Features of Social Work with Behavioral Addictions

Major: Social work
Code of subject: 7.231.01.E.018
Credits: 5.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: senior teacher Gerasym H. Z. C.of polit. Sc., prof. Klymanska L. D.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Solve complex problems and issues that require updating and integrating knowledge in the face of incomplete / insufficient information and conflicting requirements. Show in-depth knowledge and systematic understanding of theoretical concepts, both in the field of social work and in other fields of socio-humanitarian sciences. Collect and perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical data Use general and specialized software to solve professional problems and carry out research. Analyze the social and individual context of the problems of the individual, family, social group, community, formulate the purpose and objectives of social work, plan interventions in complex and unpredictable circumstances in accordance with the values ??of social work. Assess the social consequences of policies in the field of human rights, social inclusion and sustainable development of society, develop recommendations for improving the legal framework for social work. Determine the methodology of applied research and apply methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of results, including methods of mathematical statistics Develop, test and implement social projects and technologies. Demonstrate a positive attitude to one's profession and comply with ethical principles and standards of social work. Independently build and maintain purposeful, professional relationships with a wide range of people, representatives of various communities and organizations, argue, persuade, conduct constructive negotiations, effective conversations, discussions, be tolerant of alternative opinions. Make decisions autonomously in difficult and unpredictable situations
Required prior and related subjects: Health activities in social work Management in social work Technologies of social work with families with addicts Cultural correspondence of social services Interdisciplinary approach in social work Empirical data in social work
Summary of the subject: Definition of behavioral dependence and myths about this kind of dependence. The nature of behavioral dependence. Stages of dependence. Drug addiction, drug addiction, polydrug addiction. Features of psychological dependence. Food addiction, bulimia and anorexia. Gambling addiction - "gambling", work addiction - workaholism, addiction to love and sex. Factors of addictive behavior of students. Socio-psychological characteristics of students prone to addictive behavior. Formation of psychological mechanisms of dependence on psychoactive substances: minimization, rationalization, illusion and denial, intellectualization, distraction, fantasizing or magical thinking. Use of these mechanisms by clients addicted to psychoactive substances. Recognition of actions of mechanisms. Methods of disarmament of these mechanisms. Communication with addicts. Establishing contact. Assessment of the condition of the dependent person. Resources and needs of the dependent. Building a trusting relationship with a dependent. Non-discrimination and principles of tolerance with addicts. The problem of overcoming mistrust.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Individual tasks (40%) • Final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: Gryaznov AN Subjective approach to the study of the peculiarities of addictive behavior of students / https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/subektnyy-podhod-k-izucheniyu-osobennostey-addiktivnogo-povedeniya-studentov; Matelega MM Azizov SS Psychological features of dependence as a deviant behavior of the individual / /Pnpz_2015_7_12.pdf; Mizirene RV Psychological dependence on food / RV Mizirene. - M., 2005. - 150 p. Pil S. Love and dependence / S. Pil, A. Brodsky. - Moscow: Institute for Humanitarian Studies, 2005. - 269 p. Shabalina VV Addictive behavior in adolescence and adolescence / VV Shabalina. - М.: ВЕЧЕ, 2003. - 291 с. Shorokhova OA Life traps of dependence and codependence / OA Shorokhova. - СПб. : Rech, 2002. - P. 6–16.