Methods of Teaching Sociology

Major: Sociology
Code of subject: 7.054.01.O.006
Credits: 3.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: prof. Picha Volodymyr Markovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. Ability to apply modern sociological concepts, concepts and theories to describe and explain social phenomena and processes. Ability to use classical and modern concepts of teaching and teaching methods in teaching. Apply modern sociological concepts, concepts, theories and results of empirical research to describe and explain social phenomena and processes. To diagnose and interpret current problems of Ukrainian society and the world community, their causes and consequences. Develop social research projects and justify their methodology. Be able to analyze empirical data using modern methods. Present the results of research in written and oral forms in Ukrainian and foreign languages. Prepare reporting documents and research papers based on the results of social research in accordance with the established requirements. Solve ethical dilemmas in accordance with the norms of professional ethics of the sociologist and universal values. Summarize the results of their own research in various forms (abstracts, articles, reports, presentations, etc.). Be able to collect, systematize and summarize social information in professional activities. Monitor and evaluate social projects and programs according to existing criteria. Specialized conceptual knowledge, which includes modern scientific achievements in the field of professional activity or field of knowledge and is the basis for original thinking and research. Critical understanding of problems in the field and on the border of fields of knowledge. Specialized problem-solving skills required for research and / or innovation in order to develop new knowledge and procedures Clear and unambiguous communication of own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to experts and non-specialists, in particular, to students Management of work or learning processes that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches Responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and / or evaluating the performance of teams and teams Ability to continue studies with a high degree of autonomy
Required prior and related subjects: co-requisite: • Analysis of categorical data • Sociology of postmodernism and globalization • Sociology of sociology • Modern Ukrainian society: a sociological analysis • Modern Ukrainian society as a society of risk
Summary of the subject: Teaching methods as a pedagogical discipline. Sociological disciplines: their types and features of teaching. Preparing a teacher for a sociology class. Preliminary preparation of the student for employment. Methods of lectures, seminars and practical classes. Rules of communication between teacher and student. Methods of activating the cognitive activity of students. Independent work of students. Research work of students. Types of educational and scientific works and their place in the study of sociological disciplines. Distance learning and its features. Types of control over the educational work of students. Teacher and student feedback and its role in student-centered learning. Academic integrity as a problem in teaching sociological disciplines.
Assessment methods and criteria: • oral interviews, participation in discussions and interactive exercises, presentation of the study project (40%) • final control test, written form (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Ivanov A.Iu. Metodychna rozrobka iz sotsiolohii «Innovatsiini metody vykladannia sotsiolohii» [Elektronnyi resurs] / A.Iu. Ivanov. – 2018. = Rezhym dostupu do resursu : https: // (in Ukrainian) 2. Malakhova Zh.D. Vykladannia sotsiolohii: dosvid innovatsiinykh pryiomiv. Navch. posib. / Zh.D.Malakhova, V.M. Ovcherenko. – K.: TsUP, 2008. – 280 s. (in Ukrainian) 3. Netradytsyonnыe metodы prepodavanyia sotsyolohyy. Uchebno-metodycheskoe posobye dlia prepodavatelei / pod red. M.D.Kovalovoi. – Kharkov, 1997. – 187 s. (in Russian) 4. Praktykum z sotsiolohii: Navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv. Kolektyv avtoriv: Pachkovskyi Yu.F., Picha V.M., Savka V.Ie. ta in. Za red. V.M.Pichi. – Lviv: «Mahnoliia 2006», 2012. – 368 s. (in Ukrainian) 5. Sotsiolohiia. Zahalnyi kurs. Pidruchnyk. Kolektyv avtoriv: V.M.Picha, L.D.Klymanska, V.Ie.Savka ta in. / Za red. d.s.n., prof. V.P.Pichi.– Lviv: «Mahnoliia 2006», 2017. – 293 s. (in Ukrainian) 6. Spetsialni ta haluzevi sotsiolohii: Navchalnyi posibnyk. Avtorskyi kolektyv: L.D. Klymanska, L.Ie.Klos, V.Ie.Savka ta in. Za zah. red. V.M.Pichi. – Lviv: «Novyi Svit-2000», 2019. - 422 s. (in Ukrainian) 7. Sotsiolohiia: terminy, poniattia, personalii. Navchalnyi slovnyk-dovidnyk. Ukladachi: V.M.Picha, N.V.Kovalisko, V.Ie.Savka ta in. Za zah. red. V.M.Pichi.– Lviv: «Novyi Svit-2000», 2019. 480 s. (in Ukrainian) 8. Shostak S., Girouard J., Cunningham D. Cadge W. Teaching Graduate and Undergraduate Research Methods : A Multipronged. Departmental Initiative 9. Ferreira C. M., Serpa S. Challenges in the Teaching of Sociology in HigherEducation. Contributions to a Discussion // Societies, 7(4), 30.