B., Hnylyans?ka L.Y., Prytula O.M., Sheremeta B.O. (2017). Kompleksni rishennya u sferi efektyvnoyi komertsializatsiyi rezul?tativ intelektual?noyi diyal?nosti pidpryyemstv // Visnyk Natsional?noho universytetu «L?vivs?ka politekhnika». Lohistyka, № 863. – 2017. – S.134-142. 3) Kawasaki, G. (2015). The Art of the Start 2.0: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything. New York, USA, The Penguin group. 4) Oberlender, G. D. (1993). Project management for engineering and construction (Vol. 2). New York: McGraw-Hill. 3) Farrukh, C., Kerr, C., Phaal, P., Athanassopoulou, N., & Routley, M. (2014) Light-weighting innovation strategy: A roadmapportfolio toolkit, The Portland International Conference for Management of Engineering and Technology, Kanazawa, July 27-31. 4) Drucker, P.F. (2004). Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (Drucker). Butterworth-Heinemann (November 17, 2004). 5) Patentology / P.C. Kirin, VL Khomenko, I.M. Korostashov; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University". Dnepropetrovsk: NSU, 2015. - 423 p. 6) Granting: Guidelines for Public Authorities on Drafting Applications / [О.В. Kulinich, D.S. Tkachev, S.E. Ignatiev, etc.]; in a row. OV Kulinich. - X.: Regional Center for International Projects and Programs, 2013. - 78 p. 7) Basilevich V. Intellectual property: Textbook / V.D. Basilevich. - 3rd edition, recast. and additions - K.: Knowledge, 2014. - 671 p.
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