Foreign Language for Public Servants

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 7.281.06.O.008
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of regional and local development
Lecturer: Khrystyna Kokhalyk, PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Regional and Local Development, Institute of Public Administration
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Formation of foreign language professionally oriented communicative competence among students
Завдання: General competencies: • GC 04. Ability to improve and develop professional, intellectual and cultural levels • GC 06. Ability to professionally communicate in a foreign language Special competencies: • SC 05. Ability to represent public administration bodies in relations with other public and local government bodies, civic associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of ownership, citizens, and establish effective communication with them • SC 09. Ability to carry out scientific and research activities in the field of public management and administration
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes: LO 01. Know the theoretical and applied bases of public policy development and analysis, the basics and technologies of managerial decision-making LO 09. Communicate in a foreign language on professional topics, discuss problems of public administration and research results LO 10. Represent public administration bodies and other public sector organizations, and present the results of their activities to specialists and the general public LO 12. Plan and implement scientific and applied research in the field of public management and administration, including problem analysis, setting goals and objectives, selection and use of theoretical and empirical research methods, analysis of its results, formulation of reasonable conclusions
Required prior and related subjects: Foreign Language Foreign Language for Specific Purposes
Summary of the subject: The course focuses on improving students’ communication skills. Students should learn the professional vocabulary of the course; develop the ability to search and process the necessary information from various foreign sources using information and communication technologies; learn to reasonably express own opinions and lead a conversation on professional topics.
Опис: Topic names 1. The legislative branch of the USA. 2. The executive branch of the USA. 3. The judicial branch of the USA. 4. The legislative branch of Canada. 5. The executive branch of Canada. 6. The judicial branch of Canada.
Assessment methods and criteria: The assessment of students’ learning achievements is carried out on the basis of the results of current control. Knowledge assessment methods: assessment of completed tasks; oral and frontal questioning; evaluation of presentations; tests.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale. Current control includes the assessment of the following classroom and self-study activities: completion of topic-based learning tasks (40 points), evaluation of presentations (20 points), final test (40 points). Total for the discipline – 100 points.
Recommended books: Recommended literature 1. Англійська мова: публічне управління [Текст] : навчальний посібник / уклад.: О. І. Ванівська, Х. М. Кохалик. – Львів : ЛРІДУ НАДУ, 2016. – 164 с. 2. Англійська мова [Текст]: завдання для самостійної роботи студентів I – II курсу денної та заочної форм навчання спеціальності «Публічне управління та адміністрування» / уклад.: к. філол. н., доц. Ванівська О. І., к. держ. упр. Кохалик Х. М. – Львів : ЛРІДУ НАДУ, 2016. – 44 с. 3. Кілієвич О. Англо-український глосарій термінів і понять з аналізу державної політики та економіки / О. Кілієвич. – К.: Основи, 2003. – 510 с. 4. Foley M., Hall D. (2012). MyGrammarLab Advanced C1/C2. Pearson Education Limited, 2012. 412 p. 5. Grussendorf, M. (2011). English for Presentations. Oxford University Press, 2011. 76 p. 6. Wyatt, R. (2007). Check your English Vocabulary for Business and Administration. London: A&C Black, 2007. Information resources • FREELANG Ukrainian-English and English-Ukrainian online dictionary Authors/copyrights - • Online Business Dictionary • Business & Finance Dictionary - • Business - Merriam-Webster Online -