Workshop on Writing of Scientific Publications, Conference Proceedings and Presentation of Scientific Reports

Major: Environmental Studies
Code of subject: 7.101.00.O.011
Credits: 6.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: Doctor of Science, Professor Gumnitsky Yaroslav
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The aim of the discipline is to develop students' knowledge of generalising the scientific results obtained and comparing them with the materials published on the subject. The methodology of scientific work, comparison with the research of other authors, mathematical generalisation of experimental results are presented.
Завдання: INT. Ability to solve complex tasks and problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the course of professional activity or in the process of study, which involves research and/or innovation, and is characterised by complexity and uncertainty of conditions and requirements. К02. Ability to make informed decisions. К06. Ability to search, process and analyse information from various sources. К13. Ability to communicate knowledge and own conclusions to specialists and non-specialists. К17. Ability to independently develop environmental projects through the creative application of existing and generation of new ideas.
Learning outcomes: ПР04. To know the legal and ethical standards for evaluating professional activities, developing and implementing socially significant environmental projects in the face of conflicting requirements. ПР08. To be able to communicate clearly and unambiguously professional knowledge, own justifications and conclusions to specialists and the general public. ПР 11. To be able to use modern information resources on ecology, nature management and environmental protection. ПР 16. To choose the optimal strategy of management and/or environmental management depending on environmental conditions. ПР20. To know the basics of environmental research and environmental impact assessment.
Required prior and related subjects: • Climate change adaptation strategy • Ukrainian legislation in the field of environmental management • Regulation and forecasting of industrial pollution emissions
Summary of the subject: The discipline is based on the disclosure of the structure of a formalised research and its presentation in the form of a scientific article for a journal or collection of scientific papers. The form of submission of conference abstracts and preparation of scientific reports on research results is presented.
Опис: Classification of Sciences. Classification of the main areas of ecology. The methodology of scientific research. Research work of students. Organization of the scientific and technical documentation. Features information retrieval. Making publications. Special methods of observing the pollution of the environment. Modern methods of environmental conditions. Basics of experimental studies. Examples of research topics: Intensification of wastewater treatment from solid phase. Remediation of contaminated soils caused by military operations. Use of renewable energy sources. Adsorption methods of liquid medium purification from heavy metals. Application of membrane technologies in environmental protection.
Assessment methods and criteria: According to the work program, the educational process is carried out in the following forms: - lecture classes; - preparation of reports on the topic of seminar classes and speeches at seminars. - the student's independent processing of educational material using lecture notes and basic educational literature, work with reference books, documents, regulatory and legal acts; - performance of individual control work; - control of all types of student activities.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: • Current control, oral examination (40%) • Final control (control measure, Test), written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Клименко М.О., Прищепа А.М., Вознюк Н.М. Моніторинг довкілля. – К. , «Академія», 2006 – 360 с. 2. Лисиця А.В. Біохімія. Практикум. Навчальний посібник - Суми. Університетська книга, 2009 р. - 239 с. 3. Тарасова В.В., Малиновський А.С., Рибак М.Ф. Екологічна стандартизація і нормування. – Київ, Центр учбової літератури, 2007р. - 276 с. 4. Більченко М.М. Лабораторний практикум з аналітичної хімії. Кількісний аналіз. Навчальний посібник. - Суми. Університетська книга, 2007 р. - 142 с. 5. Бардіж Н.І. та інш. Лабораторний практикум з неорганічної хімії. Навчальний посібник. - К:. «Дія», 2005 р. - 216 с.