Communicative Management in a Risk Situation

Major: Sociology
Code of subject: 7.054.01.E.020
Credits: 6.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: PhD Political Science, аssociate Professor of Sociology and Social Work Makukh Oksana
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to apply basic methods of communicative management in risk situations. Apply modern sociological concepts, concepts, theories and results of empirical research to describe and explain social phenomena and processes. Specialized conceptual knowledge, including modern scientific achievements in the field of professional activity or industry. knowledge and is the basis for original thinking and research. Critical understanding of problems in the field and on the border of fields of knowledge. Specialized problem-solving skills required for research and / or innovation in order to develop new knowledge and procedures. Ability to integrate knowledge and solve complex problems in broad or multi-disciplinary contexts. Ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments in the presence of incomplete or limited information, taking into account aspects of social and ethical responsibility. Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. Management of work or learning processes that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches. Responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and / or evaluating the performance of teams and teams. Ability to continue studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: • Modern communication networks • Methodology of discursive analysis co-requisite: • Modern Ukrainian society as a society of risk • PR and socio-psychological technologies in the organization • Assistant practice • Practice on the topic of master's qualification work • Execution of master's qualification work
Summary of the subject: Communicative management: essence, functions, areas of application. Communicative management as a business process. Typological models of communicative management. Communication management at different levels of the organizational environment. Communication risks. Risks of the organization's life: political, economic, legal, unsuccessful lobbying, competition, complaints, reputational, loss of connections with target audiences, etc. Risk communication in the organization. Use of communication resources in conditions of risk. Methods of development of communication systems of the organization. Negotiations as a strategic element of communicative management in the organization. Rumors as an element of corporate communication. Corporate and personal image. Communicative technologies for building a personal and organizational brand. Reputation management in terms of risk.
Assessment methods and criteria: Work in practical classes: oral examination, use of interactive forms of learning, individual control work (40%) • final control (control measure, exam): written form (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Beamish, T. D. (2015). Community at risk: biodefense and the collective search for security. Stanford, California : Stanford Business Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press.(in USA) 2. Klymans'ka, L. D. (2013). Komunikatyvni tekhnolohiyi v realizatsiyi sotsial'no-politychnykh proektiv: avtoref. dys. … d-ra polit. nauk : 23.00.02. Lviv, Lvivskyj natsionalnyj universytet imeni Ivana Franka 3. Korolkova, E. M. (2013). Rysk-menedzhment: upravlenye proektnymy riskamy: uchebnoye posobiye. Tambov : Yzd-vo FHBOU VPO «THTU». (in Russian) 4. Kozak, M., Makukh, O. (2018). Wyzwania instytucjonalne i informacyjne «spoleczenstwa przejsciowego»: doswiadczenia ukrainskie na tle Europy Spoleczenstwa na rozdrozach. Polska i Ukraina wobec wyzwan XXI wieku; red. Patrycja Baldys, Katarzyna Piantek. Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Bialej. Bielsko-Biala, 58-74 5. Makukh, O. (2016). Politychni idei predstavnykiv merezhevoho analizu // Politychna dumka KhKh pochatku KhKhI stolit: metodolohichnyi i doktrynalnyi pidkhody : pidruchnyk : u 2-kh t. / za ah. red. N. M. Khomy; Lviv : «Novyi Svit-2000». Tom 1. S.478-501. (in Ukrainian) 6. Palamarchuk, V. V. (2016). Stratehii pokrashchennia imidzhu orhanizatsii v umovakh innovatsiinoho rozvytku. Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini, № 32. S. 23-28(in Ukrainian) 7. Stavchenko, S. (2017). Kryzova komunikatsiia i ryzyk-komunikatsiia u politychnomu protsesi: spilne ta osoblyve. European Political and Law Discourse, Vol. 4, Issue 4. S. 129-135 (in Ukrainian) 8. Vasyl'chenko, M. I, Hryshko, V. V. (2018). Komunikatyvnyi menedzhment: navchalnyi posibnyk. Poltava, PoltNTU. 228 s. (in Ukrainian)