Public Management: Personnel Management and Leadership

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 7.281.06.M.011
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of regional and local development
Lecturer: Borshchuk Yevhen Mykhaylovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Purpose: to form the ability to apply modern concepts of public governance and public management in theoretical research and in the development of applied recommendations in the field of public management
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competences in students of education: General competences: Ability to improve and develop professional, intellectual and cultural level. Ability to make informed decisions and use modern communication technologies.
Learning outcomes: Learning results : Initiate, develop and organize the implementation of innovative projects at various levels of public management and administration Develop and implement measures to adapt and implement the best domestic and foreign practices of public administration bodies and other public sector organizations.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines: System of public management and administration Communications in public administration The following: Legal and information support of public administration
Summary of the subject: The study of the academic discipline involves a comprehensive understanding of the main theories and principles of the development of public management and administration, a critical analysis of the foreign experience of reforming public management, the creation of new system-forming knowledge and technologies in the field of personnel management of public authorities, which are necessary for solving an important scientific or applied problem that has nationwide significance, understanding of the processes taking place in the public sphere in the context of marketing theory; assessment of the organizational environment, both internal and external, including cultural, political and institutional, understanding the theoretical and practical problems of applying different styles of public governance and public management, as well as the context of cultural styles/types of administrative culture, understanding the nature of managerial leadership, as well as the phenomenon of administrative and organizational culture.
Опис: Topic 1. Basics of researching the concepts of governance and public management 1. Theoretical foundations of the study of modern concepts of public administration. 2. European principles of public administration and OECD recommendations on aspects of leadership and public service capacity. Topic 2. Modern trends in research, development and implementation of the concepts of "public governance" and "public management" 1. The essence of public management processes. 2. Concepts: HRM (human resources management), "chain of public values ??(PCV)", "service-oriented public service (co-prodact)"; "the citizen in the center of attention". 3. Meta-governance: the context of cultural styles/types of administrative culture. Topic 3. Research of organizational behavior and organizational culture 1. The concept of "organizational behavior" for research and development of public management. 2. Study levels and characteristics of OK. OK and leadership. 3. Modern methods of diagnosis of OK. Topic 4. Research of leadership in the management of public authorities 1. Classic and modern concepts of leadership. 2. New models of leadership. 3. Development of leadership characteristics for the formation of innovative and client-oriented aspects of organizational culture Topic 5. The task of reforming public administration in Ukraine in the context of modern concepts of public governance and public management 1. Actual tasks and tools of organizational development in the context of public administration reform strategies in Ukraine. 2. Modern experience of researching development processes in public authorities: methodological and theoretical problems and paradoxes.
Assessment methods and criteria: The main organizational forms of education are lectures, practical classes, independent work, performance of individual tasks and control measures. Students are encouraged to independently work on the literature and perform individual tasks using the technologies of information and analytical activity. The current control covers the implementation and defense of practical works, oral and frontal examination. Knowledge assessment methods: selective oral survey; tests, assessment of activity, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, etc.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The system of monitoring students' knowledge and skills includes: current control (in practical classes) – up to 40 points, including assessment of control work - individual educational and practical task (INPZ) – up to 10 points; final evaluation in the form of an exam (computer testing) - up to 60 points.
Recommended books: 1. Andrews, Matthew. New Public Management and Democratic Participation: Complementary or Competing Reforms? A South African Study // International Journal of Public Administration. 2003. Vol. 26 2. Recommendation on Public Service Leadership and Capability / OECD-2019. URL : 3. The_Principles of_Public_Administration / OECD-2017_edition. URL : http://ww ENG. pdf. 4. Zahorskyy V., Lipentsev A., Andreyeva S. Peculiarities of Public Administration Development in Ukraine in the Conditions of Democratic Transition: Status and Instruments // 32nd IBIMA : International Business Information Management Association Conference (Seville, Spain 15-16 November 2018). URL : 5. Lipentsev A. V. Aspects of providing high-quality public services in the context of modern concepts of public administration / Ukraine – Poland – European Union, from studies of systemic transformation at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. : monograph / edited by Henrikh Stronskyi, Janusz Golota, Orest Krasivskyi. Lviv – Olsztyn – Ostrolienka: Instytut historii i stosuokow w Olsztynie, 2014. P. 279–285. 6. 7. Lipentsev A. V. Organizational culture in the management of public authorities: science and method. development Kyiv: NADU, 2015. 50 p. 8. Lipentsev A. V., Vasilevska T. E., Knyazev V. M. Organizational culture: educational method. manual Kyiv: NADU, 2007. 53 p. 9. Lipentsev A. V., Fursa M. V. Etiquette in the management of public authorities: science and method. development Kyiv: NADU, 2016. 57 p. 10. Lipentsev A.V. Cultural styles of governance in the context of the concept of metagovernance: theoretical foundations of research // Effectiveness of state administration: coll. of science LRIDU NADU AVE. 2016. Issue 48. P. 24–48. 11. Lipentsev A.V. Modern approaches to the modernization of public administration: public governance and public management // Provision of administrative services: educational method. manual / comp. A. Lipentsev. Kyiv: K.I.S., 2013. P. 5–24. 12. What is good governance? / European Ukraine, Ukrainian Educational Institute. URL: [doc] 13. What is public policy? / S. V. Sytnyk, S. O. Teleshun, I. Reiterovych / edited by Prof., Doctor of Aviation. n., S. O. Teleshuna. URL: