Social Work with Addictions

Major: Social work
Code of subject: 6.231.01.E.080
Credits: 6.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Senior Lecturer Herasym H.Z.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: •Ability to develop and implementre habilitation programs for social work for clients with addiction; •Develop and implementre habilitation programs of social work for clients with addiction
Required prior and related subjects: •Prerequisite: Social policy •Co-requisites: Social work with children and families
Summary of the subject: Theories, models, etiology and clinic of addictions. Definition and epidemiology of addiction to psychoactives ubstances. Social theories and models of dependence. Roles that a social worker can play in working with substance-dependent clients. Psychological mechanisms of dependence. Counseling clients with addiction to psychoactive substances. Models of work with clients addicted to psychoactives ubstances. Prevention and education in the field of work with addiction to psychoactive substances. Social policy in the field of alcoholism and drug addiction and its connection with social work.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control: (40%): recitation, speeches during practical classes. • Final control: (60%): exam (finalcontroltest, writtenform).
Recommended books: Haponov, K. D. (2018). Alkohol?nazalezhnist? i sotsial?nyystres: biokhimichni, neyrofiziolohichni i psykhosotsial?nimekhanizmyvzayemovplyvu. Ukrayins?kyyvisnykpsykhonevrolohiyi, 26(1), 94. •Starkov, D. YU. (2014). Osoblyvostisotsial?nohosuprovodusimey z alkohol?noyuzalezhnistyu. Aktual?niproblemypsykholohiyi, 35(7), 274-281. •Aharkov, O. A. (2014). Osoblyvostisotsial?noyiroboty z narkozalezhnymykliyentamy: teoretychnyyanaliz. Suchasnisuspil?niproblemy u vymirisotsiolohiyiupravlinnya, (15, Vyp. 281), 443-450. O.O. Serdyukta V.V. Burlaka (2015) Doslidzhennya z etiolohiyi, profilaktykytalikuvannyakhimichnykhzalezhnostey: konspektyosnovnykhstatey.