Introduction to Field Practice

Major: Civil Security
Code of subject: 6.263.00.O.017
Credits: 3.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: PhD, docent Vakhula Orest Myronovych
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • ZU2. Ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge.
Required prior and related subjects: - Legislation in the field of occupational safety and civil protection - Electrical engineering, electrical safety and accident prevention in electrical installations - Safety of potentially dangerous technologies and production - Occupational Physiology and Hygiene
Summary of the subject: The study of the discipline involves the formation of students with the necessary competencies: general competencies: • ZK3. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis; • ZK7. Understanding and perceiving the norms of one's own safe behavior, safe behavior towards other people and the environment professional competencies: • SC1. Have the basic concepts of the civil security system, the approach to its management and the definition of the most important priorities in professional activities.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: Execution of individual tasks. Preparation of a report on the internship. Final control: Differentiated test.
Recommended books: 1. Державне управління охороною праці: [Електронний ресурс] : Монографія / Ткачук К. Н., Зеркалов Д. В., Ткачук К. К., Мітюк Л. О., Полукаров Ю. О.– К.: «Основа», 2013. – 348 с. 2. Ткачук К.Н., Москальова В.М., Кусковець С.Л., Зацарний В.В. Правові основи праці охоронної політики України. Навч. посібник. – Рівне: НУВГП, 2010 – 310 с. 3. Правила техногенної безпеки у сфері цивільного захисту на підприємствах, в організаціях, установах та на небезпечних територіях. Наказ МНС від 15.08.2007 р.№557.