Scientific Research and Seminars on the Theme of Research

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.01.E.030
Credits: 9.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Laboratory classes – PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hirna O.B., PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hlynskyy N.Yu.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and be able to apply modern principles, theories, methods and practical methods of marketing in practical activities. Plan and carry out own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Present and discuss the results of scientific and applied research, marketing projects in national and foreign languages. Use methods of interpersonal communication in the course of solving collective problems, conducting negotiations, scientific discussions in the field of marketing Justify marketing decisions at the level of a market entity using modern management principles, approaches, methods, techniques. Use the methods of marketing strategic analysis and interpret its results in order to improve the marketing activity of the market entity. Carry out diagnostics and strategic and operational management of marketing for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, projects and programs. Collect necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods and specialized software. To be able to identify scientific and practical research problems and solve them using the provisions of marketing theories and methodology, as well as general scientific and special research methods. Be able to publicize the results of one's own scientific research in a professional environment and present them using modern technical means. Be able to analyze and structure the problems of managing material and information flows of enterprises, organizations, institutions, make effective management decisions and ensure their implementation. Be able to determine the target audience of promotional activities, form and implement media campaigns based on omnichannel principles, determine their intermediate and final results. Clear and unambiguous presentation of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that justify them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to persons who are studying. Use of foreign languages ??in professional activities. A capacity for further learning that is largely autonomous and self-directed.
Required prior and related subjects: Required prerequisite and co-requisite modules: - prerequisite: special course on scientific research of the specialty; workshop on preparation of scientific publications, materials of conferences and presentations of scientific reports; educational and research practice
Summary of the subject: Analysis of scientific articles in Open source publications (Scopus and Web of Science databases). Information support for the Oxford debate on a given topic. Retrospective analysis of scientific achievements of Nobel laureates in economics. Conducting a comparative analysis of master's educational programs in the specialty "Marketing" in Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control of the student's work: - assessment of students' knowledge in laboratory classes (assessment of the performance of laboratory work and tasks during the class; correctness of calculations, correctness of conclusions and recommendations; correctness, completeness and conciseness of the answer during the defense of the work). 2. Semester control: evaluation of students' knowledge is carried out based on the results of current work.
Recommended books: 1. Важинський С.Е., Щербак Т. І. Методика та організація наукових досліджень : навч. посіб. Суми: СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. 260 с. 2. Гірна О.Б. Спецкурс з наукових досліджень спеціальності: навч.посіб. – Львів: «ГАЛИЧ-ПРЕС», 2022. 132 с. 3. Гуторов О.І. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посіб. Х.: ХНАУ, 2017. 272с. 4.Григорук, П. М. Методологія і організація наукових досліджень: навчальний посібник/ П. М. Григорук, Н. А. Хрущ . Київ : Кондор, 2017 . 206 с. 5. Гюлєв Н. У., Давідіч Ю. О., Рославцев Д. М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: конспект лекцій (для студентів 5 курсу денної і 6 курсу заочної форм навчання за спеціальністю 8.03060107 – Логістика). Харків: ХНУМГ, 2015. 44 с. 6. Зав’ялова Т.В. Глосарій термів та понять з курсу «Основи наукових досліджень»: навч.-метод. вид. Непша. Мелітополь : ТОВ Колор Принт, 2019. 84 с. 7. Клименко М.О., Петрук В.Г., Мокін В.Б., Вознюк Н.М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень (в екології): підручник / М.О. Клименко, В.Г. Петрук, В.Б. Мокін, Н.М. Вознюк, видавництво «Олді+», 2019. – 474 с. 8. Ладанюк А. П., Власенко Л.О., Кишенько В.Д. Методологія наукових досліджень: навч. посібник / А. П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Д. Кишенько. К.: Ліра-К, 2018. 352 с. 9. Мальська М., Паньків Н. Основи наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Львів: Видавництво ЛНУ ім.І.Франка, 2020. 226с. 10. Методологія наукових досліджень:навч.посібник/ А.П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Л. Кишенько. К.: Ліра К, 2018. 352с. 11. Основи наукових досліджень/ М.Корягін, В.Чік. К.: Алерта, 2019. 492с. 12. Швець Ф.Д. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Віче: НУВГП, 2016. 151с.

Scientific Research and Seminars on the Theme of Research

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.01.E.040
Credits: 9.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Laboratory classes – PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hirna O.B., PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hlynskyy N.Yu.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and be able to apply modern principles, theories, methods and practical methods of marketing in practical activities. Plan and carry out own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Present and discuss the results of scientific and applied research, marketing projects in national and foreign languages. Use methods of interpersonal communication in the course of solving collective problems, conducting negotiations, scientific discussions in the field of marketing Justify marketing decisions at the level of a market entity using modern management principles, approaches, methods, techniques. Use the methods of marketing strategic analysis and interpret its results in order to improve the marketing activity of the market entity. Carry out diagnostics and strategic and operational management of marketing for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, projects and programs. Collect necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods and specialized software. To be able to identify scientific and practical research problems and solve them using the provisions of marketing theories and methodology, as well as general scientific and special research methods. Be able to publicize the results of one's own scientific research in a professional environment and present them using modern technical means. Be able to analyze and structure the problems of managing material and information flows of enterprises, organizations, institutions, make effective management decisions and ensure their implementation. To be able to organically and effectively combine the tools of marketing, product, price, communication and distribution policy of a trade enterprise. Clear and unambiguous presentation of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that justify them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to persons who are studying. Use of foreign languages ??in professional activities. A capacity for further learning that is largely autonomous and self-directed.
Required prior and related subjects: Required prerequisite and co-requisite modules: - prerequisite: special course on scientific research of the specialty; workshop on preparation of scientific publications, materials of conferences and presentations of scientific reports; educational and research practice
Summary of the subject: Analysis of scientific articles in Open source publications (Scopus and Web of Science databases). Information support for the Oxford debate on a given topic. Retrospective analysis of scientific achievements of Nobel laureates in economics. Conducting a comparative analysis of master's educational programs in the specialty "Marketing" in Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control of the student's work: - assessment of students' knowledge in laboratory classes (assessment of the performance of laboratory work and tasks during the class; correctness of calculations, correctness of conclusions and recommendations; correctness, completeness and conciseness of the answer during the defense of the work). 2. Semester control: evaluation of students' knowledge is carried out based on the results of current work.
Recommended books: 1. Важинський С.Е., Щербак Т. І. Методика та організація наукових досліджень : навч. посіб. Суми: СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. 260 с. 2. Гірна О.Б. Спецкурс з наукових досліджень спеціальності: навч.посіб. – Львів: «ГАЛИЧ-ПРЕС», 2022. 132 с. 3. Гуторов О.І. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посіб. Х.: ХНАУ, 2017. 272с. 4.Григорук, П. М. Методологія і організація наукових досліджень: навчальний посібник/ П. М. Григорук, Н. А. Хрущ . Київ : Кондор, 2017 . 206 с. 5. Гюлєв Н. У., Давідіч Ю. О., Рославцев Д. М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: конспект лекцій (для студентів 5 курсу денної і 6 курсу заочної форм навчання за спеціальністю 8.03060107 – Логістика). Харків: ХНУМГ, 2015. 44 с. 6. Зав’ялова Т.В. Глосарій термів та понять з курсу «Основи наукових досліджень»: навч.-метод. вид. Непша. Мелітополь : ТОВ Колор Принт, 2019. 84 с. 7. Клименко М.О., Петрук В.Г., Мокін В.Б., Вознюк Н.М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень (в екології): підручник / М.О. Клименко, В.Г. Петрук, В.Б. Мокін, Н.М. Вознюк, видавництво «Олді+», 2019. – 474 с. 8. Ладанюк А. П., Власенко Л.О., Кишенько В.Д. Методологія наукових досліджень: навч. посібник / А. П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Д. Кишенько. К.: Ліра-К, 2018. 352 с. 9. Мальська М., Паньків Н. Основи наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Львів: Видавництво ЛНУ ім.І.Франка, 2020. 226с. 10. Методологія наукових досліджень:навч.посібник/ А.П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Л. Кишенько. К.: Ліра К, 2018. 352с. 11. Основи наукових досліджень/ М.Корягін, В.Чік. К.: Алерта, 2019. 492с. 12. Швець Ф.Д. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Віче: НУВГП, 2016. 151с.

Scientific Research and Seminars on the Theme of Research

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.01.E.045
Credits: 9.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Laboratory classes – PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hirna O.B., PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hlynskyy N.Yu.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and be able to apply modern principles, theories, methods and practical methods of marketing in practical activities. Plan and carry out own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Present and discuss the results of scientific and applied research, marketing projects in national and foreign languages. Use methods of interpersonal communication in the course of solving collective problems, conducting negotiations, scientific discussions in the field of marketing Justify marketing decisions at the level of a market entity using modern management principles, approaches, methods, techniques. Use the methods of marketing strategic analysis and interpret its results in order to improve the marketing activity of the market entity. Carry out diagnostics and strategic and operational management of marketing for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, projects and programs. Collect necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods and specialized software. To be able to identify scientific and practical research problems and solve them using the provisions of marketing theories and methodology, as well as general scientific and special research methods. Be able to publicize the results of one's own scientific research in a professional environment and present them using modern technical means. Be able to analyze and structure the problems of managing material and information flows of enterprises, organizations, institutions, make effective management decisions and ensure their implementation. Be able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the methodological tools for evaluating marketing decisions, their impact on the financial indicators of the enterprise's logistics activities and its market position. Clear and unambiguous presentation of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that justify them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to persons who are studying. Use of foreign languages ??in professional activities. A capacity for further learning that is largely autonomous and self-directed.
Required prior and related subjects: Required prerequisite and co-requisite modules: - prerequisite: special course on scientific research of the specialty; workshop on preparation of scientific publications, materials of conferences and presentations of scientific reports; educational and research practice
Summary of the subject: Analysis of scientific articles in Open source publications (Scopus and Web of Science databases). Information support for the Oxford debate on a given topic. Retrospective analysis of scientific achievements of Nobel laureates in economics. Conducting a comparative analysis of master's educational programs in the specialty "Marketing" in Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control of the student's work: - assessment of students' knowledge in laboratory classes (assessment of the performance of laboratory work and tasks during the class; correctness of calculations, correctness of conclusions and recommendations; correctness, completeness and conciseness of the answer during the defense of the work). 2. Semester control: evaluation of students' knowledge is carried out based on the results of current work.
Recommended books: 1. Важинський С.Е., Щербак Т. І. Методика та організація наукових досліджень : навч. посіб. Суми: СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. 260 с. 2. Гірна О.Б. Спецкурс з наукових досліджень спеціальності: навч.посіб. – Львів: «ГАЛИЧ-ПРЕС», 2022. 132 с. 3. Гуторов О.І. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посіб. Х.: ХНАУ, 2017. 272с. 4.Григорук, П. М. Методологія і організація наукових досліджень: навчальний посібник/ П. М. Григорук, Н. А. Хрущ . Київ : Кондор, 2017 . 206 с. 5. Гюлєв Н. У., Давідіч Ю. О., Рославцев Д. М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: конспект лекцій (для студентів 5 курсу денної і 6 курсу заочної форм навчання за спеціальністю 8.03060107 – Логістика). Харків: ХНУМГ, 2015. 44 с. 6. Зав’ялова Т.В. Глосарій термів та понять з курсу «Основи наукових досліджень»: навч.-метод. вид. Непша. Мелітополь : ТОВ Колор Принт, 2019. 84 с. 7. Клименко М.О., Петрук В.Г., Мокін В.Б., Вознюк Н.М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень (в екології): підручник / М.О. Клименко, В.Г. Петрук, В.Б. Мокін, Н.М. Вознюк, видавництво «Олді+», 2019. – 474 с. 8. Ладанюк А. П., Власенко Л.О., Кишенько В.Д. Методологія наукових досліджень: навч. посібник / А. П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Д. Кишенько. К.: Ліра-К, 2018. 352 с. 9. Мальська М., Паньків Н. Основи наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Львів: Видавництво ЛНУ ім.І.Франка, 2020. 226с. 10. Методологія наукових досліджень:навч.посібник/ А.П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Л. Кишенько. К.: Ліра К, 2018. 352с. 11. Основи наукових досліджень/ М.Корягін, В.Чік. К.: Алерта, 2019. 492с. 12. Швець Ф.Д. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Віче: НУВГП, 2016. 151с.

Scientific Research and Seminars on the Theme of Research

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.01.E.035
Credits: 9.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Laboratory classes – PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hirna O.B., PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hlynskyy N.Yu.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and be able to apply modern principles, theories, methods and practical methods of marketing in practical activities. Plan and carry out own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Present and discuss the results of scientific and applied research, marketing projects in national and foreign languages. Use methods of interpersonal communication in the course of solving collective problems, conducting negotiations, scientific discussions in the field of marketing Justify marketing decisions at the level of a market entity using modern management principles, approaches, methods, techniques. Use the methods of marketing strategic analysis and interpret its results in order to improve the marketing activity of the market entity. Carry out diagnostics and strategic and operational management of marketing for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, projects and programs. Collect necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods and specialized software. To be able to identify scientific and practical research problems and solve them using the provisions of marketing theories and methodology, as well as general scientific and special research methods. Be able to publicize the results of one's own scientific research in a professional environment and present them using modern technical means. Be able to analyze and structure the problems of managing material and information flows of enterprises, organizations, institutions, make effective management decisions and ensure their implementation. Be able to determine the target audience of promotional activities, form and implement media campaigns based on omnichannel principles, determine their intermediate and final results. Clear and unambiguous presentation of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that justify them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to persons who are studying. Use of foreign languages ??in professional activities. A capacity for further learning that is largely autonomous and self-directed.
Required prior and related subjects: Required prerequisite and co-requisite modules: - prerequisite: special course on scientific research of the specialty; workshop on preparation of scientific publications, materials of conferences and presentations of scientific reports; educational and research practice
Summary of the subject: Analysis of scientific articles in Open source publications (Scopus and Web of Science databases). Information support for the Oxford debate on a given topic. Retrospective analysis of scientific achievements of Nobel laureates in economics. Conducting a comparative analysis of master's educational programs in the specialty "Marketing" in Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control of the student's work: - assessment of students' knowledge in laboratory classes (assessment of the performance of laboratory work and tasks during the class; correctness of calculations, correctness of conclusions and recommendations; correctness, completeness and conciseness of the answer during the defense of the work). 2. Semester control: evaluation of students' knowledge is carried out based on the results of current work.
Recommended books: 1. Важинський С.Е., Щербак Т. І. Методика та організація наукових досліджень : навч. посіб. Суми: СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. 260 с. 2. Гірна О.Б. Спецкурс з наукових досліджень спеціальності: навч.посіб. – Львів: «ГАЛИЧ-ПРЕС», 2022. 132 с. 3. Гуторов О.І. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посіб. Х.: ХНАУ, 2017. 272с. 4.Григорук, П. М. Методологія і організація наукових досліджень: навчальний посібник/ П. М. Григорук, Н. А. Хрущ . Київ : Кондор, 2017 . 206 с. 5. Гюлєв Н. У., Давідіч Ю. О., Рославцев Д. М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: конспект лекцій (для студентів 5 курсу денної і 6 курсу заочної форм навчання за спеціальністю 8.03060107 – Логістика). Харків: ХНУМГ, 2015. 44 с. 6. Зав’ялова Т.В. Глосарій термів та понять з курсу «Основи наукових досліджень»: навч.-метод. вид. Непша. Мелітополь : ТОВ Колор Принт, 2019. 84 с. 7. Клименко М.О., Петрук В.Г., Мокін В.Б., Вознюк Н.М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень (в екології): підручник / М.О. Клименко, В.Г. Петрук, В.Б. Мокін, Н.М. Вознюк, видавництво «Олді+», 2019. – 474 с. 8. Ладанюк А. П., Власенко Л.О., Кишенько В.Д. Методологія наукових досліджень: навч. посібник / А. П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Д. Кишенько. К.: Ліра-К, 2018. 352 с. 9. Мальська М., Паньків Н. Основи наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Львів: Видавництво ЛНУ ім.І.Франка, 2020. 226с. 10. Методологія наукових досліджень:навч.посібник/ А.П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Л. Кишенько. К.: Ліра К, 2018. 352с. 11. Основи наукових досліджень/ М.Корягін, В.Чік. К.: Алерта, 2019. 492с. 12. Швець Ф.Д. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Віче: НУВГП, 2016. 151с.

Scientific Research and Seminars on the Theme of Research

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.04.E.053
Credits: 9.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Laboratory classes – PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hirna O.B., PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hlynskyy N.Yu.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and be able to apply modern principles, theories, methods and practical methods of marketing in practical activities. Plan and carry out own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Present and discuss the results of scientific and applied research, marketing projects in national and foreign languages. Use methods of interpersonal communication in the course of solving collective problems, conducting negotiations, scientific discussions in the field of marketing Justify marketing decisions at the level of a market entity using modern management principles, approaches, methods, techniques. Use the methods of marketing strategic analysis and interpret its results in order to improve the marketing activity of the market entity. Carry out diagnostics and strategic and operational management of marketing for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, projects and programs. Collect necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods and specialized software. To be able to identify scientific and practical research problems and solve them using the provisions of marketing theories and methodology, as well as general scientific and special research methods. Be able to publicize the results of one's own scientific research in a professional environment and present them using modern technical means. Be able to analyze and structure the problems of managing material and information flows of enterprises, organizations, institutions, make effective management decisions and ensure their implementation. Ability to plan and implement cross-platform coordination of marketing communications on the Internet Clear and unambiguous presentation of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that justify them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to persons who are studying. Use of foreign languages ??in professional activities. A capacity for further learning that is largely autonomous and self-directed.
Required prior and related subjects: Required prerequisite and co-requisite modules: - prerequisite: special course on scientific research of the specialty; workshop on preparation of scientific publications, materials of conferences and presentations of scientific reports; educational and research practice
Summary of the subject: Analysis of scientific articles in Open source publications (Scopus and Web of Science databases). Information support for the Oxford debate on a given topic. Retrospective analysis of scientific achievements of Nobel laureates in economics. Conducting a comparative analysis of master's educational programs in the specialty "Marketing" in Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control of the student's work: - assessment of students' knowledge in laboratory classes (assessment of the performance of laboratory work and tasks during the class; correctness of calculations, correctness of conclusions and recommendations; correctness, completeness and conciseness of the answer during the defense of the work). 2. Semester control: evaluation of students' knowledge is carried out based on the results of current work.
Recommended books: 1. Важинський С.Е., Щербак Т. І. Методика та організація наукових досліджень : навч. посіб. Суми: СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. 260 с. 2. Гірна О.Б. Спецкурс з наукових досліджень спеціальності: навч.посіб. – Львів: «ГАЛИЧ-ПРЕС», 2022. 132 с. 3. Гуторов О.І. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посіб. Х.: ХНАУ, 2017. 272с. 4.Григорук, П. М. Методологія і організація наукових досліджень: навчальний посібник/ П. М. Григорук, Н. А. Хрущ . Київ : Кондор, 2017 . 206 с. 5. Гюлєв Н. У., Давідіч Ю. О., Рославцев Д. М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: конспект лекцій (для студентів 5 курсу денної і 6 курсу заочної форм навчання за спеціальністю 8.03060107 – Логістика). Харків: ХНУМГ, 2015. 44 с. 6. Зав’ялова Т.В. Глосарій термів та понять з курсу «Основи наукових досліджень»: навч.-метод. вид. Непша. Мелітополь : ТОВ Колор Принт, 2019. 84 с. 7. Клименко М.О., Петрук В.Г., Мокін В.Б., Вознюк Н.М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень (в екології): підручник / М.О. Клименко, В.Г. Петрук, В.Б. Мокін, Н.М. Вознюк, видавництво «Олді+», 2019. – 474 с. 8. Ладанюк А. П., Власенко Л.О., Кишенько В.Д. Методологія наукових досліджень: навч. посібник / А. П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Д. Кишенько. К.: Ліра-К, 2018. 352 с. 9. Мальська М., Паньків Н. Основи наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Львів: Видавництво ЛНУ ім.І.Франка, 2020. 226с. 10. Методологія наукових досліджень:навч.посібник/ А.П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Л. Кишенько. К.: Ліра К, 2018. 352с. 11. Основи наукових досліджень/ М.Корягін, В.Чік. К.: Алерта, 2019. 492с. 12. Швець Ф.Д. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Віче: НУВГП, 2016. 151с.

Scientific Research and Seminars on the Theme of Research

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.04.E.058
Credits: 9.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Laboratory classes – PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hirna O.B., PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hlynskyy N.Yu.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and be able to apply modern principles, theories, methods and practical methods of marketing in practical activities. Plan and carry out own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Present and discuss the results of scientific and applied research, marketing projects in national and foreign languages. Use methods of interpersonal communication in the course of solving collective problems, conducting negotiations, scientific discussions in the field of marketing Justify marketing decisions at the level of a market entity using modern management principles, approaches, methods, techniques. Use the methods of marketing strategic analysis and interpret its results in order to improve the marketing activity of the market entity. Carry out diagnostics and strategic and operational management of marketing for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, projects and programs. Collect necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods and specialized software. To be able to identify scientific and practical research problems and solve them using the provisions of marketing theories and methodology, as well as general scientific and special research methods. Be able to publicize the results of one's own scientific research in a professional environment and present them using modern technical means. Be able to analyze and structure the problems of managing material and information flows of enterprises, organizations, institutions, make effective management decisions and ensure their implementation. Ability to integrate marketing communications in electronic media to ensure systematic promotion activities. Clear and unambiguous presentation of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that justify them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to persons who are studying. Use of foreign languages ??in professional activities. A capacity for further learning that is largely autonomous and self-directed.
Required prior and related subjects: Required prerequisite and co-requisite modules: - prerequisite: special course on scientific research of the specialty; workshop on preparation of scientific publications, materials of conferences and presentations of scientific reports; educational and research practice
Summary of the subject: Analysis of scientific articles in Open source publications (Scopus and Web of Science databases). Information support for the Oxford debate on a given topic. Retrospective analysis of scientific achievements of Nobel laureates in economics. Conducting a comparative analysis of master's educational programs in the specialty "Marketing" in Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control of the student's work: - assessment of students' knowledge in laboratory classes (assessment of the performance of laboratory work and tasks during the class; correctness of calculations, correctness of conclusions and recommendations; correctness, completeness and conciseness of the answer during the defense of the work). 2. Semester control: evaluation of students' knowledge is carried out based on the results of current work.
Recommended books: 1. Важинський С.Е., Щербак Т. І. Методика та організація наукових досліджень : навч. посіб. Суми: СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. 260 с. 2. Гірна О.Б. Спецкурс з наукових досліджень спеціальності: навч.посіб. – Львів: «ГАЛИЧ-ПРЕС», 2022. 132 с. 3. Гуторов О.І. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посіб. Х.: ХНАУ, 2017. 272с. 4.Григорук, П. М. Методологія і організація наукових досліджень: навчальний посібник/ П. М. Григорук, Н. А. Хрущ . Київ : Кондор, 2017 . 206 с. 5. Гюлєв Н. У., Давідіч Ю. О., Рославцев Д. М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: конспект лекцій (для студентів 5 курсу денної і 6 курсу заочної форм навчання за спеціальністю 8.03060107 – Логістика). Харків: ХНУМГ, 2015. 44 с. 6. Зав’ялова Т.В. Глосарій термів та понять з курсу «Основи наукових досліджень»: навч.-метод. вид. Непша. Мелітополь : ТОВ Колор Принт, 2019. 84 с. 7. Клименко М.О., Петрук В.Г., Мокін В.Б., Вознюк Н.М. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень (в екології): підручник / М.О. Клименко, В.Г. Петрук, В.Б. Мокін, Н.М. Вознюк, видавництво «Олді+», 2019. – 474 с. 8. Ладанюк А. П., Власенко Л.О., Кишенько В.Д. Методологія наукових досліджень: навч. посібник / А. П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Д. Кишенько. К.: Ліра-К, 2018. 352 с. 9. Мальська М., Паньків Н. Основи наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Львів: Видавництво ЛНУ ім.І.Франка, 2020. 226с. 10. Методологія наукових досліджень:навч.посібник/ А.П. Ладанюк, Л.О. Власенко, В.Л. Кишенько. К.: Ліра К, 2018. 352с. 11. Основи наукових досліджень/ М.Корягін, В.Чік. К.: Алерта, 2019. 492с. 12. Швець Ф.Д. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч.посібник. Віче: НУВГП, 2016. 151с.