Further Mathematics

Major: Civil Security
Code of subject: 6.263.00.O.003
Credits: 6.00
Department: Mathematics
Lecturer: Lubov Kolyasa
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of the study of the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: • ZS7. Ability to use the laws of higher mathematics and physics in the analysis and solution of professional problems. • Ability to organize monitoring of sources of emergencies and analyze its results. • Develop scientifically sound recommendations for measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies.
Required prior and related subjects: - General Mathematics. School level; - Calculus; - Linear algebra and analytic geometry; - Physics; - Сhemistry
Summary of the subject: The academic discipline "Hight Mathematics" consists of sections "Linear algebra and analytical geometry" and "Mathematical analysis". In the section "Linear algebra and analytic geometry" we consider the following topics: 1. Matrices. 2. Determinants. 3. Systems of linear equations. 4. Elements of vector algebra. 5. Basic problems of analytic geometry on a plane and in space. The section "Mathematical analysis" consists of the topics: 1. Functions of one variable. 2. Functions of many variables. 3. Primary and undetermined integral. 4. Double integral.
Assessment methods and criteria: Student knowledge testing is carried out by means of oral questioning in practical classes, control and independent work in the virtual of learning environment, the terminologicals of dictations, individual calculation and graphic works. Current control - 30 points; Examination Control - 70 points; Total for discipline - 100 points.
Recommended books: 1. Коломієць В.О. та ін. Збірник задач з математичного аналізу. Част. 1, Львів, НУ “ЛП”, 2001. 2. Рудавський Ю.К., Коломієць В.О. та ін. Збірник задач з математичного аналізу. Част.2, Львів, НУ “ЛП”, 2004. 3. Овчинников П.П. Вища математика: підручник. У 2 кн./ Овчинников П.П., Яремчук Ф.П., Михайленко В.М. .– К.: Техніка, 2003. 4. Вища математика: підручник. У 2 кн./ Призва Г.Й., Плахотник В.В., Гординський Л.Д. та ін.; за ред. Кулініча Г.Л.– К.: Либідь, 2003. 5. Рудавський Ю.К. та ін. Математичний аналіз. – Львів: Вид-во Нац. ун-ту “Львівська політехніка”, 2002. 6. Шкіль В.П. Курс математичного аналізу. – К.: Наук. думка, 1995. 7. Берман Г.Н. Сборник задач по курсу математического анализа. М.: Наука, 1985. 8. Кудрявцев В.А., Демидович Б.П. Краткий курс высшей математики. – М,, 1985. 9. Гмурман В.Е. Руководство к решению задач по теории вероятности и математической статистике. Высшая школа, 1999.