Teaching Practice

Major: Social work
Code of subject: 7.231.01.O.010
Credits: 3.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: D.Sc. in Education, Associate Professor Klos L.Y.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to solve complex problems and problems in the field of social work or in the learning process, which involves research and / or innovation and is characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements Ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed. Interpersonal skills. Ability to work in a team Ability to implement the results of scientific research in practice . Ability to professionally diagnose, predict, design and model social situations Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels (experts from other fields / types of economic activity), to establish interaction of state, public and commercial organizations on the basis of social partnership Solve complex problems and issues that require updating and integration of knowledge in the context of incomplete / insufficient information and conflicting requirements Critically evaluate the results of scientific research and various sources of knowledge about social work practices, formulate conclusions and recommendations for their implementation Determine the methodology of applied research and apply methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of results, including methods of mathematical statistics. Develop criteria and indicators of professional efficiency, apply them in the evaluation of work performed, offer recommendations for quality assurance of social services and management decisions Develop, test and implement social projects and technologies. Implement the results of scientific research in practice. Demonstrate a positive attitude to one's profession and comply with ethical principles and standards of social work. Organize joint activities of specialists in various fields and non-professionals, prepare them for social work, initiate team building and coordinate teamwork. Independently and autonomously find the information necessary for professional growth, master it, learn and produce new knowledge, develop professional skills and qualities
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Examination of practical social work Methodology and methods of scientific research in social work Professional support (supervision) in social work Management in social work Methods of teaching social work co-requisites: Practice on the topic of master's qualification work
Summary of the subject: The content of education in terms of level of training of specialists. The essence and structure of the learning process. The specifics of the educational process in high school. Basic principles of training in professional training of future social workers. Methods and means of teaching in higher education. Innovative educational technology training in the social sphere. Forms of training in vocational and higher education. Preparation of the teacher for the class. Control, monitoring and evaluating the success of students in higher education institutions and vocational schools. Features of the module-rating system of evaluation of student achievement.
Assessment methods and criteria: - results of analysis of documentation and methodological support for teaching disciplines, oral examination, performance of practice tasks, design of individual tasks and report on practice, conducting an open lesson (40%) -final control (control measure, credit): written-oral form of presentation (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Theoretical and methodological principles of teaching subjects of the humanities in vocational schools / Ed. Vasyanovich GP - Lviv: Ukrainian Technologies. - 2013. - 220 p. 2. • Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training [Electronic resource] // Web-site / IASSW. - [electron. resource]. - Access mode: http: // cdn. ifsw. org / assets / ifsw_65044-3.pdf 3. Klos L. (2017). Professional training of future social workers for health care in US universities: theory and practice: monograph (edited by Dr. Pedagogical Sciences, Prof. Laktionova GM). Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House 4 / Haiduk NM, Klos LE, Stavkova SG, Belyaeva SY, Social work: practical training of students at the educational and qualification level "bachelor": Textbook. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2007. - 164 p. 5. Theoretical and methodological principles of teaching subjects of the humanities in vocational schools / Ed. Vasyanovich GP - Lviv: Ukrainian Technologies. - 2013. - 220 p. 6 Klos L., Matviyiv R. Methodical instructions for pedagogical practice by students of the master's program of the specialty "social work" - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2009. - 28 p. 7. Rashkevich Yu.M. Bologna process and a new paradigm of higher education: a monograph / Yu.M. рашкевич. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2014. - 168p. Shunevych B. Theoretical foundations of distance learning. — Lviv Polytechnic University, 2006. - 244 p.