Electrical Safety and Basics of Electrical Engineering

Major: Civil Security
Code of subject: 6.263.00.O.016
Credits: 5.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, associate professor Kachan Stepan Ivanovych
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes: ZS6. Explain the processes of influence of harmful and dangerous factors that arise in the event of a dangerous event; to apply the theories of protection of the population, the territory and the surrounding natural environment from the impact factors of the sources of emergency situations, necessary for the implementation of professional activities, knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences. ZS7. Choose optimal measures and means aimed at reducing occupational risk, protecting the population, preventing emergency situations. UM4. Determine physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological harmful, production factors and analyze the safety of production equipment. UM5. Determine the technical condition of external and internal engineering networks and structures to assess their compliance with the requirements of civil protection and man-made safety.
Required prior and related subjects: The previous ones academic disciplines: Physics Life Safety Chemistry Accompanying and following academic disciplines: Safe operation of engineering systems and networks. Natural and man-made threats, risk assessment. Safety of potentially dangerous technologies and productions.
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Electrical safety and basics of electrical engineering" is part of the professional training cycle of specialty 263 "Civil safety". Electrical safety is a multifactorial, multicriteria problem that is solved at different hierarchical levels at the stage of design, manufacture, installation, adjustment, testing and operation of electrical equipment, electrical networks and their individual elements. Electrical safety must be provided by: - ??the design of electrical installations; - technical methods and means of protection; - organizational and technical measures. Electrical installations and their parts must meet the requirements of electrical safety, that is, they must be made in such a way that workers are not exposed to dangerous and harmful effects of electric current. The normative basis of electrical safety is the system of electrical safety standards, as a subsystem of labor safety standards. On the basis of current standards, industry regulations (PUE, PTB, PTE), technical conditions and standards for certain types of equipment are being developed. The content of each of the named documents must correspond to the current level of understanding of a specific problem, based on the results of scientific research, design experience, operation, and statistical data on electrotraumatism.
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of assessing the level of achievement of the learner include: 1. Current control of the acquirer's work: - performance of individual practical tasks (20 points); - performance of laboratory works and their protection (20 points). 2. Final (examination) control: Completion of the examination control involves the implementation of written and oral components. The written component includes tasks of two difficulty levels (50 points): - tasks of the 1st level - test tasks; - 2nd level tasks – revealing the content of concepts and definitions, solving problems. Oral component (10 points).
Recommended books: Базова: 1. Малинівський С.М. Загальна електротехніка. Навчальний посібник. — Львів, 2001, 186 с. 2. Шегедин О.І., Маляр В.С., Теоретичні основи електротехніки. Частина 1: Навч. посібник — Львів: Магнолія Плюс, 2004. — 172 с. 3. Коруд В.І., Гамола О.Є., Малинівський С.М. Електротехніка. — Львів: Магнолія плюс. — 3-тє вид., перероб. і доп. — 2005.— 448с. 4. Маляр В.С. Теоретичні основи електротехніки. Електричні кола: навч. посібник / В.С. Маляр. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012. – 312 с. 5. Маліновський А.А., Никонець Л.О., Гапанович В.Г. Теорія та практика електробезпеки, навчальний посібник для студентів базового напряму "Електротехніка", Львів, видавництво НУ "Львівська політехніка", 2005, 243 с. 6. Панченко С.В. Електробезпека [Текст] : підручник / С. В. Панченко, О. І. Акімов, М. М. Бабаєв та ін. – Харків : УкрДУЗТ, 2018. – 295 с. 7. Кулаков О.В., Росоха В.О. Електротехніка та пожежна профілактика в електроустановках. Підручник – Харків: НУЦЗУ, 2010. – 569 с. 8 Пожежна безпека кабельної продукції: Практичний посібник / І.К. Домніч, Р.І. Кравченко, О.В. Кулаков, І.О. Солодовніков, І.О. Харченко. – Харків: УЦЗУ, 2008. – 214 с. Допоміжна: 1. Будіщев М.С. Електротехніка, електроніка та мікропроцесорна техніка: Підручник. — Львів: Афіша, 2001. — 424 с. 2. Чабан В. Електротехніка: Навч. Посібник. — Львів: Фенікс, 2002. — 296 с. 3. Гамола О.Є., Коруд В.І., Мадай В.С., Мусихіна Н.П. Практикум з електротехніки. — Львів: НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2008. — 212 с.