Climate Management

Major: Environmental Studies
Code of subject: 7.101.02.E.032
Credits: 4.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: PhD, Associated Professor Oksana Liuta
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program Competencies: - Ability to solve complex specialized tasks and problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of nature in professional activities or in the learning process that involve research and / or innovation and are characterized by complex and uncertain conditions and requirements. - Acquire knowledge of the consequences of climate change and possible ways to adapt society through effective public management. Program Learning Outcomes: - The ability to identify environmental risks associated with climate change based on monitoring studies and develop strategies to effectively manage them.
Required prior and related subjects: • Meteorology and climatology; • Climate Change Adaptation Strategy • Standardization and Prognostication of Industrial Pollution Emissions • Ecological management and audit • Legislation of Ukraine in the field of Environmental Management • Analysis of anthropogenic factors of climate change
Summary of the subject: Global climate change. Causes of climate change. Global trends of climate change. Climate change scenarios to the mid-21st century. Consequences of climate change for the most vulnerable economic sectors: agriculture, forestry and water management. The consequences of climate change for the energy sector. The health impacts of climate change. International experience of climate change adaptation and the possibility of its application in Ukraine. The strategy of the European Union on adaptation to climate change. State policy in the field of climate change. Priority measures for adaptation to climate change. General approaches to climate change adaptation: national, regional and local levels. Standardization of activities for adaptation to global climate change. Climate change adaptation tools at the international level.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Actual control of practical work - 30 points. • Examination control: - written component - 60 points - oral component - 10 points
Recommended books: 1. Проценко Г.Д. Метеорологія та кліматологія: Навчальний посібник. – К. 2007. – 265с. 2. Єременко І., Винярська М., Мельник Ю. Кліматична політика України:енергетична складова: К: Представництво Фонду ім. Г. Бьолля в Україні, 2019. – 43 с. 3. С. П. Іванюта, О. О. Коломієць, О. А. Малиновська, Л. М. Якушенко. Зміна клімату: наслідки та заходи адаптації: аналітична доповідь. К.: НІСД, 2020. – 110 с. 4. Л. В. Паламарчук, С. В. Краковська. Регіональні зміни клімату України: Методичні вказівки до навчального курсу для студентів географічного факультету спеціальності «Метеорологія та кліматологія». – К. : Прінт-Сервіс, 2018. – 90 с. 5. С. А. Балюка, В. В. Медведева, Б. С. Носка Адаптація агротехнологій до змін клімату: ґрунтово-агрохімічні аспекти. - Харків: 2018. – 363 с.