Safety of Production Processes in the Field of Mechanical Engineering

Major: Civil Security
Code of subject: 6.263.07.E.085
Credits: 8.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Stupnytska N.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know: 1. Analyze social phenomena and processes at the level necessary for professional activity, to know the normative legal principles of civil protection, occupational safety, issues of regulatory regulation of measures in the field of civil protection and man-made safety of objects and territories (PH03). 2. Apply the knowledge of the legal foundations of civil protection, labor protection in practical activity (PH4). 3. Explain the processes of influence of harmful and dangerous factors that arise in the event of a dangerous event; Apply theory of protection of the population, territories and the environment from the affectional factors of emergency sources necessary for the professional activity of mathematical and natural sciences (PH06). 4. Choose optimal measures and means aimed at reducing professional risk, labour protection, prevention of emergency situations (PH07). Be able: 1. Develop and use technical documentation, in particular with the use of modern information technologies (pH10). 2. Determine physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological harmful, industrial factors and analyze the safety of production equipment (pH11). 3. Classify substances, materials, products, processes, services and business entities in the degree of their danger (pH13). 4. Identify the hazards and possible sources, assess the probability of emergence of dangerous events and their consequences (pH14).
Required prior and related subjects: Pre-requisites: Fundamentals of Labour Safety, Life Safety
Summary of the subject: Labor Protection System for Machine-Building Enterprise. Preparation of documents for the determination and accounting of harmful and dangerous industrial factors. Organization and coordination of labor protection works. The state of labor safety in mechanical engineering. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial premises and jobs. Security requirements for equipment and tools in mechanical engineering. Equipment safety. Security requirements for the main group of metalworking machines. Security requirements for the main technological processes of machine-building enterprise. Security during welding fire work. Security while working with chemicals. Labor safety during loading and unloading works.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control - (50%): written reports of practical work (30%); a written report of settlement and graphic works (20%) Examination control (50 %): examination work – in written form by the theoretical tasks and in oral form by the interviewing of theoretical material of the course
Recommended books: 1. Закон України «Про загальнообов’язкове державне соціальне страхування.» за № 2443-VIIІ від 22.05.2018 2. П.Пістун, Р.Є.Стець, І.О. Трунова Охорона праці в галузі машинобудування Навч. посібник.- Суми „Університетська книга” 2011,- 557 с. 3. Правила охорони праці під час холодного оброблення металів. 05.11.2013. 4. НПАОП 28.0-1.34-14. Правила охорони праці під час електрохімічної обробки металів