Research Seminar in Marketing

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 8.075.00.O.009
Credits: 3.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: PhD, Associate рrofessor Hlynskyy N.Y.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: introducing students to the future specialty, introducing them to the environment of marketing activities of enterprises
Завдання: integral: the ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, to master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, to solve complex problems in the process of innovative research and professional activity, to conduct original scientific research in the field of marketing at the international and national level. general: the ability to initiate and conduct original scientific research, identify relevant scientific problems, search for and critically analyze information, produce innovative constructive ideas, and apply non-standard approaches to solving complex and atypical tasks. special (professional) competences of the specialty: thorough knowledge of the scientific tools for the study of socio-economic phenomena and processes in various areas of marketing. thorough knowledge of the theoretical and applied foundations of various types and areas of marketing.
Learning outcomes: knowledge: ability to demonstrate thorough knowledge of historical and modern conceptual-methodological and methodical foundations of marketing; the ability to demonstrate thorough knowledge of the theoretical and applied foundations of the entire range of types of marketing and their areas of application; the ability to demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of the current methodological-methodical base of research on socio-economic phenomena and processes in various marketing spheres. skill: choose and apply the methodology and tools of scientific research in order to conduct theoretical and empirical research in the field of marketing; conduct scientific research, implement and coordinate scientific projects based on the definition of current scientific problems, formulation of goals and objectives, aggregation and critical analysis of information, substantiation of research results and their further commercialization, formulation of conclusions and proposals; perform economic and mathematical modeling and socio-economic analysis of objects and processes in the marketing sphere; conduct scientific discussions in Ukrainian and foreign languages ??at a high professional level, present the results of scientific research in both oral and written forms, organize and conduct training sessions.
Required prior and related subjects: Correquisites: Operations research methods in marketing
Summary of the subject: The content and structure of the discipline "Research seminar on marketing" reflects the main provisions related to the acquisition by students of systematic knowledge in the field of marketing according to their subject, as well as the acquisition of skills for their practical use. This will contribute to students' mastery of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired in practical classes in the discipline. At the same time, the key goal of studying the discipline is the development of students' practical abilities and skills in the field of scientific research, a specialty in terms of writing and design of scientific results, identifying objects of scientific research, methods of scientific research; planning of research works; stages and forms of the scientific research process; typology of methods of scientific knowledge; formation and justification of scientific hypotheses; registration of the results of scientific research and their implementation in practice; information provision of the process of scientific research.
Опис: The essence of science as the main toolkit of scientific research. Fundamentals of the methodology of scientific research work from the research seminar on marketing. Information support from the research seminar on marketing. Methodological aspects of scientific publications from the research seminar on marketing.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control of the student's work: - assessment of students' knowledge in practical classes (assessment of the performance of practical work and tasks during class; correctness of calculations, correctness of conclusions and recommendations; correctness, completeness and brevity of the answer). 2. Semester control: assessment of students' knowledge at the semester control, which involves an oral component.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: 5 points are awarded for the performance of each practical work according to the option, 5 points are awarded for the defense of each completed practical work. During the semester, the maximum grade for practical classes is 60 points for full-time students. It is planned to write a final test for 30 points and an oral component for 10 points.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems;87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks; 70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems;49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25–00 points – ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is issued for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant mistakes in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1. Економічні дослідження (методологія, інструментарій, організація, апробація): навч.посіб. за ред. д.е.н., проф., акад. НАПН України А.А. Мазаракі. К. : КНЕУ, 2010. 2. Ганін В.І., Ганіна Н.В., Гурова К.Д. Методологія соціально-економічного дослідження. К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2008. 224с. 3. Зарішняк І.М. Методика та організація наукових досліджень. Тернопіль: Крок, 2012. 224с. 4. Лободинська О.М., Магазинщикова І.П. Чинники успішного працевлаштування за фахом. Структурно-логічні схеми. Львів ЗУКЦ, 2013. 108с. 5. Оспіщев В.І., Кривошей В.В. Технології наукових досліджень в економіці. К.: Знання, 2013. 255с. 6.Глухарєв, С. М. Конспект лекцій з курсу «Методологія наукових досліджень» (Методологія економічних досліджень) (для магістрів спеціальності 8.03050401 «Економіка підприємства») / С. М. Глухарєв; Харк. нац. акад. міськ. госп-ва. Х.:ХНАМГ, 2012. 112 с. 7. Основи методології та організації наукових досліджень: Навч. посіб. для студентів, курсантів, аспірантів і ад’юнтів / за ред. А. Є. Конверського. К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2010. 352 с.
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