Legal Regulation of Social Welfare

Major: Social work
Code of subject: 6.231.00.O.008
Credits: 6.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: C.of Gov. Sc., Associate Professor Andreychuk S. K.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Use prevention methods to prevent possible mental disorders, behavioral disorders, interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution, prevention of social risks and difficult life circumstances.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites :Social pedagogy Correquisites: Issues of disability in social work
Summary of the subject: Review of the main legal aspects of the organization of human life. Social policy. Regulatory framework governing the observance of human rights in society and its development. Constitutional rights and freedoms. Protection and defense of legal rights of a citizen. Legal guarantees for the protection of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine. Legislative provision of the right to receive services from social services. Basic human rights that can be violated as a result of the organization of public life of a citizen. Practical aspects. Legal regulation of social security. Development prospects. Legal regulation of social work in preserving the rights and legitimate interests of children and youth. The right to social security for the family as the foundation of society. Legal aspects of social work with families. Legal aspects of social work in preserving the rights and legitimate interests of people with special needs. Social risks: concepts, signs, types. Legal aspects of social work with the elderly. Legislative and regulatory support of the right to health care and social assistance by citizens of Ukraine. Social protection of women. Legislative provision of housing and property rights of citizens of Ukraine.
Assessment methods and criteria: • oral interview, participation in discussions (40%) • final control (control measure, exam): written form (60%)
Recommended books: Bolotina N. B. Pravo sotsial?noho zakhystu v Ukrayini: Navchal?nyy posibnyk.-2- he vydannya pererob., don.-K: Znannya, 2008- 663s. 2.Vstup do sotsial?noyi roboty / Za red. T. Semyhinoyi, I. Mihovycha. - K.:Akademvydav, 2005. - 326 s 3.Harasymiv T.Z. Pryntsypy prava sotsialnoho zabezpechennya. - Drohobych, 2002. -128 Zakhyst sotsialnykh ta ekonomichnykh prav: mizhnarodni standarty i zakonodavstvo Ukrayiny: Mat. nauk, prakt. konf., 12 bereznya 2004 r., m. Kyyiv: u 2 ch. / Za red O.F. Shtanka, N.B. Bolotinoyi. - K.: KYUIMVS Ukrayiny, 2004. 4.Myronenko V. Zakhyst interesiv ditey u razi rozirvannya batkamy shlyubu // Pidpryyemstvo, hosp-vo i pravo. - 2005.- №2 - S. 99-102 5.Pravo sotsialnoho zabezpechennya Ukrayiny: pidruch. [dlya stud. yuryd. spets, vyshch. navch. zakl.] / za red. Pylypenko P.D. 3-tye vyd., pererobl. i dopovn. - K.: In Yure, 2010. - 504 s. 6.Pravo sotsialnoho zabezpechennya Ukrayiny. Navchalnyy posibnyk / Za zah. red. P.D. Pylypenka. - Vyd. 2-he, zmin, i dop. K.: Istyna, 2010. - 224s.. 7.Pravyla opiky ta pikluvannya v Ukrayini. Sotsialna pidtrymka viyskovozobovyazanoyi molodi. / Za zah. red. A.O. Buchaka. - Rivne, 2002. -51 s. 8.Sotsialna robota / Za red. A. Kapskoyi. - K.: Tsentr navch. lit., 2004. -S. 173-175 (modeli). 9.Stashkiv B. I. Teoriya prava sotsialnoho zabezpechennya: // Navch. posibn..- K.; Znannya 2005.-405s 10.Tokareva V.I. Simeyne pravo Ukrayiny: Praktykum. - K.: Znannya, 2007. - 284 11. Romashchenko I.O. Poryadok ta formy zakhystu sub‘yektyvnykh tsyvil?nykh prav ta okhoronyuvanykh zakonom interesiv shlyakhom zminy ta prypynennya pravovidnoshennya / I.O. Romashchenko. - Naukovyy visnyk Khersons?koho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriya yurydychni nauky. Vyp. 3. T.1. - 2017. - S. 110- 115. Romashchenko IO The order and forms of protection of subjective civil rights and legally protected interests by changing and terminating the legal relationship / I.O. Romashchenko. - Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Legal science series. Vip. 3. Vol.1. - 2017. - P. 110- 115. 12. Ovcharova V. S. Normatyvno-pravove rehulyuvannya sotsial?noyi roboty iz zaluchennya molodi do volonters?koyi diyal?nosti v suchasnykh umovakh / V. S. Ovcharova // Naukovyy visnyk Pivdennoukrayins?koho natsional?noho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni K. D. Ushyns?koho: Science. magazine. - Odessa: PNPU. KD Ushinsky, 2020. - № 4 (133). - P. 7-14. 13. Byuro ekonomichnoyi bezpeky: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 28.01.2021 № 1150-IKH.