History of Restoration by Profession

Major: Fine Arts, Decorative Art, Restoration
Code of subject: 6.023.00.O.005
Credits: 4.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: doctor of architecture, professor Yurii Dyba
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: ЗН 1. Knowledge of the basics of theory in the field of protection and restoration of cultural heritage. ЗН 2. Knowledge of historical and stylistic, architectural, artistic, and plastic-artistic bases of restoration of works of art. ЗН 4. Knowledge of the procedure and procedure for examination of works of art ЗН 7. Knowledge of the main technological processes used in the restoration of works of art, taking into account their purpose and conditions of use and the requirements of applicable law. ЗН 8. Knowledge of historical and modern restoration materials. ЗН 9. Knowledge of the content of design and reporting documentation for the restoration of a work of art. ЗН 10. The knowledge that allows monitoring the state of preservation and operation of works of art. УМ 7. Ability to examine the work of art and develop recommendations for further preservation of the monument. КОМ 2. Ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technology, for effective communication at the professional and social levels. АіВ 2. Ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge.
Required prior and related subjects: History of Art and Architecture, Part 1 Drawing, part 1 Drawing and restoration graphic modeling, part 2 Fundamentals of sculpture, part 2 Polychromy in works of art
Summary of the subject: The discipline "History of Restoration by Profession" is a mandatory component of the educational program "Fine Arts, Decorative Arts Restoration" and is intended for study in the first semester of the first year. The course is based on the study of students' development of historical artistic styles of rescue, restoration, and conservation work from the first attempts to restore the architecture of antiquity to acquaintance with the goals and objectives of restoration at the present stage. During classes, students acquire sound theoretical skills in the history of the development of restoration thought in the world and in Ukraine in particular. The whole system of education should promote the development of historical and retrospective thinking of students, the education of professionals in the theory and practice of restoration. Program tasks are fixed by systematic independent work. In the process of studying the discipline, the historical stages of the formation of restoration theory and practice are highlighted. The lecture course includes the most important examples of restoration of the world and Ukrainian architectural and artistic heritage, in particular - monuments of architecture, arts and crafts, and sculpture. Lectures: 1. Introductory lecture. Introducing students to the subject and structure of the discipline. Basic concepts and general purpose of restoration. Types of restoration work. 2. Development of approaches to the preservation of historical heritage in traditional society. Historical and material heritage in primitive society and in the era of transition to the history of the ancient world. 3. Features of material culture and attitude to historical heritage in the civilizations of the Ancient East. The sacred factor in the development and preservation of material culture. 4. Development of the ancient artistic tradition from the Cretan-Mycenaean to the late Roman culture. Historicism in the development of art and architecture of antiquity. Imperial decrees and edicts to preserve the traditional architectural and artistic heritage. 5. The state of the material heritage of antiquity after the conquest and plunder of Rome and other centers of ancient culture. The decline of the ancient architectural and artistic tradition and the development of medieval culture. 6. Rediscovery of ancient antiquities. The practice of collecting and restoring ancient antiquities. Raphael and the protection of monuments. 7. Reformation and Counter-Reformation. The influence of the Enlightenment on the practice of preserving material culture. Archaeological discoveries and the second discovery of ancient heritage. 8. Winkelmann and the restoration of antiquities. Christian pilgrimage and its impact on the preservation of architectural and artistic heritage. The first restorations in Rome. 9. The Great French Revolution and its impact on the restoration of antiquities in France. Formation of state monument protection structures. Anastylosis of the classical monuments of Greece. 10. Theoretical debate on the principles of the restoration of historical and architectural heritage. t 11. The concept of stylistic restoration. Restoration practice in France. Viole le Duke. 12. "Admiration of Gothic" in England. Conservation against restoration. 13. Heritage protection and restoration in the Austrian and Russian empires. 14. World Wars and the formation of scientific restoration. International conservation documents. International bodies for the protection of world architectural and artistic heritage. 15. Restoration and museum work. Practical training: 1. Field surveys and photo-fixation of stone architectural details of the Romano-Gothic period in Lviv. 2. Field surveys and photo-fixation of stone architectural details of the Renaissance and Mannerism in Lviv. 3. Field surveys and photo-fixation of stone architectural details of the Baroque period in Lviv. 4. Field surveys and photo-fixation of stone architectural details of the Baroque period in Lviv. 5. Full-scale surveys and photo-fixation of stone architectural details of the historicist era in Lviv. 6. Field surveys and photo-fixation of stone architectural details of the Art Nouveau period in Lviv. 7. Improving the skills of graphic fixation of architectural details 8. Creating an album of sketches of architectural details in different styles Laboratory classes: 1. Analysis of the list of available reference books, which allows improving the description of the selected architectural detail on the Wikipedia website. 2. Acquaintance with online libraries and methods of searching for necessary literature. 3. Familiarization with the structure of dictionary and encyclopedic articles on architectural details. 4. Choosing a Wikipedia website about architectural detail to improve it. 5. Identify the pros and cons of a selected article on architectural detail in Wikipedia. Elaboration and improvement of the text, which gives the definition of the selected architectural detail. 6. Elaboration and improvement of the section on technological features and materials of execution of the chosen architectural detail. 7. Elaboration and improvement of the section on technological features and materials of execution of the chosen architectural detail. 8. Literary-scientific proofreading of the created text about the selected architectural detail and making changes to the relevant Wikipedia article.
Assessment methods and criteria: During the semester, the student can score up to 40 points for the current control. On the test - a maximum of 60 points. To be admitted to the exam, a student must score at least 20 points for the current test. The test in the discipline "History of restoration by profession" is conducted in written and oral form (50 points for testing and 10 points for oral examination). The student receives a maximum of 50 points for correct answers to 15 test questions. 10 points in the oral examination is set as follows: 8-10 points - "excellent" answer; 7-6 points - "good" answer; 5–4 points - “satisfactory” answer; 0-3 points - "unsatisfactory" answer. 100-88 points - grade "A" ("excellent") 87-80 points - grade B ("very good") 79-71 points - grade C ("good") 70-61 points - grade D ("mediocre") 60-50 points - grade E ("satisfactory") 49-26 points - FX score ("unsatisfactory" with the possibility of re-credit) 25-00 points grade F ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study of the module)
Recommended books: Basic 1. Metodika restavratsii pamyatnikov arkhitektury. Posobiye dlya arkhitektorov-restavratorov / Otv. red. P. N. Maksimov. – Moskva, 1961. 2. Mikhaylovskiy Ye. V. Restavratsiya pamyatnikov arkhitektury (razvitiye teoreticheskikh kontseptsiy). – Moskva: Izd-vo lit. Po stroitel'stvu, 1971. 3. Pod"yapol'skiy S. S., Bessonov G. B. i dr. Restavratsiya pamyatnikov arkhitektury. Moskva: Stroyizdat, 1988. 4. Farmakovskiy M. F. Konservatsiya i restavratsiya muzeynykh kollektsiy. – Moskva, 1947. 5. Chistyakov A. N., Krogius M. E. Tipologiya razrusheniy pamyatnikov kul'tury. – Sankt-Peterburg: SPbKO, 2014. 6. Yakhont O. V. Problemy konservatsii, restavratsii i atributsii proizvedeniy iskusstva: Izbrannyye stat'i. – Moskva: Izd-vo Skanrus, 2010. 7. Yakhont O. V. O restavratsii i atributsii. – Moskva: Izd-vo Skanrus, 2007. 8. Jokilehto J. A History of Architectural Conservation. – Oxford; Auckland; Boston; Johannesburg; Melbourne; New Delhi: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. 9. Roca P., Lourenco P. B., Gaetani A. Historic Construction and Conservation: Materials, Systems, and Damage. – New York; London: Routledge, 2019. Additional 1. Konservatsiya i restavratsiya pam’yatok arkhitekturi. Metodichniy posibnik / Avtors'kiy kol: Dorofienko I., Kravchenko O. ta insh. Kii?v; L'viv, 1996. 2. Nikitin M. A., Mel'nikova Ye. P. Khimiya v restavratsii. Spravochnoye posobiye. – Leningrad: Khimiya, 1990. 3. Pam’yatkoznavstvo: pravova okhorona kul'turnikh nadban': zb. dok. / uporyad. L. Pribega ta in. – Kii?v, 2009. 4. Pribega L. V. Okhorona ta restavratsiya ob’ektiv arkhitekturno-mistobudivnoi? spadshchini Ukrai?ni: metodologichniy aspekt. – Kii?v: Mistetstvo, 2009. 5. Sansone V. Kamni, kotoryye nado spasti. – Moskva: Mysl', 1986. 6. Sitnikova Ye. V. Istoriya restavratsii v illyustratsiyakh. – Tomsk: Izd-vo TGASU, 2016. 7. Taratorin Ye. V., Kurapina Ye. V. Animatsiya istoriko-kul'turnykh ob"yektov. – Sankt-Peterburg: Lan'; Planeta muzyki, 2021. 8. Formozov A. A. Russkoye obshchestvo i okhrana pamyatnikov kul'tury. – Moskva: Sovetskaya Rossiya, 1990. Information resources 1. Natsional'na biblioteka Ukrai?ni imeni V.V. Vernads'kogo. – [Yelektroniy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/ 2. Biblitoteka: Kul'tura i iskusstvo. – [Yelektroniy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu: https://mirknig.su/knigi/kultura/