Research and Educational Experience

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 7.075.00.O.020
Credits: 7.50
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: professor Оlena Bochko
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program Learning Outcomes: PLO 1. To know and be able to apply in practice modern principles, theories, methods and practical techniques of marketing. PLO 3. Plan and conduct their own research in the field of marketing, analyze its results and justify the adoption of effective marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty. PLO 5. Present and discuss the results of scientific and applied research, marketing projects in state and foreign languages. PLO 8. To use methods of interpersonal communication in the course of solving collective problems, conducting negotiations, scientific discussions in the field of marketing PLO 10. Substantiate marketing decisions at the level of a market entity using modern management principles, approaches, methods, techniques PLO 15. Collect the necessary data from various sources, process and analyze their results using modern methods, and specialized software. PLO 17. To be able to identify scientific and practical research problems and solve them using the provisions of marketing theories and methodology, as well as general scientific and special research methods. PLO 18. Be able to publicize the results of one's own scientific research in a professional environment and present them using modern technical means. PLO 19. Apply pedagogical technologies and conduct classes in professional educational disciplines in accordance with current legislation. COM1. Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own conclusions, as well as the knowledge and explanations that substantiate them, to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. COM2. Use of foreign languages in professional activities. A&R2. Responsibility for developing professional knowledge and practices, assessing strategic development of the team A&R3. Ability to further study that is largely autonomous and independent.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisite: Scientific research and seminars on their subject, Special course on scientific research of the specialty, Workshop on preparation of scientific publications, conference materials and presentations of scientific reports Requirements: Practice on the topic of the master's qualification thesis.
Summary of the subject: Completion of educational and research practice involves a deep and multifaceted (complex) study of the object - the department chosen as the practice base, in all directions of its scientific activity, identification of problems and prospects for its development. During the internship, students of higher education must prepare a scientific report, develop a case for the scientific areas of the department, and prepare a scientific article or theses or write a scientific paper. A feature of the research work of higher education applicants is its focus on solving analytical and research tasks necessary for the completion of master's qualification work.
Assessment methods and criteria: • writing a report (80%) - a written form, • control measure (20%, report protection, credit) - oral form.
Recommended books: 1. Гуторов О.І. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень: навч. посібник. Харків, 2017. 272 с. 2. Корягін М., Чік В. Основи наукових досліджень: навч. посібник. Київ, 2019. 492 с. 3. Ладанюк А.П., Власенко Л.О., Кишенько В.Л. Методологія наукових досліджень. Київ, 2018. 352 с. 4. Маркетингова діяльність підприємств: сучасний зміст: монографія / за ред. Н.В. Карпенко. Київ, 2016. 252 с. 5. Цифровий маркетинг – модель маркетингу ХХІ сторіччя: монографія / М.А. Окландер та ін. Одеса, 2017. 292 с.