Evaluation of the Ecological Influence of Tourism on the Environment

Major: Tourism
Code of subject: 7.242.02.M.018
Credits: 5.00
Department: Tourism
Lecturer: Terebukh A.A.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to develop and facilitate the implementation of regional programs for the development of sustainable tourism; be able to identify problem situations and suggest ways to solve them; be able to develop measures for optimal use of ecological and tourist resources; to know the negative consequences of mass tourism, the main characteristics of modern ecological tourism.
Required prior and related subjects: Ecological tourism, Management of sustainable tourism development.
Summary of the subject: Purpose, objectives and principles of environmental assessment. Scientific and methodological aspects of environmental assessment. Legal regulation of environmental assessment. The composition and content of materials for assessing the impact of the object on the environment in the design and construction of facilities. Post-project stages of environmental assessment. Documentation of environmental assessment and quality control of the environment Elements of the environmental management system at enterprises. Environmental assessment and decision making.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (50%) - practical classes, essays. Final control (50%) - credit.
Recommended books: 1. Андрейцев В.І. Екологічне право: Курс лекцій: Навч. посібник для юрид. фак. вузів. – К.: Вентурі, 1996. 2. Екологічний аудит: Посібник з екологічного менеджменту і екологічного аудиту / Шевчук В.Я., Саталкін Ю.М., Навроцький В.М. та ін. — К.: Символ-Т, 1997.— 221 с. 3. Про охорону навколишнього природного середовища. Закон України від 25 червня 1991 р. // Відомості Верховної Ради України. – 1991. – №41. – Ст.546. 4. Сорокіна Г. О. Екологічний туризм : навч. посіб. / Г. О. Сорокіна. – Луганськ : Вид-во ДЗ «ЛНУ імені Тараса Шевченка», 2013. – 206 с.