Industrial Automatics and Automation of Technological Processes

Major: Civil Security
Code of subject: 6.263.07.E.090
Credits: 8.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Fedevich Оleh Evheniyovich
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know the types of automated early detection and alert systems, general technical characteristics and requirements for the use of emergency management, communication and notification systems (PH19). 1.6 Ability to analyze production processes for compliance with labor protection standards, industrial safety
Required prior and related subjects: - prerequsite: Computer science. Engineering protection of the population and territories. - corequsite: Automatic control and observation systems
Summary of the subject: General definitions of automation. Historical information, the place of automation in the general directions of development of society, scientific and technical disciplines. Automation and technical progress. The main areas of automation: control, measurement, regulation, control, protection, signaling, etc., and ways and methods of achieving the goal in the technical sense from the point of view of development and use of new technologies. Classification and characteristics of the use of basic automation tools. Information converters, executive bodies and mechanisms. Microprocessors, logic elements, controllers and computers. Technological process. Technological operation. Description, characteristic parameters, unification of structural models of operations on production for the purpose of construction of schemes of automation of technological processes. Typification and identification of technological processes from the standpoint of automation. Automated process control systems. Structural features, basic principles of construction and classification features of automated control systems. Automatic control and regulation systems as subsystems of automated process control systems. Perspective directions of development and introduction of automated control systems of technological processes of different purpose in the system of the newest innovative technologies.
Assessment methods and criteria: current and final control is used. Current control in the form of a survey in practical classes, testing; final control - exam
Recommended books: 1. Проць Я.І., Савків В.Б., та ін. Автоматизація виробничих процесів. Навчальний посібник для технічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів. – Тернопіль: ТНТУ ім. І.Пулюя, 2011. – 344 с. 2. Бабіченко А.К. та ін. Основи вимірювань та автоматизації технологічних процесів. За заг. ред. А.К.Бабіченко: Підручник - X.: Вид-во ТОВ "C.A.M. 2009 р. - 616 с. 3. Технічні засоби автоматизації: Методичні вказівки до виконання курсової роботи для студентів спеціальностей 6.092502 всіх форм навчання/ Уклад. С.А. Киричук; Ю.Б. Бєляєв. – К.: НУХТ, 2005.. 4. Горобко Д.В., Дубровний В.О. засоби і системи автоматизації. – К., КДУТД. 2000.