The Evolution of Marketing: Theory and Applied Issues

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 8.075.00.M.023
Credits: 3.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Krykavskyy Y
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of this discipline is to form knowledge and skills regarding the use of modern tools in marketing, practice practical skills for solving marketing tasks, and find reserves for improving the marketing activities of enterprises.
Завдання: The ability to produce new ideas, to solve complex problems of professional and research and innovation activities in the field of marketing, to apply the methodology of scientific and pedagogical training, as well as to conduct own scientific research, the results of which have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance. The ability to abstract thinking, analysis, and synthesis The ability to orally and in writing present and discuss the results of scientific research and innovative developments in Ukrainian and foreign languages, a deep understanding of foreign language scientific texts in the direction of research. The ability to apply modern marketing methods and tools, digital technologies, resources, and economic-mathematical techniques and models in scientific and pedagogical activities. The ability to critically rethink and develop modern marketing theory, methodology, and practice while conducting original scientific research.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the doctor of philosophy should be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: • carry out market segmentation, • use product development methods, • model distribution channels of goods, • develop a complex of marketing communications; • process marketing information, • determine the circle of potential consumers, the price of products, their competitiveness, • plan a marketing complex; develop a marketing strategy
Required prior and related subjects: Academic entrepreneurship Research seminar in marketing
Summary of the subject: As a result of studying the discipline, a marketing specialist should: know the characteristics of the main types of markets, the principles of segmentation of these markets, methods of product development, channels of distribution of goods, marketing communications, different approaches to marketing strategy, peculiarities of international marketing; be able to collect marketing information, process it, determine the circle of potential consumers, the price of products, their competitiveness, plan a marketing complex. A trained specialist must be able to develop a marketing strategy to implement the marketing mix effectively.
Опис: Basic categories and principles of marketing Needs and their classification in marketing Influence of the micro- and macroenvironment on activity enterprises The process of deciding to buy a product Enterprise marketing complex and types of marketing Modern problems of marketing Global Marketing Interactive marketing Individual marketing Product and product policy of the enterprise Price, price policy of the enterprise, and price elasticity demand for the product Product sales channels Marketing communication policy, influencing factors Planning of marketing activities Organization and control of marketing activities
Assessment methods and criteria: Oral, written, control tests
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: practical tasks, oral examination (30%); final control (70 %, examination)
Recommended books: 1. Люльчак З.С. Маркетинг 1 : Навч.посібик// Карий О.І., Люльчак З.С. – Львів: Видавництво Магнолія-2006, 2014.- 297 с. 2. Гаркавенко С.С. Маркетинг: Підручник для вузів. К.: Лібра, 2007. – 720 с. 3. Маркетинг: Підручник/ В. Руделіус, О.М. Азарян, О.А. Виноградов та ін.- К.: Навчально-методичний центр «Консорціум із удосконалення менеджмент освіти в Україні», 2005. – 422 с. 4. Герасимчук В.Г. Маркетинг: теорія і практика: Навч.посібник. – К.: Вища школа, 1994. – 327 с. 5. Основи маркетингу: Навч. посібник/ Чеботар С.І., Ларіна Я.С., Шевчик М.Г. та ін.– К.: Наш час, 2006. – 240 с. 6. Крикавський Є.В. та ін. Маркетингова товарна політика: Навч.посібник. – Львів: Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2008. – 276 с. 7. Крикавський Є.В. та ін. Маркетингова політика розподілу: Навч.посібник. – Львів: Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2009. – 232 с.