Automation of Batch Productions

Major: Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies
Code of subject: 6.151.04.E.084
Credits: 7.00
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Vasylkivskyi Ihor Stepanovych
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - know the features of automation of periodic processes; - to know the purpose, principles of construction and functioning of systems of automation of periodic technological processes; - to know the properties of batch processes as objects of automatic control, - to know the basic rules and methods of building functional schemes of automation of typical periodic processes (including potentially dangerous ones), signaling and protection, automation of processes of starting and stopping of technological processes, basic provisions of optimization of modes of periodic processes. - be able to analyze the properties of periodic processes as objects of control, - be able to formulate requirements for automation of periodic processes, - be able to synthesize functional circuits of automation (including with optimal control), - be able to develop basic algorithms for managing potentially dangerous periodic processes and to create systems of automatic protection.
Required prior and related subjects: - prerequisites: control systems theory and fundamentals of system analysis; basics of robotics; technological measurements and instrumentation; robotic systems sensors; microcontrollers and actuators of robotic systems - co-requisites: theory of nonlinear and digital control systems; identificatoin of automation objects; robotic complexes for industrial productions; microprocessor and programmable automation devices; automation system design.
Summary of the subject: Features of periodic processes as objects of automation. Characteristics of periodic action objects Features of construction of periodic objects management systems. Structure of an automated system for managing periodic objects Management systems with a specified sequence of operations over time. Construction of cyclograms. Logical control systems. Synthesis of logical control systems. Basic concepts of logic algebra. Conversion of logical expressions. Synthesis of logical control systems. Implementation of control systems on logical elements. Automation of typical periodic processes (separation of liquid inhomogeneous mixtures; processes of starting, stopping and emergency protection of technological processes; processes of weighing and dosing; periodic processes of preparation of multicomponent mixtures, reactors of periodic action). Optimal management of periodic action objects (selection of the optimal control criterion; choice of the cycle life of the periodic action object). Optimal management of the technological complex of periodic objects. Optimal control of the process of crystallization of sugar in a vacuum apparatus of periodic action (formulation of the problem; minimizing the duration of the process; maximizing the yield of the finished product; implementation of the optimal control system). Optimal control of the process of cultivation of baker's yeast in the apparatus of periodic action (problem statement; minimization of process duration; maximization of output of the finished product; implementation of the optimal control system).
Assessment methods and criteria: - сurrent control (30%): written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning. - final control (70%): control measure - exam (written and oral form).
Recommended books: 1. Трегуб В.Г. Автоматизація об’єктів періодичної дії: підручник. – К.: Видавництво Ліра-К, 2017. - 136 с. 2. Семенцов Г.Н., Когуч Я.Р., Когутяк М.І., Дранчук М.М., Борнії В.С., Шавранськнй М.В. Автоматизація періодичних технологічних процесів : Навчальпий посібник. - Івано-Франківськ: ІФНТУНГ, 2010. – 175 с. 3. Стенцель Й.І., Поркуян О.В. Автоматизація технологічних процесів хімічних виробництв. Підручник. - Луганськ.: Вид-во Східноукр. нац. ун-ту, 2010. - 302 с. 4. Лукінюк М.В. Автоматизація типових технологічних процесів: технологічні об’єкти керування та схеми автоматизації: навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл., які навчаються за напрямом "Автоматизація і комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології". – К.: НТУУ "КПІ", 2008. – 236 с. 5. Ельперін І.В., Пупена О.М., Сідлецький В.М., Швед С.М. Автоматизація виробничих процесів: Підручник. — К. Видавництво Ліра-К, 2015 — 300 с. 6. Проць Я.І., Савків В.Б., Шкодзінський О.К., Ляшук О.Л. Автоматизація виробничих процесів. Навчальний посібник для технічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів. - Тернопіль: ТНТУ ім. І.Пулюя, 2011. – 344 с. 7. Ладанюк А.П., Трегуб В.Г., Ельперін І.В. Автоматизація технологічних процесів і виробництв харчової промисловості. - К.: Аграрна освіта, 2001. - 224 с. 8. Шувалов В.В., Огаджанов Г.А., Голубятников В.А. Автоматизация производственных процессов в химической промышленности. - М.: Химия, 1991. - 480 с.

Automation of Batch Productions (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies
Code of subject: 6.151.04.E.087
Credits: 3.00
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yusyk Yaroslav Petrovych
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - acquisition of skills for the solution of the tasks connected with automation of technological processes; - acquisition of skills of the analysis of separate technological devices and technological process in general as objects of automation; - practical development of methods and principles of synthesis of systems of automation; - development of skills of synthesis and design of a function chart of automation; - ability to choose technical means of automation for creation of the synthesized systems of automation taking into account technological features of process.
Required prior and related subjects: - prerequisites: control systems theory and fundamentals of system analysis; basics of robotics; technological measurements and instrumentation; robotic systems sensors; microcontrollers and actuators of robotic systems - co-requisites: theory of nonlinear and digital control systems; identificatoin of automation objects; robotic complexes for industrial productions; microprocessor and programmable automation devices; automation system design.
Summary of the subject: Introduction. 1. Analysis of technological process as object of management (description of technological process; theoretical bases of technological process in separate technological devices and machines; material and thermal balances of technological object; definition and the analysis of the factors influencing technological process; justification of nominal rates of parameters of technological process; technological chart; drawing up the block-diagram of interrelation between technological to object parameters). 2. Development of the system of automatic control of technological process (the analysis of the block diagram of interrelation between technological parameters of object; the analysis of static and dynamic characteristics of object on separate communication channels; justification and choice of coordinates of measurement, control, alarm system, remote control, protection, blocking and regulation; definition of functional signs of systems of automation; the comparative analysis of the existing schemes of automation of technological process; synthesis of the optimum simplified system of automation for the set operating conditions of object; choice of technical means of automation; the specification on automation equipment, the description of a function chart of automation). 3. Optimal process control (problem statement; minimization of process duration; maximization of output of the finished product; implementation of optimal control system). Conclusions. List of graphic materials. Function chart of automation
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (control measure – test); oral form (100 %).
Recommended books: Автоматизація технологічного процесу: Методичні вказівки до курсового проекту з дисципліни "Автоматизація технологічних процесів та виробництв" для студентів напряму підготовки 6.050202 "Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології" / Укл. Я.П. Юсик, В.О. Фединець., І.С. Васильківський - Львів: Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2016. - 25 с.