Communications in Public Administration

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 7.281.06.M.013
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of public administration and public service
Lecturer: Candidate of Public Administration, Associate Professor Halyna Dzyana
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The goal of the discipline: the formation of modern theoretical and practical knowledge, abilities and skills in students, which make up the communicative competence necessary for the implementation of purposeful constructive managerial influence in state authorities, the establishment of communication between the organization and the public for the performance of managerial tasks for the implementation of state policy in various spheres activity and mastering of practical foundations, principles, mechanisms, skills in the activity of organizing the work of press services and relations with the public.
Завдання: ZK02. The ability to work in a team, motivate people and move towards a common goal, be a leader, act socially responsibly and consciously. ZK04. Ability to improve and develop professional, intellectual and cultural level. ZK05. Ability to make informed decisions and use modern communication technologies. SK01. Ability to establish social interaction, cooperation, prevent and resolve conflicts. SK02. The ability to organize the activities of public administration bodies and other organizations of the public sphere. SK03. The ability to organize information and analytical support of management processes using modern information resources and technologies, in particular, to develop measures for the implementation of electronic governance in various areas of public management and administration. SK05. The ability to represent public administration bodies in relations with other state bodies and local self-government bodies, public associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of the forms of ownership, citizens and to establish effective communications with them.
Learning outcomes: PH08. To be able to communicate effectively, argue one's position, use modern information and communication technologies in the field of public management and administration on the basis of social responsibility, legal and ethical norms. PH10. To represent public administration bodies and other organizations of the public sphere and to present the results of their activities to specialists and the general public
Required prior and related subjects: System of public management and administration Manager in the state administration system Organization of the activity of a public servant
Summary of the subject: In the process of studying the discipline, the peculiarities of communicative activity at different levels of the hierarchy of the public administration system are considered; intra-organizational and external communications of public institutions; communicative conflicts and their consequences; organization and holding of consultations with the public; planning and management of public relations; management of crisis communications. The acquired knowledge and skills can be useful for public managers at different levels of management for the organization and implementation of the latest information and communication technologies in the public sphere, establishing communication links in order to optimize management procedures, and creating a regime of trust in public authorities.
Опис: Information environment of public administration. State information policy Peculiarities of communicative activity at different levels of the hierarchy of the public administration system Intra-organizational communications in public administration Communicative conflicts and their consequences, ensuring conflict-free communications in public institutions External communications of public institutions. The concept of government communications reform Formation of public relations and press services in the structure of relations with the public Provision of documentary communication of press services. Peculiarities of the work of the press service with mass media Organization and holding of consultations with the public. Tools, procedures, technologies of public participation Implementation of strategic approaches to communication with the public. Public relations planning and management Communications during a crisis. Management of crisis communications.
Assessment methods and criteria: The main organizational forms of education are lectures, seminars and practical classes, independent work, performance of individual tasks and control measures. Students are encouraged to independently work on literature and perform individual tasks using technologies of information and analytical activity. The current control covers the implementation and defense of practical works, oral and frontal examination. Knowledge assessment methods: selective oral survey; tests, assessment of activity, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, etc.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The system of monitoring students' knowledge and skills includes: • current control of practical and seminar classes. The activity of the listeners in the discussion, the ability to analyze and critically evaluate the situation is evaluated. Attention is paid to the listeners' ability to conduct discussions, logically build and argue the answer - 30 points; • execution and evaluation of the control work of an individual educational and practical task (INPZ) - 30 points; • final assessment in the form of differentiated credit (computer testing) – 40 points.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks; 70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: Educational and methodical support includes methodical instructions for seminars, practical classes, independent work and the implementation of INPZ. Electronic versions of the basic training manuals are available. 1. Alyushina N.O. Business communication in state institutions (distance course): teaching method. materials; National Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine, Institute of Higher Education. qualifications of managers. personnel K.: NADU, 2015. 92 p. 2. Belska T.V., Degtyar O.A., Volyk S.V. Leadership and communications in public administration: lecture notes for students of specialty 281 - Public administration and administration; Kharkiv. national city university farm named after O. M. Beketova. Kharkiv: XNUMX named after O. M. Beketova, 2019. 51 p. 5. Dzyana G.O. Communications in the public sphere: teaching method. river for hearing special 281 "Public management and administration" / G. O. Dzyana. - Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2018. - 52 p. 6. Dzyana G.O. Establishing communication between the government and society during the period of reforms / Theory and practice of public administration: coll. of science pr. [Electronic resource] - Kh.: Publishing House of HarRI NADU "Master", 2017. - Issue 2 (57). - 216 p. Access mode: 7. Dzyana G.O. The role of communication in the implementation of the competences of public authorities / Effectiveness of public administration: coll. of science LRIDU NADU AVE. - Issue No. 2 (55) / by general ed. member-cor. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. S. Zahorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. - Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2018. - P. 72-80. 8. Public administration in Ukraine: problems and prospects for development: monograph / by general. ed. member-cor. NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Prof. V. S. Zahorskyi, prof. P. M. Petrovskyi. Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2021. 256 p. 12. Communications in public administration: lecture notes / [O. V. Shebanina, V. P. Klochan, S. I. Tyshchenko, etc.]. Mykolaiv: MNAU, 2018. 200 p. 15. D. Konyk. Strategic communications: a manual for civil servants / D. Konyk. - K.: World Bank, 2016. - 256 p. 16. The concept of government communications reform. Group on communication reform at the CMU. - 2016. 17. Korotich O.B. Communications in state institutions: education. manual / Korotych O.B. - Kh.: Harry NADU Master, 2012. - 200 p. 18. Dzyana G.O., Dzyaniy R.B. Management of communications in crisis conditions // Dnipro scientific journal of public administration, psychology, law: professional scientific journal. Issue No. 2. 2022. Public scientific organization "Foundation of Public Legal Initiatives". Odesa: Helvetica Publishing House, 2022. P. 13-21.
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