Standardization and Prognostication of Industrial Pollution Emissions

Major: Environmental Studies
Code of subject: 7.101.00.O.003
Credits: 6.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: PhD, associate professor Liuta Oksana
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To study and learn the basics of scientific forecasting of the level of environmental pollution from gas emissions into the atmosphere, wastewater discharges into rivers and water bodies, and the penetration of pollutants deep into the soil environment; to develop skills in calculating the maximum permissible emissions of enterprises into the atmosphere, soil and maximum permissible discharges into rivers and water bodies.
Завдання: general competencies: - INT. Ability to solve complex specialized tasks and problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the course of professional activity or in the process of study, which involves research and/or innovation, and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions and requirements. professional competencies: - PC 02. the ability to apply interdisciplinary approaches (methods of mathematical and computer modeling) for the purpose of standardization of production activities and forecasting.
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes: LO 03. Demonstrate awareness of the latest principles and methods of environmental protection, applying methods of standardization and forecasting of industrial pollution emissions. • Know the basic theory of the spread of pollutants in the atmosphere and the aquatic environment. • Know the elements of scientific quality management environment. • Be able to calculate norms of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in water, air and soil environment and sanitary protection zones and industrial plants depenting to thе classes of wastes. • Know the impact of weather conditions on the distribution of pollutants in the environment.
Required prior and related subjects: • Environmental impact assessment. • Environmental Control. • Legislation of Ukraine in the field of environmental management.
Summary of the subject: The tasks of standardization and forecasting in environmental protection (rational environmental management) are subordinated to the goals of optimal use of natural resources and preservation of valuable natural objects. To better understand the significance of the central issues of this course, here is a list of the main areas on which the international community of environmentalists believes their efforts should be focused. 1. Improving monitoring and the main consequences of environmental pollution, methods of environmental assessment and forecasting. 2. Development and improvement of modeling of environmental processes at the local, regional and global levels. Creation of models of the impact of pollution on ecosystems. 3. Investigation of the relationship between human health and the state (pollution) of the atmosphere. 4. Comprehensive research in the field of environmental protection regulation, including regulation on an international basis, on a regional and global scale. 5. Research on the sustainability of ecosystems and their ability to adapt to change. 6. Research on environmental pollution caused by the long-range transport of pollutants. Regulation and forecasting are among the defining components of environmental protection - a complex system of international, regional and local institutions and organizations that develop and adopt political, managerial, administrative and technical decisions aimed at ensuring optimal physical, chemical and biological parameters of the functioning of natural systems or, to use anthropocentric terminology, the environment.
Опис: Topic 1: Subject and theoretical basis of the course "Standardization and forecasting of industrial pollution emissions". 1.1. General characteristics of methods of scientific environmental forecasting. 1.2. Sanitary and hygienic regulation. 1.3. The concept of standards for air, water and soil pollution levels. 1.4. Effects of summation of harmful effects of pollutants. 1.5. Principles of environmental regulation. Scientific and technical standardization. Topic 2. Elements of the theory of processes of transfer and dispersion of pollution in the atmosphere and in the aquatic environment. 2.1. Classification and general characteristics of sources of environmental pollution by time and geometric characteristics. 2.2 Emission intensity. 2.3. Main tasks of emission standardization. 2.4. Transfer mechanisms (molecular diffusion, convection, turbulence). Topic 3. Statistical models of dispersion from point sources. 3.1 One-dimensional fixed space: instantaneous point source; stationary continuous source. 3.2. Generalization of statistical models of scattering from a point source to one- and three-dimensional space. Topic 4. Theory of convective diffusion dispersion of pollution. 4.1 Influence of the underlying surface parameters on the scattering intensity. 4.2. Dispersion of gas emissions through high chimneys. 4.3. Distribution of pollutant concentration under the emission plume. 4.4. Calculation of the maximum ground concentration. Topic 5. Influence of meteorological conditions on the efficiency of gas emissions dispersion. 5.1. Principles of empirical determination, graphical and computational methods for determining the vertical and horizontal dispersion of dispersion by graphical and numerical methods. 5.2. Models of gas emissions dispersion in the atmosphere through high pipes, taking into account the interaction of the flare with the earth's surface and under the inversion layer of air. Topic 6. Empirical methodology for calculating the efficiency of gas emissions dispersion into the atmosphere OND-86. 6.1. Basic calculation relations Topic 7. Standardization and forecasting of surface water quality in conditions of wastewater pollution. 7.1. Peculiarities of rationing of pollution of rivers and reservoirs by wastewater. 7.2. Types and categories of water use. 7.3. Limiting signs of harmfulness. Topic 8. Theoretical foundations of pollution dispersion and self-purification of the aquatic environment. 8.1. The main laws of dilution of SV (reverse) in water bodies. 8.2. Basic concepts of the theory of flow. 8.3. Features of dispersion of non-preserved contaminants. 8.4. Methods for calculating maximum permissible discharges taking into account self-purification. Topic 9: Standardization of pollution in the soil environment and forecasting of soil contamination. 9.1. Migration of contaminants in the soil environment. 9.2. Prediction of soil contamination.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Actual control - 30 points • Examination control: 1. written part - 60 points 2. oral part - 10 points.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: • Actual control - 30 points • Examination control: 1. written part - 60 points 2. oral part - 10 points.
Recommended books: 1. Люта О. В. Нормування і прогнозування емісій промислових забруднень: навчальний посібник / О. В. Люта, В. В. Сабадаш. – Львів: Новий Світ-2000, 2021. – 151 c. 2. Товажнянський Л.Л., Масікевич Ю.Г., Моісеєв В.Ф., Герецун Г.М., В.Д. Солодкий, Гринь С.О., Шанорев В.П., Сіренко В.І. Нормування антропогенного навантаження на навколишнє природне середовище: Навч. посібник. – Чернівці: Зелена Буковина, 2005. – 284 с. 3. Лаврик В.І. Моделювання і прогнозування стану довкілля: Підручник. – К.: Вид. дім “Академія”, 2010. – 400 с. 4. Войцицький А.П. Нормування антропогенного навантаження на природне середовище. Конспект лекцій, - Житомир: ДАУ, 2005. -132 с. 5. Джигирей B.C., Сторожук В.М., Яшок Р.А. Основи екології та охорона навколишнього природного середовища. Навчальний посібник, - Львів: Афіша, 2004 - 272 с 6. Тарасова В.В., Малиновський А.С., Рибак М.Ф. Екологічна стандартизація і нормування антропогенного навантаження на природне середовище Навчальний посібник. - К: Центр учбової літератури, 2007. – 276 с. 7. Нормування антропогенного навантаження на навколишнє середовище. Частина 1. Нормування інгредієнтного забруднення: навчальний посібник / Петрук В. Г., Васильківський І. В., Іщенко В. А., Петрук Р. В., Турчик П. М. – Вінниця : ВНТУ, 2013. – 253 с.