Project Management

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.01.E.029
Credits: 5.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Hayvanovych Nataliya, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: – Plan and conduct their own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. – Be able to develop a strategy and tactics of marketing activities, taking into account the cross-functional nature of its implementation. – Be able to increase the effectiveness of marketing activities of the market entity at different levels of management, develop projects in the field of marketing and manage them. – To use methods of interpersonal communication in the course of solving collective problems, conducting negotiations, scientific discussions in the field of marketing – Understand the essence and features of the use of marketing tools in the marketing decision-making process. – Manage the marketing activities of the market entity, as well as its divisions, groups, and networks, determine the criteria and indicators of its evaluation. – Form a marketing system of interaction, build long-term mutually beneficial relationships with other market participants. – Collect the necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods, and specialized software – Be able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of developing a comprehensive mechanism for implementing marketing projects. – Be able to determine the target audience of promotion activities, to form and implement media campaigns on the principles of omnichannel, to determine their intermediate and final results. – Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that substantiate them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. – Making decisions in difficult and unpredictable conditions, which requires the application of new approaches and forecasting. – Responsibility for developing professional knowledge and practices, assessing strategic development of the team – Ability to further study that is largely autonomous and independent.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Social Responsibility in Marketing Marketing management Advertising management Financial management Co-requisites: Project Management (Course Project) Commodity Innovation Policy
Summary of the subject: Project management in the organizational management system. Justification of the feasibility of the project. General approaches to project planning and control. Planning of resources, costs, and project budget. Monitoring the implementation of the project. Project Risk Management. Project Quality Management. Project Human Resource Management.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (30%): performance and defense of laboratory works; execution of practical tasks. Final control (semester exam, 70%): control testing, oral examination.
Recommended books: 1. Мередит Дж. Управление проектами / Дж.Мередит, С.Мантел: 8-е изд. – СПб.: Питер, 2014. – 640 с. 2. Петрович Й.М., Новаківський І.І. Управління інноваційними проектами: навч.посібник / Й.М. Петрович, І.І. Новаківський: навч. посібник; за заг. ред. Й.М. Петровича. – Львів.: Вид-во Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 316 с. 3. Козик В.В.. Практикум з управління проектами / В.В.Козик, І.Є.Тимчишин: Навч. посібник. – Львів: Вид-во Львівської політехніки, 2012. – 180 с. 4. Jack R, Meredith, Samuel J, Mantel Jr, Scott M, Shafer. (2018) Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 9th ed. Wiley, 600 p. 5. Lock, D. (2020) Project Management. 10th ed. Taylor and Francis. Available at:

Project Management (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.01.E.030
Credits: 3.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Hayvanovych Nataliya
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: – Plan and conduct their own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. – Be able to develop a strategy and tactics of marketing activities, taking into account the cross-functional nature of its implementation. – Present and discuss the results of scientific and applied research, marketing projects in state and foreign languages. – Be able to increase the effectiveness of marketing activities of the market entity at different levels of management, develop projects in the field of marketing and manage them. – To use methods of interpersonal communication in the course of solving collective problems, conducting negotiations, scientific discussions in the field of marketing – Understand the essence and features of the use of marketing tools in the marketing decision-making process. – Manage the marketing activities of the market entity, as well as its divisions, groups, and networks, determine the criteria and indicators of its evaluation. – Form a marketing system of interaction, build long-term mutually beneficial relationships with other market participants. – Collect the necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods, and specialized software – Be able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of developing a comprehensive mechanism for implementing marketing projects. – Be able to determine the target audience of promotion activities, to form and implement media campaigns on the principles of omnichannel, to determine their intermediate and final results. – Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that substantiate them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. – Making decisions in difficult and unpredictable conditions, which requires the application of new approaches and forecasting. – Responsibility for developing professional knowledge and practices, assessing strategic development of the team – Ability to further study that is largely autonomous and independent.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: - Co-requisites: Project Management
Summary of the subject: The purpose of the course project is to deepen theoretical knowledge and develop practical project management skills. The purpose of the course project is to deepen theoretical knowledge and develop practical project management skills. The structure of the KP: Introduction. General characteristics of the project. Organizational structure of the project. Project structuring. Project time planning. Risk management. Project quality management. Conclusions.
Assessment methods and criteria: Final control (100%, differentiated test): completion and defence of the course project.
Recommended books: 1. Nozdrina L.V., Yashchuk V.I., Polotai O.I. Upravlinnia proektamy / Pidruchnyk / Za zah. red. L. V. Nozdrinoi. — K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2010. — 432 s. 2. Meredyt Dzh. Upravleniye proektami / Dzh.Meredyt, S.Mantel: 8-e izd. – SPb.: Piter, 2014. – 640 s. 3. Afanasiev M.V. Upravlinnia proektamy / M.V.Afanasiev, I.V Hontareva: Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk. – Kharkiv: VD «Inzhek», 2007. – 272 s. 4. Babaiev V.M. Upravlinnia proektamy / V.M.Babaiev: Navch. posibnyk. Kharkiv: KhNAMH, 2006. – 244 s. 5. Batenko L.P. Upravlinnia proektamy / L.P.Batenko, O.A.Zahorodnikh, V.V.Lishchynska: Navch.posibnyk. – K.: KNEU, 2004. – 231 s. 6. Kozyk V.V. Praktykum z upravlinnia proektamy / V.V.Kozyk, I.Ye.Tymchyshyn: Navch. posibnyk. – Lviv.: Vyd-vo «LP», 2012. – 180 s. 7. Pryimak V.K. Upravlinnia proektamy / V.K.Pryimak: Navch. posibnyk. – 2- he vyd., pererob. i dop. – K.: Kyivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, 2011.– 420 s.