Integrated Digital Marketing (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.04.E.053
Credits: 3.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Olena Karpii, PhD., Associate Professor of Economics
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and be able to apply modern principles, theories, methods and practical methods of marketing in practical activities. Be able to adapt and apply new achievements in the theory and practice of marketing to achieve specific goals and solve the problems of a market entity. Plan and carry out own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Be able to develop a strategy and tactics of marketing activity taking into account the cross-functional nature of its implementation. Understand the essence and features of using marketing tools in the process of making marketing decisions. To justify marketing decisions at the level of a market entity using modern management principles, approaches, methods, techniques. Carry out diagnostics and strategic and operational management of marketing for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, projects and programs. Manage the marketing activities of the market entity, as well as its divisions, groups and networks, determine the criteria and indicators of its evaluation. Collect necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods and specialized software. The ability to provide (purchase) services using information and communication technologies of the global Internet network. Ability to integrate marketing communications in electronic media to ensure systematic promotion activities Clear and unambiguous presentation of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that justify them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to persons who are studying. Use of foreign languages in professional activities. Decision-making in complex and unpredictable conditions, which requires the use of new approaches and forecasting.
Required prior and related subjects: Рrerequisites: Integrated digital marketing Corequisites: Master’s Thesis Internship; Master’s Thesis Preparation; Master’s Thesis Defence
Summary of the subject: Content, structure and information technologies in digital marketing Features of digital marketing in the era of information society. Marketing research in the network: surveys, search engines. Digital marketing systems and their classification. Methods and organization of promotion of goods and services in the Internet environment. Features of digital marketing on the Internet. The specifics of marketing research.Modern trends in the development of digital marketing.
Assessment methods and criteria: Procedure and criteria for grading: 88-100 points - certified with an excellent grade; 71-87 points - certified with a good grade; 50-70 points - certified with a satisfactory score; 26-49 points - not certified; 0-26 points - not certified with a grade of unsatisfactory.
Recommended books: 1. Виноградова О. В. В Сучасні види маркетингу : навч.посібн. Київ: ДУТ, 2019. 265 с. 2. Котлер Ф. Маркетинг 4.0. Від традиційного до цифрового. Київ: КМБукс, 2018. 208с. 3. Воронюк А., Полищук А. Актуальний Інтернет-маркетинг. Київ: Агенство «Іріо», 2018. 160 с

Integrated Digital Marketing

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.04.E.052
Credits: 5.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Olena Karpii, PhD., Associate Professor of Economics
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and be able to apply modern principles, theories, methods and practical methods of marketing in practical activities. Be able to adapt and apply new achievements in the theory and practice of marketing to achieve specific goals and solve the problems of a market entity. Plan and carry out own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Be able to develop a strategy and tactics of marketing activity taking into account the cross-functional nature of its implementation. Understand the essence and features of using marketing tools in the process of making marketing decisions. To justify marketing decisions at the level of a market entity using modern management principles, approaches, methods, techniques. Carry out diagnostics and strategic and operational management of marketing for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, projects and programs. Manage the marketing activities of the market entity, as well as its divisions, groups and networks, determine the criteria and indicators of its evaluation. Collect necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods and specialized software. The ability to provide (purchase) services using information and communication technologies of the global Internet network. Ability to integrate marketing communications in electronic media to ensure systematic promotion activities Clear and unambiguous presentation of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that justify them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to persons who are studying. Use of foreign languages in professional activities. Decision-making in complex and unpredictable conditions, which requires the use of new approaches and forecasting. A capacity for further learning that is largely autonomous and self-directed.
Required prior and related subjects: Рrerequisites: Social responsibility in marketing Marketing management Strategic marketing Corequisites: Integrated digital marketing (course project)
Summary of the subject: Content, structure and information technologies in digital marketing Features of digital marketing in the era of information society. Marketing research in the network: surveys, search engines. Digital marketing systems and their classification. Methods and organization of promotion of goods and services in the Internet environment. Features of digital marketing on the Internet. The specifics of marketing research. Modern trends in the development of digital marketing.
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of monitoring the student's knowledge and skills when studying the discipline include: 1. Current control of the student's work: assessment of students' knowledge in practical classes (assessment of the performance of exercises and tasks during the class; assessment of participation in discussions, summaries of the issues considered in the practical class); 2. Final control: Examination (written and oral component) Written component: - tasks of the 1st level - tests; - 2nd level task – to reveal the meaning of the concept, give a definition; - 3rd level task – solve problems or propose a solution to the problem; Oral component: - oral survey. 88-100 points – certified with an excellent grade; 71-87 points – certified with a grade of good; 50-70 points – certified with a satisfactory grade; 26-49 points – not certified; 0-26 points – not certified with an unsatisfactory grade.
Recommended books: 1. Виноградова О. В. В Сучасні види маркетингу : навч.посібн. Київ: ДУТ, 2019. 265 с. 2. Котлер Ф. Маркетинг 4.0. Від традиційного до цифрового. Київ: КМБукс, 2018. 208с. 3. Воронюк А., Полищук А. Актуальний Інтернет-маркетинг. Київ: Агенство «Іріо», 2018. 160 с