Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies
Qualification awarded: Bachelor of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Entry year: 2021
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 6 (First cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 6)
Field(s) of study: Automation and instrumentation
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: If the previous qualification level was obtained in another country the nostrification by Lviv Polytechnic National University is required.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full completion of the curriculum and presentation of a thesis for a Bachelor's degree
Characteristics of the educational program: The speciality is focused on the development and exploitation of automated control systems of technological processes and computer-integrated technologies which are the basis of any modern production. The programme provides study of basic scientific disciplines, computer engineering, electronics and microprocessor engineering, information technologies, robotics. Students acquire knowledge and skills to create specialized software for industrial controllers, process control systems, acquire skills to design, to develop and to adjust equipment and automated systems, computer-integrated systems, robotic complexes. Also bachelors acquire knowledge in economics, foreign languages, law, which enables them to adapt to the labour market and to occupy engineering positions in the departments of automation, control and measuring devices, metrology and energy metering, operation of computer-integrated systems at industrial plants, at companies working in the field of design of automation hardware and software, at design and R&D organizations and also to obtain further education and to work in educational institutions.
Gained competence: - to know sections of higher mathematics to the extent necessary for the application of mathematical apparatus and methods in the field of automation;
- to know physics, electrical engineering, electronics and microprocessor technology at the level necessary for solving typical tasks and problems of automation;
- to understand the principles of the processes taking place in the automation plants (according to the field of activity) and to be able to analyze automation objects and justify the choice of algorithms and control schemes based on the results of the study of their properties;
- to know the operation principles of automation instruments and to be able to justify their choice based on the analysis of their technical characteristics, taking into account the requirements for the automation system and operating conditions;
- to know the methods of automatic measurement and monitoring of technological parameters and their metrological methods, principles of operation of sensors;
- to know up-to-date programming technologies for microprocessor automation tools and development of software applications for automation systems;
- to know the basics of modern technologies and data exchange protocols in automation systems, information technologies for the integration of automation systems into local and global information networks based on the principles of information security of such systems.
- ability to apply up-to-date information technologies and have the skills to develop algorithms and computer programs using high-level languages and object-oriented programming technologies, create databases;
- ability to apply methods of automatic control theory for research, analysis and synthesis of automatic control systems.
- ability to apply methods of system analysis, modeling, identification and numerical methods for developing mathematical and simulation models of individual elements and automation systems in general;
- ability to design multi-level control and data acquisition systems to create a database of process parameters and their visualization using human-machine interface tools;
- ability to justify the choice of structure and develop application software for microprocessor control systems based on local automation tools, industrial logic controllers and signal processors;
- ability to tune the automation instruments and control systems;
- ability to accomplish works on the design of automation systems taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and international standards;
- ability to use specialized software for solving typical engineering tasks in the field of automation, in particular, mathematical modeling, computer-aided design, database management, processing of computer graphics;
- ability to take into account social, ecological, ethical, economic aspects, requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety during the development of technical solutions.
- ability to use the fundamental concepts of state building in industrial and social activities to substantiate one's worldview positions and political beliefs, taking into account knowledge of the history of Ukraine, legal principles and ethical norms;
- ability to apply knowledge of the Ukrainian language and foreign languages for professional communication and work with scientific and technical sources.
Academic mobility: Not required, but mobility is encouraged and accepted according to ECTS procedures.
Work placement(s): Pre-diploma internship according to the bachelor's thesis
Programme director: Hanna Krykh
Occupational profiles of graduates: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Access to further studies: Obtaining the second (master's) level