E-commerce Management

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.04.E.050
Credits: 4.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Dmytriv Anna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and be able to apply in practice modern principles, theories, methods and practical techniques of marketing. Understand the essence and features of the use of marketing tools in the marketing decision-making process. Use the methods of marketing strategic analysis and interpret its results in order to improve the marketing activities of the market entity. Carry out diagnostics and strategic and operational marketing management for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, projects, and programs. Form a marketing system of interaction, build long-term mutually beneficial relationships with other market participants. Know and understand the importance of social responsibility for decisions, observe moral and cultural values. Be able to determine the optimal model of e-commerce systems and apply its functionality for conducting business operations on the Internet. Ability to provide (purchase) services using information and communication technologies of the global Internet network. Ability to integrate marketing communications in electronic media to ensure systematic promotion activities. Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that substantiate them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. Use of foreign languages in professional activities. Making decisions in difficult and unpredictable conditions, which requires the application of new approaches and forecasting. Responsibility for developing professional knowledge and practices, assessing strategic development of the team.
Required prior and related subjects: Marketing Management; Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty; Workshop on Writing of Scientific Publications, Conference Proceedings and Presentation of Scientific Reports; Research and Educational Experience.
Summary of the subject: The essence of e-commerce. Internet i Word Wide Web. Organization of business and Internet. Architecture Internet. Development of Web- sites. Evaluation and testing of Web- site for ease of use. Internet service providers and Web- hosting site. Payment system. Electronic safety. Marketing on the Internet. The implementation and operation. E-commerce between businesses. Legal and ethical aspects of electronic commerce.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (30 %): solving problems, oral examination Final evaluation (70 %): stage control.
Recommended books: 1. Тардаскіна Т.М., Є. М. Стрельчук Є. М. , Терешко Ю. В. . Електронна комерція: Навчальний посібник. Одеса: ОНАЗ ім. О.С. Попова, 2011. 244 с. 2. Шалева О.І. Електронна комерція : Навч. посіб. К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2011. 216. с. 3. Майк Хеффлінґер. За лаштунками Facebook: 10 уроків компанії на шляху до завоювання світу. K.Fund. 2019. 298 с. 4. Управління продажем : навч. посібник / В. П. Пилипчук, 5. О. В. Данніков. К. : КНЕУ, 2011. — 627 с. 6. Chaffey D. E-business and E-commerce Management // Strategy, Implementation and Practice. Prentice Hall, 2009. 800 p. 7. Швиденко М. З., Касаткіна О. М., Швиденко О. М. Електронна комерція : підручник. - Перевид., допов. і перероб. Київ : Ямчинський О. В., 2020. 477 с.